Category Archives: I’m Knocked Up

25 Weeks

It is hard to believe that I am already 25 weeks pregnant.
I think what makes it so hard this time around is that I have somehow kept my weight gain to a minimum – right now I’ve gained right around 10lbs, which for me is damn good considering that my last 3 pregnancies I had probably gained almost 30lbs by now.
What can I say?
I’m happy.

Everything with little baby Ellie seems to be going well other than the fact that she is seriously stubborn. I am keeping my fingers crossed that at my next appointment on October 21st that she will be a little more cooperative and let us see her.

In the meantime, I have been looking a some pretty cute things that I can’t wait to pick up for her. It’s been so long since I was able to go in the infant girls department and purchase all that is girly but I plan on doing a lot of it.

I have also commissioned my friend Amber to create some cute little hats for bean and then of course a few for the other kids as well.  I can’t wait until they are done because I know they will be adorable!!  (Be sure to check out Amber’s creations in her Etsy shop.)

For now, here are a few things that I can’t wait to get my hands on for Ellie!

Source: via Annie on Pinterest

Source: via Annie on Pinterest

Source: via Annie on Pinterest

Source: via Annie on Pinterest

Source: via Annie on Pinterest

You can check out more of my favorite things by following me on Pinterest!

It’s A………….

Well, we are back from the doctor.
We made the attempt at a 3D/4D ultrasound but of course, since this child is so stubborn, we were unsuccessful.
The one thing we were successful at was discovering the sex of Baby Ellie and are excited to announce that we are definitely having a GIRL!

We are going to try the 3D/4D ultrasound again in 4 weeks in hopes of getting some pictures but until then, we will be out shopping for girly things!!

I’m Having a Bad Day

No joke.
Before noon today I managed to cry, scream, slam doors, throw things, yell and scold my child.
It has been a really bad day.
Being pregnant, emotional and hormonal doesn’t make matters any easier.
Put that all together and add potty training a 3 year old to the mix and you might just want to cry too.
Things have started to look up as the day goes on but I still feel like I could burst into tears any minute.
I hate days like these.
I REALLY HATE days like these.

Growing A Human

You would think that by now, you know after already having grown 3 other human beings, that this pregnancy deal would be a walk in the park.
It’s not.
I absolutely HATE being pregnant this time around.
That is probably because I am overweight and emotional, but this time is not fun.
Every part of me hurts.
And I mean, every. single. part.
I have absolutely zero desire to have sex.
My poor hubby.
I feel sorry for him, I really do.
I’m to the point where I am actually considering getting him a stand in wife to bang for the duration of this pregnancy.

Oh did I mention that this time around I am actually tired too?
Yeah, me.
The night owl.
All. The. Time.
I’ve slept more during this pregnancy than I have in the last 4 years combined.

It definitely gets harder to grow a human as you age.
I will attest to this.
Being pregnant in my 20’s was way easier.
The only comparison between past pregnancies and this one is the fact that I’m breaking out like a teenage girl just hitting puberty.
It’s bad!

Oh and why is it that in this pregnancy I pee more then I did with the others.
Seriously, we are talking a roll of T.P. a day just for me!

And to think I have AT LEAST 20 more weeks to go.

The only bonus this time around is that I’ve actually been keeping my weight gain to a minimum.
Here’s hoping it stays that way!!

Next Baby Ellie check-up is this Friday. Looking forward to discussing my swelling issues with the doc and hoping we get to see the little one again!

Until then!


The last 30 or so hours of my life have been an emotional roller coaster.
Yesterday at 3 pm, we had an ultrasound to check in on baby and make sure all is well in the womb.
Things couldn’t have been more perfect.
Our little one was happily flapping around those cute little arm buds and had a strong heartbeat.

By midnight, I was bleeding everywhere and being taken via an ambulance to the hospital.

Immediately I thought it was a chemical pregnancy.

Once in the ER I had a pelvic exam (which was BEYOND traumatizing but more on that story later).
The doctor told me that there was a lot of blood loss and my cervix was slightly dilated and told me I was having a miscarriage and there was nothing that could be done to stop it.

By 3 am they were sending me on my way home heartbroken and shattered to await the inevitable passing of the fetus that would happen over the next few days.

By 8 am when I woke up, the bleeding had stopped.
There was absolutely NO sign that anything was wrong.

As directed, I called my OB’s office when they opened at 9 am and spoke with the nurse explaining what had happened and what I was told to do.

After two more phone calls from the office and still no blood in sight, it was decided that I would come in at 2:30 for another ultrasound to see what was going on.

The results…..


There was our adorable little Ellie squirming and waving those little arm buds around just as it had been doing 24 hours before.

I met with the doctor who did a follow up pelvic exam and there was zero sign of miscarriage, my cervix was NOT dilated!

We still don’t know what caused all of the bleeding or what exactly happened.
What we do know is that baby is doing great and we couldn’t be happier!

Not only did we get to see the little Ellie, but we got to hear the heartbeat too! Beating strong at 175!

After experiencing all of this, I have to admit I turned to Dr. Google this morning only to discover a whole world of women online who were misdiagnosed as having a miscarriage as well and thanks to their stories I held on to the hope that our little Ellie would be okay all day and was relieved to find out everything is perfect!

World, meet Ellie.
Ellie, meet the World!