Tag Archives: Cord Blood Banking

Things for Expecting Parents to Consider

Now that I have brought 5 kids into this world, I know that if I were to ever do it again there are a few things I would do differently and some that I wouldn’t change at all.

Being a mom of 5, there are plenty of things that have changed over the years, I’ve learned new things and if I could turn back time and put that knowledge to use, I would. Since I have yet to invent a time machine and I’m done having babies, I figured I’d share a few things to think about as you are planning for the arrival of your child.

Home Birth

During all of my pregnancies, I never once considered a home birth but after learning more about it and hearing of other friends experiences,  it is definitely something I would actually consider doing if we were to ever have another child.

Midwife or Doula

Towards the end of my 5th pregnancy, I was seen by a midwife at my Ob-Gyn’s office and my experience with her was great. It really made me wish that I would have gone the route of a midwife or at least hired a doula for not only the delivery portion of my pregnancy but for my post-pregnancy care as well.


Cloth Diapering

Another thing I wish I would have learned more about while pregnant is cloth diapering and invested money into what we would need to use cloth instead of disposable diapers. Although I know if can be more time consuming, I keep thinking of the money we could have saved with cloth diapering. 

If you are considering cloth diapering, I suggest searching for a cloth diapering group in your area on Facebook as they are filled with moms that are willing to share their knowledge and help new moms get started.


Now, my 3 youngest children were all fully breastfed babies until at least 1 year and I am so happy that I made that decision and wish I could go back in time with my first two kids and stick to breastfeeding. When I had Zack and Libby, I was young and didn’t know where to look or how to find the support I needed when it came to breastfeeding so I gave in early and switched to formula.

If you are considering breastfeeding, be aware that there are all kinds of programs and moms out there that are willing to share advice and be there for support should you need it. Honestly, if you want some support, feel free to email me and I am more than happy to help you!


Believe it or not, something a lot of expectant parents don’t think about in the beginning is transportation. With a new baby, you want to make sure you have safe, reliable transportation that can accommodate your new family. There are plenty of dealerships, like Speedway Autogroup, that offer a large selection of both new and used family friendly vehicles.