Tag Archives: Ovarian Cancer

Gentle Reminders

In light of recent events, I wanted to take a moment and get up on my soapbox and have a chat with all of you.

As you know, a woman who is very near and dear to my heart and family, was recently diagnosed with cancer.  We don’t have all of the facts yet but what we do know if that it started as ovarian cancer.  As you may know, ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women and it causes more deaths that any other type of female reproductive cancer.

I now have 2 friends in my life who have been diagnosed with this horrible disease after having skipped over their annual exam time and time and time again.  One of my friends was lucky enough to have caught it before it spread any further, the other has not been so lucky.

I CANNOT stress enough the importance of an annual physical and exam.  Also, for those of you who are older, be sure to get a mammogram and know your breast cancer facts as well.

So, check your calender and find out when your last exam was.  If it has been more than 1 year, pick up the phone and make an appointment today!

Okay, I’m done yelling at you.

Thanks for listening!



Words of Encouragement – Can You Please Help?

Over the years, you have read things about my crazy best friend Natalie. Natalie and I have been friends for as long as we both remember. When my mom was younger, she babysat Natalie’s older brothers. As I grew up, Natalie became like a sister to me and her family is what I refer to as my second family, her parents are my other parents. To me, they are part of my family.

So….why am I seeking words of encouragement?
Natalie’s mom, Linda, the woman who has always been like another mom to me, the woman my kids call Grandma Linda….was diagnosed with cancer just over 2 weeks ago.
Last Monday she underwent major surgery to remove as much of the cancer as they could. After hearing everything the doctors did during her surgery, Linda has not been herself.
This cancer diagnosis is killing her before she has even had the chance to fight.
As of right now, we don’t know exactly how bad things are. What we do know is the cancer started as ovarian cancer and has spread to other organs but we are all hopeful she will beat this!

Now I have seen the power of prayer work in circumstances like these and I also know that words of encouragement from people in her life and complete strangers will help put her in the positive attitude that she needs.