Controlling Your Cholesterol Levels

People have a habit of saying that past time was much better. It is in our nature to remember all the positive things that have happened to us in the past while disregarding all the issues that were burdening us during that period.

However you put it, nowadays, we live in a modern, scientific society where every product or service is at the tip of our fingers. We are able to attain high comfort even though we may have standard economic possibilities. Unfortunately, all of that comes at a price. This high living standard comes together with high physical expectations. We are working all day long, susceptible to stress and having little time for ourselves and our families. At the same time, we don’t have any time to train or take care of our bodies. This can lead to various conditions such as increased cholesterol and ultimately heart attack.

Cholesterol is type of fat which is produced in the liver, but it is also introduced into our system through food. It is important for the synthesis of hormones belonging to corticosteroid group among which are sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone). Besides that, it is necessary for the production of bile salt without which we can’t digest fat properly. It is also necessary for the formation of the cellular membrane. Given all of this, we can easily say that the cholesterol is one of the most important elements of our organism. We find it in our blood and 5.2 mmol\l is the maximum concentration of cholesterol in it.

Increased level of cholesterol is very dangerous for your health and together with diabetes, increased blood pressure and smoking; it is one of the main causes of various heart issues. When we say the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, we usually refer to LDL or low-density cholesterol. This is bad cholesterol, the one that causes all of the fore mentioned problems. Its concentration should be lesser than 3.4 mmol\l. At the same time, HDL is high-density cholesterol and it protects our arteries from LDL and blood clogs. Its concentration should be 1.6 mmol\l or above.

People that have a family history of various heart conditions, strokes, or those that are smokers, should start regularly controlling their cholesterol from the age 20. Even if your cholesterol level is in order, you should continue checking yourself on every three years. Females usually have a smaller risk of heart attack due to the influence of hormones, estrogen in the first place. Unfortunately, this is only true until menopause. After menopause, given that the level of estrogen is lower, they have same chances of heart issues as a man.

Today, you can easily control the level of cholesterol in your body. Have in mind that, in order to reduce the level of cholesterol, you will need to perform various changes in your life style. As you can presume, you should start with diet and avoiding fat and sugar food. Afterward, you will need to start exercising so you can reduce the level of LDL in your blood. Finally, you can use medicine for cholesterol which can be found in any online pharmacy such as



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