Tag Archives: ultrasound

Baby Bump Update: Week 32

Week 32 has arrived (and is almost gone) and it has been a week filled with wonderful news!

On Monday, we met with Dr. S the perinatologist and are happy to report that Baby Joey’s brain is absolutely perfect, his ventricles are measuring within normal limits and according to her they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  Of course, this news made us very, VERY happy and it was definitely a great Monday morning!

Not only did we get great news, we also go some great shots of the little guy and I am so excited to share them, so here he is!

32 Week Ultrasound Profile View

Look at those delicious cheeks!!! I cannot wait to me this little guy and cover those cheeks in kisses!

After I shared these pictures on Facebook, a friend pointed out the resemblence between my father and Joey. Coincidentally, Joey is being named after my dad!

Have a look for yourself and tell me what you think!

The countdown to meet the little dude is on! I think I am even going to make a game of it and have you guess when he will arrive and offer a great prize to the person who gets it right…..watch for an update!

Baby Bump Update: Week 31

I can’t believe I’m already 31 weeks into this pregnancy. It is CRAZY!

Last week Thursday, I had my 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test (since I failed the 1 hour 2 weeks prior).  I went to my OB’s office that morning, and after being there for 25 minutes and the lab not able to successfully draw my fasting level intravenously, I opted to head over to our family doctor’s office and complete the test there as they were setup to draw via finger pokes whereas my OB’s office was not.

I survived the test, barely…..I do not do well with fasting and it’s even worse when I am pregnant.  After 3 hours, at my family doctor’s office, scooped me up and we made our way home so I could finally eat.  I was STARVING!

The next morning, I had an appointment with my OB for an ultrasound to check on Baby Joey’s brain once again and a regular checkup as well.  Joey was extremely active during his ultrasound and was very uncooperative and didn’t let the technician see both ventricles of his brain and the left side was a little larger than normal once again.  

After the ultrasound, we sat down with my OB and discovered that I failed (barely) the 3 hour GTT and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  On top of that, it was also decided that we will be seeing Dr. S in Maternal Fetal Medicine for a ultrasound again to get a better look at the little dude and make sure all is well on the inside.  

Yesterday I met with the diabetes counselor at my family doctor’s office and got my meter, and was educated about gestational diabetes and nutrition.  Thankfully my numbers were really bad and my gestational diabetes can be diet controlled.  The sad part is that I have to watch my carb intake, which for me, is NOT an easy task.  I LOVE my carbs!  But, it is what it is and I am doing what I can to make sure the little guy and I are both safe and healthy.

On the 1st, we will be seeing Dr. S for an ultrasound and hopefully Baby Joey decides to cooperate at that time.

Until then, here is a look at the dude growing inside of me.



And just in case you are having a hard time seeing him, here is a guide to spotting him!


I will be sure to update again next week after our appointment with Dr. S.  In the meantime, prayers are appreciated!



Sneak-A-Peek 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio – Green Bay

**I received a promotional item in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinons are my own**

As many of you may have heard, we are expecting baby #5 this August. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and of course, we have been waiting to find out the sex of baby #5 and don’t have an ultrasound with my OB scheduled until April 12th.

When I was pregnant with Alexander back in 2007, my doctor at the time wouldn’t order an ultrasound so I had to get his consent to have an ultrasound through a service out of town. It was expensive, we didn’t get to see much other than gender and all in all, it wasn’t a memorable experience.

On Saturday morning, the family (minus Libby) went to Sneak-A-Peek 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio here in Green Bay to learn the gender of our next family member. I had recently learned of Sneak-A-Peek’s existence via another friend and on Saturday discovered they have been in business since 2010.

After our experience and learning everything Sneak-A-Peek has to offer, I am glad we found them and will definitely recommend them to friends and family.

In just 20 minutes, we discovered we are having a…… Continue reading Sneak-A-Peek 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio – Green Bay

13 Weeks 2 Days

This morning, I had my monthly baby check with my OB to see how things are going with Baby Joey. I’m still nauseous all the time and still struggling with keeping food down but apparently that hasn’t affected baby or my weight as I apparently gained 14 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Dr is thinking something is off on the scale or my anti-nausea meds have my severely constipated because my entire last pregnancy I gained 14 pounds. So, in the meantime I’m enjoying some laxatives and monitoring what I eat, which actually isn’t a lot because nothing tastes good to me right now.

Dr K. tried to pick up fetal heart tones with the doppler but once again, we struggled so I had a quick ultrasound and was able to peek in on baby!!

Here are two pics of Joey from this morning at 13 weeks 2 days gestation.

I’m thinking girl.

9 Weeks 2 Days


It’s official, I’m pregnant with baby #5.

9 weeks 2 days.

Back in June, Alex went to the doctor and had a vasectomy.
Of course, the one thing he didn’t do was go back and get things checked out. We both managed to forget about it with moving into the new house, the kitchen reno and everything else.

Low and behold, here we are 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant with baby #5 who will be joining our family in late August!

Everyone, meet Peanut!