Category Archives: Health

5 Easy Ways to Improve Bladder Health at Home

Do you get a lot of urinary tract infections? If so, you might be wondering whether there is anything simple you can change in your everyday life to prevent them in the future.

The answer to that question is “yes!” In fact, there are some very simple steps which can significantly improve your urinary tract health, and you can start doing all of them today.

1. Drink lots of water.

According to the Harvard Health Publishing at the Harvard Medical School, you should, “Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out bacteria in the urinary tract. Drink enough each day so that your urine is almost clear in color.”

So, that is one of the simplest changes you can make to your everyday lifestyle for better urinary tract health. Just drink more water throughout the day, and bacteria will be less likely to stick in your urinary tract.

If you are someone who has a chronic habit of not drinking enough fluids, it may seem like a lot at first. But as you form a new habit, you will get used to it.

2. Try Hibiscus and D-Mannose

Research shows that hibiscus and D-Mannose are two 100% natural supplements which can support urinary health.

You probably are familiar with hibiscus flowers, and may even have tried a food or beverage which included hibiscus flavoring.

As for D-Mannose, you may not be as familiar with that, but it is a naturally-occurring sugar.

If you want to get more hibiscus and D-Mannose, foods and beverages aren’t the most efficient way. 

Instead, you should consider taking a supplement like the highly-rated HARMONY D-Mannose UTI Supplement by Eu Natural to get them in a concentrated form.

This supplement doesn’t contain any artificial additives, binders or fillers, just the wholesome, healthy ingredients your bladder needs.

3. Adjust your diet.

There are a number of foods you might want to consider adding to your regular diet to improve bladder health.

Some of these include cranberries, blueberries, citruses, carrots, garlic and green tea. You can also add a probiotic to the mix.

With both the supplement and the dietary changes, you will achieve the best results if you stick with it over the long term. 

4. Follow healthy habits in the bathroom.

There are a couple of habits on the toilet which can help improve urinary health. The first is to make sure you have fully emptied your bladder before you get up. 

The second is just to make sure you wipe in the right direction, which is from front to back and never from back to front.

Both of these habits will help you to get rid of unwanted bacteria and avoid introducing new bacteria to the urethra.

5. Air things out.

Infections love moist environments, but they have a harder time thriving when there is open airflow.

So, if you are wearing tight underwear, pantyhose or tights, you are giving bacteria and fungi a moist, enclosed environment in which to thrive, which can lead to infections and also slow the process of clearing them up.

But if you switch to wearing loose cotton garments, or even avoid wearing underwear for a time, you air out that environment, making it less hospitable to bacteria and fungi.

Small Lifestyle Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Bladder Health

It isn’t fun being prone to urinary tract infections, and if you get them often, you may feel helpless against them.

But you aren’t. And now you know a few simple adjustments which you can make to your lifestyle which can help. Try taking D-Mannose and Hibiscus, eating nutritious foods and probiotics, switching to looser underwear and away from tights, and following best practices while using the toilet. If you maintain these healthy new habits over the long term, you may be surprised by what a difference they make.

Been injured? Try these 5 tips to help boost your recovery

Getting injured was probably the last thing you expected to happen, right? Whether you’ve been in a car accident or you’ve slipped, fallen or tripped and hurt yourself, the amount of time it can take to recover from injuries is incredibly disheartening. You just want life to go back to normal and enjoy time with your kids, your family, going to work to earn a living and do all the things that you love. Sadly, when you have an injury the best advice is to do exactly what the doctor advises you to do and keep a positive mental attitude. 

If you slipped and got hurt, you should probably consider taking legal action. The compensation that you may be entitled to could put you the road to rehabilitation, cover your medical expenses and support your family whilst you’re struggling to make ends meet. For now, consider the following ways you can help to boost your own recovery.

Follow your doctors’ advice

As mentioned above, following your doctor’s advice is probably the best thing you can do right now. Whether they’ve prescribed medication, exercises, surgery or regular check-ups you should indulge every request and follow through with every instruction given. If you don’t and you’re pursuing a personal injury case then you’re not only jeopardizing your recovery but you’re also undermining your case! 

Get plenty of rest

The body repairs itself when we’re sleeping. So, apply the same logic to recovering from your injuries, of course, you don’t have to sleep for months on end, but resting up and not exerting yourself will aid the process. Avoid putting any unnecessary strain (physical or mental) on your body and take this opportunity to rest and recuperate, as it will certainly help you heal.


Of course, you’ll need to speak with your doctor first before you start exercising again, but the health benefits of exercise are well known and getting your body moving and your blood pumping will do wonders for your mental and your physical health. You don’t have to hit the gym just yet, some simple yoga or stretching exercises will be enough to get you started. 

Eat for recovery

You’ve been through a traumatic time, so if anyone deserves that extra pizza and bottle of wine it’s you. A little indulgence here and there is a good thing, however, while you’re on the road to recovery you should also be indulging your body in the things it needs to help promote health and healing. Fruits and veggies, plenty of water, vitamins and minerals will all contribute to the healing process. Take the opportunity to try something new, you never know you may just find a new favorite.

