Tag Archives: health

Things for Expecting Parents to Consider

Now that I have brought 5 kids into this world, I know that if I were to ever do it again there are a few things I would do differently and some that I wouldn’t change at all.

Being a mom of 5, there are plenty of things that have changed over the years, I’ve learned new things and if I could turn back time and put that knowledge to use, I would. Since I have yet to invent a time machine and I’m done having babies, I figured I’d share a few things to think about as you are planning for the arrival of your child.

Home Birth

During all of my pregnancies, I never once considered a home birth but after learning more about it and hearing of other friends experiences,  it is definitely something I would actually consider doing if we were to ever have another child.

Midwife or Doula

Towards the end of my 5th pregnancy, I was seen by a midwife at my Ob-Gyn’s office and my experience with her was great. It really made me wish that I would have gone the route of a midwife or at least hired a doula for not only the delivery portion of my pregnancy but for my post-pregnancy care as well.


Cloth Diapering

Another thing I wish I would have learned more about while pregnant is cloth diapering and invested money into what we would need to use cloth instead of disposable diapers. Although I know if can be more time consuming, I keep thinking of the money we could have saved with cloth diapering. 

If you are considering cloth diapering, I suggest searching for a cloth diapering group in your area on Facebook as they are filled with moms that are willing to share their knowledge and help new moms get started.


Now, my 3 youngest children were all fully breastfed babies until at least 1 year and I am so happy that I made that decision and wish I could go back in time with my first two kids and stick to breastfeeding. When I had Zack and Libby, I was young and didn’t know where to look or how to find the support I needed when it came to breastfeeding so I gave in early and switched to formula.

If you are considering breastfeeding, be aware that there are all kinds of programs and moms out there that are willing to share advice and be there for support should you need it. Honestly, if you want some support, feel free to email me and I am more than happy to help you!


Believe it or not, something a lot of expectant parents don’t think about in the beginning is transportation. With a new baby, you want to make sure you have safe, reliable transportation that can accommodate your new family. There are plenty of dealerships, like Speedway Autogroup, that offer a large selection of both new and used family friendly vehicles.


HIV in Women: Spotting the Stealthy Symptoms That Tell You Trouble is Brewing

Two-thirds of all new HIV cases in women in the U.S. are due to unprotected sex with an infected partner. Another leading cause is sharing needles that are infected for drug use. The worrying thing is, HIV symptoms can often be dismissed as they are mild, and an infected person can be passing the virus on to others, unaware of what they have contracted.

Anyone who thinks they might have been exposed to any STD, including HIV, should visit one of their local STD clinics to get tested. And there are also a number of symptoms to watch out for:

Symptoms in the Early Stages

After being infected with HIV, a lot of women during the early weeks may be asymptomatic. Others may suffer from flu-like symptoms that are mild, such as lack of energy, headache and fever, but these will often go away after a few weeks and can be dismissed as another type of virus.

Sometimes, it can take ten years for the most severe symptoms to start appearing, and during this time the virus can be transmitted to more people.

Skin Sores and Skin Rashes

Skin problems develop in 90 percent of people who are HIV-positive, with rashes being the most common one. Increased sensitivity to sunlight and irritants can occur when someone is suffering from HIV with rashes appearing as flat red patches with small bumps or flaky skin. Lesions or sores may form on the skin of the anus, genitals or mouth and can be difficult to treat. HIV-positive people are also more at risk of shingles and herpes but with the proper medication, the severity of these skin conditions can be lowered.

Swollen Glands

Lymph nodes can be found all over our bodies, including our groin, armpits, back of the head and neck. These lymph nodes are responsible for helping to fight infections as they filter harmful substances and store immune cells. When the HIV infection spreads, the immune system starts to work overtime and because of this, the lymph nodes become enlarged, creating swollen glands. This is often one of the first signs that someone is suffering from HIV and these swollen glands can last for many months.


Because the immune system is affected by HIV, it makes it harder for it to fight off viruses, germs and so on, which means opportunistic infections can take hold. These include hepatitis C, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Infections of the brain, digestive tract, kidneys, lungs, eyes and skin are also more likely in an HIV-positive person and treating common ailments also becomes more difficult.

Taking HIV medications and carrying out extra precautions, such as hand washing, can help to prevent some of the illnesses described from taking hold and leading to further complications.

Night Sweats and Fever

A low-grade fever may be experienced for long periods of time by people who are infected with HIV. Temperatures between 99.8˚F (37.6˚C) and 100.8˚F (38.2˚C) are what’s classed as a low-grade fever. Fevers are developed in our bodies when something’s wrong but what’s causing this isn’t always clear, and because this is a low-grade fever, those who aren’t aware that they’ve contracted HIV may just ignore this symptom. The fever can also be accompanied by night sweats which can interfere with sleep.

Reproductive Health

Reproductive health can be affected in women who have HIV, including the absence of periods or menstrual cycle changes. Yeast or bacterial infections may also be common and the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections increases. These include gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and human papillomavirus (HPV).

Women who are HIV-positive are also more prone to inflammatory diseases of the pelvis that can resist treatments.

HIV and AIDS – The Advanced Symptoms

Weight loss, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea in bouts are all common symptoms as HIV progresses. Other symptoms include muscle aches, joint pain, severe headache as well as difficulty swallowing, chronic cough and shortness of breath.

Further down the line, HIV can cause comas, mental confusion and short-term memory loss whilst the most advanced stage is called acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). When HIV reaches this stage, the immune system struggles to fight off infections. Furthermore, aggressive cancers that are difficult to treat are something female AIDS suffers are more at risk of.

