Tag Archives: weight gain

Dropping the baby weight and MORE!

Before I became pregnant with Ellie, I was headed in the right direction with my weight loss.  I kicked off 2011 with the plan of taking back control of my life and losing weight and getting healthy.  I was doing great, I had lost almost 30 pounds and then boom……we found out I was pregnant with Ellie.  Needless to say that was the end of my weight loss for the next 36 weeks.

Goodbye weight loss journey.

Hello healthy pregnancy weight gain.

Yes, this pregnancy I managed to keep my weight gain to a minimum and only gained 17 pounds.

Yay me!

This time around I was more cautious about what I was eating and how much of it I was consuming.  I didn’t want to end another pregnancy down and depressed and struggling to lose weight once again.

This time, I did it right.

I gained 17 pounds in the 36 weeks I was pregnant.

In the past month since Ellie was born, I have lost 42.

I don’t know how I have done it, but I did.

Well, I know that 6 pounds 2 ounces was Ellie, approximately 2 pounds was the placenta, another 2 pounds each for the amniotic fluid, uterus and maternal breast tissue. There is also the approximate 4 pounds of maternal blood and another 4 pounds of fluids in the maternal tissue plus another 7 pounds of maternal fat and nutrient stores.  All of that adds up to 29.2 pounds and then there is the added benefit that I am exclusively breastfeeding Ellie.

So yeah, I’ve lost 42 pounds in 1 month.

I couldn’t be happier.

Now I just need to lose at least 130 more and then I will be happy!

I can do it.

I am on the right track.

Now I just need to wait until my check up in a week and a half so I get the okay to start exercising on a regular basis again!

Here’s hoping I can stay on the right path this year!

(P.S. Did I mention that on December 24th, 2011 I celebrated 1 year of being smoke free???!!!)

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Growing like a weed

Can you believe that little Miss Ellie is already 3 weeks old?
I can’t!
She went to see our family doctor, the fabulous Dr. J this past Thursday and we are proud to report she is growing like a weed. She weighed in at 6 pounds 8 ounces (that is a 12 ounce gain since her appoint the day after Christmas) and she is now measuring 20.5 inches which means she grew 2 inches since birth!
I cannot believe just how fast she is growing.
Yesterday we went to another appointment and had her weighed and she was up another 2 ounces now putting her at 6 pounds 10 ounces.
I am very proud of her and I am definitely not worried that my body is not providing for her properly because by these numbers we definitely know that it is.
It is also pretty neat to start seeing her fill out her clothes that she was drowning in a week ago.
Pretty soon we will be moving out of the newborn clothes and finally into the giant stash of 0-3 months clothing. I’m sure Ellie, being the little fashionista she is, is super excited about this. I can tell she is getting tired of wearing the same clothes over and over and over again.
We also received good news from the doctor that she doesn’t need to return until her 2 month check up since she has been doing so well at gaining weight.
Now if I could just keep her from spitting up all the time……
it’s a good thing the cuteness totally makes up for it!