Tag Archives: Etsy

25 Weeks

It is hard to believe that I am already 25 weeks pregnant.
I think what makes it so hard this time around is that I have somehow kept my weight gain to a minimum – right now I’ve gained right around 10lbs, which for me is damn good considering that my last 3 pregnancies I had probably gained almost 30lbs by now.
What can I say?
I’m happy.

Everything with little baby Ellie seems to be going well other than the fact that she is seriously stubborn. I am keeping my fingers crossed that at my next appointment on October 21st that she will be a little more cooperative and let us see her.

In the meantime, I have been looking a some pretty cute things that I can’t wait to pick up for her. It’s been so long since I was able to go in the infant girls department and purchase all that is girly but I plan on doing a lot of it.

I have also commissioned my friend Amber to create some cute little hats for bean and then of course a few for the other kids as well.  I can’t wait until they are done because I know they will be adorable!!  (Be sure to check out Amber’s creations in her Etsy shop.)

For now, here are a few things that I can’t wait to get my hands on for Ellie!

Source: uncommongoods.com via Annie on Pinterest

Source: uncommongoods.com via Annie on Pinterest

Source: laylagrayce.com via Annie on Pinterest

Source: gymboree.com via Annie on Pinterest

Source: kidfanatics.com via Annie on Pinterest

You can check out more of my favorite things by following me on Pinterest!