The risk of HIV can be reduced by using condoms during sex and not sharing needles. HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids so unless you’re certain your partner is HIV-negative, you should always use protection.

Joshua Morton is at medical school and is keen to enter a career in community sexual and reproductive health in the near future. He writes articles on these topics, and hopes that his writings will reach a wide online audience and help answer questions, raise awareness and alleviate any concerns.

Controlling Your Cholesterol Levels

People have a habit of saying that past time was much better. It is in our nature to remember all the positive things that have happened to us in the past while disregarding all the issues that were burdening us during that period.

However you put it, nowadays, we live in a modern, scientific society where every product or service is at the tip of our fingers. We are able to attain high comfort even though we may have standard economic possibilities. Unfortunately, all of that comes at a price. This high living standard comes together with high physical expectations. We are working all day long, susceptible to stress and having little time for ourselves and our families. At the same time, we don’t have any time to train or take care of our bodies. This can lead to various conditions such as increased cholesterol and ultimately heart attack.

Cholesterol is type of fat which is produced in the liver, but it is also introduced into our system through food. It is important for the synthesis of hormones belonging to corticosteroid group among which are sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone). Besides that, it is necessary for the production of bile salt without which we can’t digest fat properly. It is also necessary for the formation of the cellular membrane. Given all of this, we can easily say that the cholesterol is one of the most important elements of our organism. We find it in our blood and 5.2 mmol\l is the maximum concentration of cholesterol in it.

Increased level of cholesterol is very dangerous for your health and together with diabetes, increased blood pressure and smoking; it is one of the main causes of various heart issues. When we say the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, we usually refer to LDL or low-density cholesterol. This is bad cholesterol, the one that causes all of the fore mentioned problems. Its concentration should be lesser than 3.4 mmol\l. At the same time, HDL is high-density cholesterol and it protects our arteries from LDL and blood clogs. Its concentration should be 1.6 mmol\l or above.

People that have a family history of various heart conditions, strokes, or those that are smokers, should start regularly controlling their cholesterol from the age 20. Even if your cholesterol level is in order, you should continue checking yourself on every three years. Females usually have a smaller risk of heart attack due to the influence of hormones, estrogen in the first place. Unfortunately, this is only true until menopause. After menopause, given that the level of estrogen is lower, they have same chances of heart issues as a man.

Today, you can easily control the level of cholesterol in your body. Have in mind that, in order to reduce the level of cholesterol, you will need to perform various changes in your life style. As you can presume, you should start with diet and avoiding fat and sugar food. Afterward, you will need to start exercising so you can reduce the level of LDL in your blood. Finally, you can use medicine for cholesterol which can be found in any online pharmacy such as YouDrugstore.com.



Understand, Recognize and Control Asthma Symptoms

It was until I was in my 20’s that I was diagnosed with asthma but when it happened, I was already a mom of 2, so naturally, I worried about my children having it as well.

Now that I am a mom of 5, I feel it is important to educate myself and others when it comes to health issues in children.

Here is a great infographic from FilterBuy.com to help better understand, recognize and control asthma symptoms in children.


A New Take on Life

I know, you’re probably like me and sick of people making resolutions and that whole new year, new me crap. Yes, I’ve said it a thousand times and never stuck to it.

And then I had an eye-opening moment. I stepped on the scale and saw a number that absolutely terrified me. (A number that I am not comfortable typing out or sharing with the world yet). 

It’s amazing how seeing a number on a scale can totally change your life.

Goodbye fast food.

Goodbye cookies.

Goodbye sitting around and working all day.

Goodbye processed foods.

Hello fresh, healthy dishes.

Hello mall walking.

Hello gym and working out at home every chance I get.

Hello smaller portions.

We didn’t kick things off at the start of the new year, we started on the 4th of January. 

In our first month, I’ve lost 13lbs and Alex has lost 17lbs. I haven’t recorded my measurements yet since I didn’t do my first ones until January 10th, so next week, I will check to see if I’ve lost some inches too.

I haven’t noticed any really change in the way I look but I can tell you this. I feel better.

I walk easier.

I move easier.

When I am standing up, I am not in constant excruciating pain after 30 seconds. 

I’m sleeping better.

I’m more active.

I’m enjoying my kids and my family more.

I’m proud of myself.

I just walked a mile….in my basement. Now, I kid you not, I’m going to go shovel my front walkway. I’m pretty sure if there was more light by my driveway I would shovel that right now too! All of this eating better and losing weight stuff has been great and I’m motivated to be more active every single day. Already down 10.6lbs since January 4th! Adios fat, unhealthy Anne, there’s no room for you anymore! #health #gettinghealthy#weightloss #exercise #getfit #fitbit #megalomommy

(Be sure to follow me on Instagram as @Anne54304 for InstaUpdates!)

I’ve got a lot to lose so the road ahead is long but you can bet I am going to make it, with my husband by my side every step of the way.  I have all kinds of goals to reach on this journey and one I am really looking forward to is hitting the water park with my family this summer.

On January 24th, Alex and I became members of Planet Fitness and had our first official workout date. I’ll admit, it was hard but I pushed through and I’m looking forward to keeping that going.

When we joined Planet Fitness, they gave us each a tshirt with the logo on it. I received a 3X (a very generous 3x) and I decided that this is the shirt I will take regular pictures of myself in and that I plan on making way to big for me on this journey.

Now, I rarely share pictures of myself but this time, I am going to.

Yep. That’s me. Are you in as much shock as I am? Yeah, I’m kinda big these days. 5 pregnancies and delicious food hasn’t been good to me. Oh, make sure you say hi to my 2nd chin and while you are there, say goodbye because I’m sending it packing.

Hope you’ll stick around and follow along for updates along the way.