Listen to your body

If something doesn’t feel right. If you’re in pain and it feels different to what you’re used to, or you feel like your body is trying to tell you something then reach out to your doctor. If you’ve been in an accident then it may take additional time for secondary injuries to manifest. Listen to your doctor’s advice. 

Why Spinal Health Matters? Facts You Should Know

Your spine is literally the core of your skeleton. It is the vital body part that keeps you standing erect and moving comfortably. Even a subtle injury to the spine can bring a host of problems that impact the quality of life. But spinal health is something that does not get attention until there is some major issue. What you really must know that spinal injuries are not just caused by accidents but can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle and bad posture as well. So it is something that you can completely avoid if you have awareness. Before trying to understand the steps for managing your spinal health, you need to know why it matters so much in the first place. Let us share some key facts in this context.

Structural support

You may not really realize that something as simple as standing straight is a result of the complex structure of the bones and spine. The spine, in facts, offers the support that holds you up. It transfers the weight of the upper body to the pelvis, hips, and legs. It also provides support to the internal organs, muscles, and the rib cage and holds them all together.


Besides structural support, the spine also gives your body the stability it needs to work as a coordinated whole. You can imagine it as a highly articulated structure that is supported by strong postural muscles. The entire system makes you capable of being stable even while your limbs are moving actively. So if you are able to maintain your balance even while standing on one leg, you have to thank your spine for it.


While your spine plays a key role in ensuring stability, it also gets you moving. Unless you have a good spine function, you may experience issues related to locomotion. Moreover, the spine ensures coordination and control during movement, which keeps you safe from falls and injuries while you move.

Shock absorption

Another reason why you should give extra attention to your spinal health is that it helps your body with shock absorption. The natural curve of the spine allows you to walk and run without damaging your intervertebral discs. If your spine loses this natural curvature due to aging, injury or wrong posture, it will not be able to protect your entire skeletal system from external shocks.

Neurological integrity

Apart from ensuring good physical movement, the spine also ensures neurological integrity. The neurological signals that travel from the brain to the body traverse through the spinal cord. Effectively, it plays a vital role in your body’s ability to perceive the environment and react accordingly. The entire system is also responsible for regulating involuntary functions such as breathing, gut activity, bladder, and bowel.

Considering these vital functions of the spine, this is one body part that you cannot afford to ignore. As Dr. Chad Woolner from Align Meridian explains, the alignment of your spine is the number one pillar of function for your overall back health. Even a minor issue with it can lead to major physical and neurological problems. What’s more, it may affect your mobility, activity, and quality of life. Now that you understand the implications of the compromise of spinal function, you would obviously want to know how to keep it in great shape.

Lifestyle tips for a healthy spine

A majority of spinal issues are caused by poor posture and lack of activity. Therefore, making some lifestyle changes can actually be the best strategy to protect your spine health. Here are some key tips that you can follow for a healthy spine:

  • Staying active is perhaps the easiest way to live healthily and helps to strengthen your spine as well. Make exercise a routine and include some stretching exercises to your workout routine. Such exercises bring flexibility and fortify your spine to make it capable of countering injuries and pressure of daily activities.
  • Manage your weight because every extra pound you carry pressurizes your spine and lower back area. Keeping an eye on your diet and having an optimal exercise routine will be enough to limit your weight within the healthy range.
  • Watch the way you lift heavy objects because using the wrong technique can damage your spine. If you need to carry something too heavy, get help instead of doing it alone.
  • Make sure that you get a good night’s rest because it enables your spine to recuperate from the stress it faces all day. Sleeping on your side is recommended to prevent pressure on the spine. Use a supportive mattress and pillow that promotes proper alignment of the spine.
  • Surprisingly, staying hydrated has a far-reaching impact on your spine as it maintains the fluidity in the joints and elasticity in soft tissue. Both these factors ensure that the spinal discs stay in good health and proper shape.

Treatment options for spinal health issues

Even a minor problem with your spine can have major implications. The pain can be excruciating and you may even lose your mobility. While pain killers may provide temporary relief, you cannot rely on them as a long term treatment option. This is because prolonged use of pain killers has serious side effects and their efficacy may decrease over time. Another option is spinal surgery but it is too aggressive for the early stages. The best way to deal with spinal health issues is physical therapy, which is safe, holistic and effective.

See a physical therapist even if you experience a minor issue or injury with your spine. Don’t ignore symptoms such as pain and discomfort in the back area. Timely and proper treatment can make all the difference in restoring your spinal health before things take a turn for the worse. A therapist with the right expertise and experience can diagnose the exact issue and devise a personalized treatment plan to get your spinal health back on track. What’s even better about this treatment option is the fact that the results are lasting. Moreover, a therapist can help you restore overall wellness in addition to maintaining your spinal health.

Sports for Kids – How to Get Your Kids to Be Active

Introducing your child to sports early on in life has definite benefits. You don’t have to be sporty to raise a sporty child. Be consistent, keep it fun, and your child will stay active well into adulthood.

