Tag Archives: sex

Rekindling the Romance

It is possible that this post may reveal things about my romantic life that you would rather not read about….mom, dad, and my sister.
Consider yourself warned.

As you are aware, I recently endured 36 weeks of pregnancy.
This was by far, the worst pregnancy I experienced.
First I was told that I had a miscarriage after some unexplained bleeding by the worlds worst ER doctor only to discover less than 24 hours that my baby was just fine.
Shortly after that I began experiencing horrendous pain in my pelvis and the surrounding areas making it difficult for me to do things I was used to doing on a regular occasion.
It was because of my uncomfortable pregnancy and the bumps along the way that my romantic relationship with the Alex began to fizzle.
Unfortunately…..the fire…..it is still kind of out.
Not only do I still find certain things to be uncomfortable, I am also having some self-esteem issues as well.
Following the birth of Ellie, I began to lose weight at a very fast rate. Normally, losing weight would make you feel good about yourself, for me, it has not.
And I am not sure why.
It probably doesn’t help that we are both sleep deprived, he works 3rd shift and sleeps during the day and we have a newborn bunking in our room……

Now I am still, very, VERY attracted to my husband and am hoping we can rekindle the romance….and soon!
I’m hoping that with the help of some candles and a massage kit from Eden Fantasys I can wake up this body of mine.
Right now, I just want my romantic relationship with my husband back!!

Growing A Human

You would think that by now, you know after already having grown 3 other human beings, that this pregnancy deal would be a walk in the park.
It’s not.
I absolutely HATE being pregnant this time around.
That is probably because I am overweight and emotional, but this time is not fun.
Every part of me hurts.
And I mean, every. single. part.
I have absolutely zero desire to have sex.
My poor hubby.
I feel sorry for him, I really do.
I’m to the point where I am actually considering getting him a stand in wife to bang for the duration of this pregnancy.

Oh did I mention that this time around I am actually tired too?
Yeah, me.
The night owl.
All. The. Time.
I’ve slept more during this pregnancy than I have in the last 4 years combined.

It definitely gets harder to grow a human as you age.
I will attest to this.
Being pregnant in my 20’s was way easier.
The only comparison between past pregnancies and this one is the fact that I’m breaking out like a teenage girl just hitting puberty.
It’s bad!

Oh and why is it that in this pregnancy I pee more then I did with the others.
Seriously, we are talking a roll of T.P. a day just for me!

And to think I have AT LEAST 20 more weeks to go.

The only bonus this time around is that I’ve actually been keeping my weight gain to a minimum.
Here’s hoping it stays that way!!

Next Baby Ellie check-up is this Friday. Looking forward to discussing my swelling issues with the doc and hoping we get to see the little one again!

Until then!