Tag Archives: miscarriage

Welcoming Unexpected Changes

As announced yesterday, we are expecting baby number five in August.  Although this is very, VERY unexpected news our entire family and our friends are excited and everyone is being very supportive.

Needless to say, we are welcoming some unexpected changes.

In order to make room for Peanut, we will be building Zack a bedroom in the basement along with a family room and an office space.  Moving Zack to the basement will allow us to move Alexander into his own space and Ellie and Peanut will share a room when it is time since Peanut will room with us the first few months.

As much as Alexander wants to continue to share a room with Ellie, because he feels as her big brother it is his job to protect her, I finally have him convinced that having his own room will be AWESOME!

As you can see, evidenced below, both of the littles are excited about the new baby!

Excited Littles

As for me, I am still adjusting to the fact that I am pregnant again.  Having the ultrasound has helped a little but I’m still working out a few things.  2013 was supposed to be the year in which I was going to lose weight and take control of my life again and now that plan has been put on hold.

So far, this pregnancy hasn’t been easy either.  I have been nauseated beyond anything I have ever experienced before and am downing Zofran 2-3 times a day so I don’t feel pukey, I’m currently on my 2nd stint of bed rest, yes at just over 9 weeks I have been on bed rest twice!  The first was Friday night after I experienced some bleeding and spoke with the doctor who told me that given my history I would be spending the rest of my weekend with my feet up and relaxing until my appointment Monday.  After my appointment, all was well until today when I had some more bleeding and passed a blood clot and landed myself on bed rest for the rest of the week and I get to follow up with the good ob-gyn on Friday.

Pregnancy is so much fun.

The good thing about bed rest is that I might actually be able to get some work done since there isn’t much else I can do while laying in bed or sitting in the recliner with my feet up.

So, if you need me, chances are pretty good that I will be available via the internet.  Also, please feel free to bring gifts of chocolatey goodness on over to help me recuperate!


The last 30 or so hours of my life have been an emotional roller coaster.
Yesterday at 3 pm, we had an ultrasound to check in on baby and make sure all is well in the womb.
Things couldn’t have been more perfect.
Our little one was happily flapping around those cute little arm buds and had a strong heartbeat.

By midnight, I was bleeding everywhere and being taken via an ambulance to the hospital.

Immediately I thought it was a chemical pregnancy.

Once in the ER I had a pelvic exam (which was BEYOND traumatizing but more on that story later).
The doctor told me that there was a lot of blood loss and my cervix was slightly dilated and told me I was having a miscarriage and there was nothing that could be done to stop it.

By 3 am they were sending me on my way home heartbroken and shattered to await the inevitable passing of the fetus that would happen over the next few days.

By 8 am when I woke up, the bleeding had stopped.
There was absolutely NO sign that anything was wrong.

As directed, I called my OB’s office when they opened at 9 am and spoke with the nurse explaining what had happened and what I was told to do.

After two more phone calls from the office and still no blood in sight, it was decided that I would come in at 2:30 for another ultrasound to see what was going on.

The results…..


There was our adorable little Ellie squirming and waving those little arm buds around just as it had been doing 24 hours before.

I met with the doctor who did a follow up pelvic exam and there was zero sign of miscarriage, my cervix was NOT dilated!

We still don’t know what caused all of the bleeding or what exactly happened.
What we do know is that baby is doing great and we couldn’t be happier!

Not only did we get to see the little Ellie, but we got to hear the heartbeat too! Beating strong at 175!

After experiencing all of this, I have to admit I turned to Dr. Google this morning only to discover a whole world of women online who were misdiagnosed as having a miscarriage as well and thanks to their stories I held on to the hope that our little Ellie would be okay all day and was relieved to find out everything is perfect!

World, meet Ellie.
Ellie, meet the World!