From the minute she started to take the first steps, my daughter Ella loved to move about. She loves climbing over our couches and running around the house despite my desperate pleas. Her brother, Jayden is much the same way – He’s bursting with energy and is always ready to jump at the chance to have some good old fashioned fun.

While I’m not trying to raise a star athlete, I’m well aware of our country’s childhood obesity crisis, which has doubled for children ages 2 to 5 and gone up three-fold for kids aged between 6 and 11 years. For this reason, I’m committed to building a lasting love of healthy living and physical fitness.

The Benefits of Playing Sports

In today’s world, kids spend a lot of time glued to a screen. It’s a thing of joy to see your child out in the open getting fresh air and exercising.

Furthermore, studies show that the benefits of sports manifest much later into adulthood. Sports instil life skills far beyond any classroom could – Sporty kids develop a more positive body image, excel at schoolwork through middle and high school, and are unlikely to get into bad company and drug abuse. Kids also learn the value of teamwork, putting in the effort, and communicate better.

Sports also teach your kids a range of social skills – They make friends, learn how to deal with failure and how to lose gracefully. The determination that comes from striving for a win, is one thing. Learning to stay motivated and pick themselves up and keep training after a loss is huge.

Also, sports give your child the chance to grow into an all-around individual – They help them grow physically and also build a valuable character skill set necessary to thrive in the real world.

All these benefits, however, don’t mean that you need to enrol your child to a sports boot camp. Teaching the fundamentals is achievable by simply playing in your backyard. You can lay the groundwork for your child to learn vital motor skills such as jumping, running, throwing and catching by kicking a ball, swinging a bat, or playing tag. Learning the basics and having fun should be the emphasis.

That said, if your child wants to join a youth baseball team, check out the program, read about little league baseball rules, and speak parents of older kids for some honest advice.

Start Early, Start Late, Start Whenever!

If your kid wants to start early, there’s no harm in doing so – just don’t feel the pressure of throwing the kitchen sink at it because there are ample opportunities to learn and grow in the future.

Many parents believe in having an early start in sports, training with the best coaches, getting the best gear and rigorously training all year round to give their kids the best shot at success.

Lots of businesses have cropped up to cater to this need, which is now known as the “professionalization of youth sports,” tapping into the $15 billion youth sports market in the United States.

This specialization (focusing on only one sport all-year-round) has been shown to increase the chances of injury or burnout. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to let their children try out multiple sports and hold off on specializing, probably up until their early teens to avoid placing repeated stress on their muscles.

All things considered, keep the end goal in mind and remember why you enrolled your kids into sports. Was it so they could go pro? Probably not. Sports should be a source of happiness and fun. Make sure you emphasize this over anything else.

Smile Brighter Teeth Whitening Tips You Can Learn from Dental Experts

Your smile is one of the first things people see when they meet you, so you want it to be bright and beautiful. Unfortunately, many people are embarrassed by their smiles and try to hide their teeth.

Are you someone who doesn’t like to smile because you’re embarrassed that your teeth are stained or yellowed? If so, there’s good news. You can take steps to whiten your teeth and reclaim your confidence. Are you ready for brighter, whiter teeth? Here are the tips you need.

Use Kits to Remove Surface Stains

If you want to remove stains the way the dental experts do, consider getting a teeth whitening kit. There are a variety of options, including trays, strips, rinses, and toothpaste. 

Many of these products use mild bleach or abrasives to help whiten your teeth and remove problems on the surface. If the stains are deeper, however, you may need to visit Smiles Dentures Care Centre for professional help.

Enjoy Foods That Whiten Teeth

Did you know that eating certain foods can help you whiten your teeth naturally? Strawberries have a type of acid that is a natural tooth whitener. You want to be careful when using acidic food to brighten your teeth, though – leaving them there for too long can eat away at your enamel.

You can also choose foods that clean teeth as you eat them, such as apples or raw carrots. These healthy snacks are slightly abrasive and can help “brush” your teeth as you eat. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should skip your regular brushing. Dental hygiene is essential as well. Teeth whitening in London is also a great choice if you want to achieve whiter teeth in an instant.

Avoid Things That Stain Your Teeth

A good rule of thumb is that anything that will stain a white shirt will stain your teeth as well. If you can, avoid dark foods and drinks or brush your teeth immediately after consuming them. You can also drink with a straw, which helps liquids avoid sitting in your mouth.

On the other hand, lighter foods like chicken, rice, and fish are easy to eat, tasty, and don’t have the risk of staining or discolouring your teeth.

Chew Gum

Chewing low-sugar or sugar-free gum is a great way to help your teeth stay clean and white. Chewing the gum removes debris and stimulates your mouth to produce saliva. Saliva neutralizes acid and remineralizes your enamel, so your teeth are stronger as well.

You can even buy gum that has whitening properties, which gives you even more benefits. Gum is also a great way to burn nervous energy and can even help you focus as you work or study.

Maintain Great Dental Hygiene

Taking care of your teeth day-to-day is the most important way you can maintain a bright white smile. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly.

Regular dental visits will help you get your teeth cleaned more deeply than you can do at home. Your doctor will also detect problems before they become serious, such as recommending cavity filling before the tooth gets bad enough to need removal.