Tag Archives: health

Poor Little Sick Girl

My little Ellie is sick along with myself, Alexander, and Alex.
Her poor little nose is running nonstop, she is crabby (which is soooo not her style), and she is lethargic.

I wish I could make her better in an instant.

I’ve been nursing her on command to both nourish and comfort her, using chest rubs, saline drops, and we are all keeping ourselves armed with Boogie Wipes, and there is also the electric nasal aspiratior that has been a godsend (but not fun to clean).

Although I hate seeing her so miserable, it has been a blessing in disguise because all she wants to do is snuggle and this mommy loves to snuggle my kidlets, even if it means I will end up covered in snot and tears, I will take it!

This is what the last 24 hours have looked like.

So again, if you are wondering where I am and what I have been up to, this is it.

I am hoping to get some work done tonight and tomorrow and get completely caught up over the weekend!

**Fingers Crossed**

Gentle Reminders

In light of recent events, I wanted to take a moment and get up on my soapbox and have a chat with all of you.

As you know, a woman who is very near and dear to my heart and family, was recently diagnosed with cancer.  We don’t have all of the facts yet but what we do know if that it started as ovarian cancer.  As you may know, ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women and it causes more deaths that any other type of female reproductive cancer.

I now have 2 friends in my life who have been diagnosed with this horrible disease after having skipped over their annual exam time and time and time again.  One of my friends was lucky enough to have caught it before it spread any further, the other has not been so lucky.

I CANNOT stress enough the importance of an annual physical and exam.  Also, for those of you who are older, be sure to get a mammogram and know your breast cancer facts as well.

So, check your calender and find out when your last exam was.  If it has been more than 1 year, pick up the phone and make an appointment today!

Okay, I’m done yelling at you.

Thanks for listening!



Poor Little Sick Boy

My poor little Alexander is sick.
He hasn’t been himself since last Tuesday.
On Tuesday we all had a stomach bug that was not pleasant.
He started coughing really bad Wednesday night.
By Thursday he added a fever to the mix.
By Friday we had a cough, fever, running nose and puking.
Saturday night after a day of dosing with Triaminic for the cough and Tylenol for his fever he was coughing so hard he kept waking himself up and he his fever just wasn’t going away, he was sweating and he was freezing.
We found ourselves in the ER around 11:30 pm.
Diagnosis – Bilateral ear infection.
We left with a prescription for an antibiotic.
Here we are, Tuesday morning and he is not doing any better.
The cough is getting worse and he is just miserable.
Looks like mommy is calling the Dr’s office for an appointment today!


Our sweet little Baby Ellie has a herniated belly button.
Thankfully it is small enough that the doctor thinks it will close by itself.
Just to be safe, she is being re-examined by our family doctor this Friday (mommy needs the reassurance).
It doesn’t really seem to have any affect on her other than the fact she went from an innie to an outie.
Either way, she is still just as adorable.

All in all Ellie is doing very well.
When we took her into the Dr. last week to have her belly examined she weighed in at 8lbs. 13oz.
I am very happy with the weight gain and I cannot wait to have her checked out on Friday and see how tall she is.
I know she has definitely grown because she is finally moving out of her newborn clothing and into all of the cute 0-3 month stuff she has!

Fingers crossed that all goes well at tomorrow’s appointment!
Hard to believe that tomorrow she will be 2 months old already!!!!

Dropping the baby weight and MORE!

Before I became pregnant with Ellie, I was headed in the right direction with my weight loss.  I kicked off 2011 with the plan of taking back control of my life and losing weight and getting healthy.  I was doing great, I had lost almost 30 pounds and then boom……we found out I was pregnant with Ellie.  Needless to say that was the end of my weight loss for the next 36 weeks.

Goodbye weight loss journey.

Hello healthy pregnancy weight gain.

Yes, this pregnancy I managed to keep my weight gain to a minimum and only gained 17 pounds.

Yay me!

This time around I was more cautious about what I was eating and how much of it I was consuming.  I didn’t want to end another pregnancy down and depressed and struggling to lose weight once again.

This time, I did it right.

I gained 17 pounds in the 36 weeks I was pregnant.

In the past month since Ellie was born, I have lost 42.

I don’t know how I have done it, but I did.

Well, I know that 6 pounds 2 ounces was Ellie, approximately 2 pounds was the placenta, another 2 pounds each for the amniotic fluid, uterus and maternal breast tissue. There is also the approximate 4 pounds of maternal blood and another 4 pounds of fluids in the maternal tissue plus another 7 pounds of maternal fat and nutrient stores.  All of that adds up to 29.2 pounds and then there is the added benefit that I am exclusively breastfeeding Ellie.

So yeah, I’ve lost 42 pounds in 1 month.

I couldn’t be happier.

Now I just need to lose at least 130 more and then I will be happy!

I can do it.

I am on the right track.

Now I just need to wait until my check up in a week and a half so I get the okay to start exercising on a regular basis again!

Here’s hoping I can stay on the right path this year!

(P.S. Did I mention that on December 24th, 2011 I celebrated 1 year of being smoke free???!!!)

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