Category Archives: It’s All About Me

F is for Fallen

I’m pretty sure if I wanted to, I could right an alphabet theme post like this almost daily. Now I know I don’t post a lot about me lately, but I figured since Zack had his appendectomy last week it was only fair that I share a little tale about me.

On Friday afternoon, in a complete state of chaos (which is our house on a regular basis) I slipped on a toy in our living room. Thanks to our lovely hardwood floors, I went down in the splits and came crashing down on my knee and hand/wrist.

When I first hit the ground I was in sooooo much pain and I was more worried about my knee then anything else. My knee is basically junk to begin with and it hurt so bad I was afraid to move. 

To my surprise, when I did go to move, it wasn’t my knee that hurt. It was my wrist and hand.

This constant throbbing, shooting, OMG I just want it to go away pain.

I tried to sit and ice it for a bit and see if it would help the pain….but it didn’t.

So, I drove to the ER and had it checked out.

According to the X-rays, it’s not broken but the doctor said it could still be fractured and just not showing up on X-ray so in a splint my hand went.

So, this is my life this week. Trying to type and being basically useless around the house since it’s my left hand and I’m left-handed.

Now here I sit. 

It still hurts, a lot and it is really hard to type but I am hopeful that it will be better very soon!

Family Time

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let you know that my kids are home on Winter break from school until January 6th and I plan on enjoying as much time as I can with them and not working, although I may need to hop on the computer and blog and work here and there.

While I am gone, please, feel free to check out the giveaways going on in the sidebar. Or if you want, check out some of my favorite posts from 2014, or any of the other suggestions below.

Also, if you really want to keep up on what is happening with us over the holidays, hop on Instagram and follow me for picture updates and see what we’re doing over winter break.

I hope we will see you in 2015 and that you’ll love everything that is coming in the new year!

Happy Holidays to all!


Anne’s Favorite Posts of 2014

Personal Posts

Sponsored Posts


I Was Meant for This Job

In my life, all 35, almost 36, years of it, I have held an abundance of jobs.
I’ve been a housekeeper in a hotel.
I’ve been a cashier in a department store and a gas station.
I’ve been a child care provider and preschool teacher in a day care.
I’ve been a server, hostess and attendant in a restaurant.
I’ve been a delivery driver in a business filled with men.
I’ve been a customer service representative in a cubicle.
I’ve been a bartender in a bar.
I’ve been an insurance agent and salesperson knocking at the door.
I’ve been a blogger at a computer.
Of all the things I have been there is one that I was destined for.
I was meant to change diapers.
I was meant to wipe away tears.
I was meant to kiss boo-boos.
I was meant to lose countless hours of sleep.
I was meant to scare away monsters under the bed.
Of all the things I’ve done in my life and of all the jobs I’ve had, the one I was truly meant for is the job of mom.

I am a mom, before anything else.

My children are the reason I wake up every morning

and live and breathe every day.

I was meant for this job.

Celebrate Real Beauty with Dove & Dollar General #DGFeelBeautifulFor

*This post is made possible by participating in a blog campaign by Global Influence on behalf of Dove and Dollar General. I was compensated for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.* 

A few weeks ago, before I made my way down to Milwaukee for an event, I decided it was time to make time for me. I made an appointment at my favorite salon and finally got my haircut and styled.  It was amazing.  It was at that moment that I decided it was time for me, to feel beautiful, for me.

Now don’t get me wrong, Alex tells me all the time that he thinks I’m beautiful and that he loves me without the makeup, hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun, wearing my glasses and lounging in yoga pants and a tank top or t-shirt.

It makes me happy to know that he always sees the beauty in me but it is something that I definitely struggle with. After having 5 kids, gaining a lot of weight from pregnancies, depression and my addiction to delicious food, I need to do what makes me feel beautiful.

After I attended that event in Milwaukee and I saw this picture that my friend and fellow blogger Maureen had snapped of me, I felt beautiful that day.

In this picture, I don’t feel fat.  I don’t see the acne on my face. I don’t see the gray hairs on my head. I don’t see a mom who spends most days in her jammies eating chocolate while being exhausted and depressed.  

What I see here is me, happy, having fun and feeling beautiful.  That day, that was a good day!

Dove and Dollar General what you to feel beautiful with their latest deal! Now through October 19th, you can save $2 instantly when you spend $7 or more on any Dove or Vaseline products in-store.

So, what makes you feel beautiful?

If I Could Do It Again

Now that I have two kids in high school, I’ve been thinking a lot about my past and if I could do it all again what would I do?  

If I could go back in time, I would do high school over again and I would do things differently.

You see, when I was in high school, I didn’t really participate in school activities, clubs, etc.  I recall going to 1 football game in the 4 years I was in high school.  I dated the same guy most of high school (and he didn’t even go to my school) and I definitely didn’t work as hard as I could have.  Basically, I did what I needed to do to get through school, graduate and get the heck out.

If you gave me the chance to go back to high school right now, you would see an entirely different Anne.  I would join clubs, attend football games and other sporting events.  I would take classes that really interest me, not just the ones I need to graduate or that are easy.  I would actually apply myself (this is HUGE to me…I had a 3.5 GPA when I graduated with my AA, wish I would have worked as hard in high school).

This year, I have been encouraging my kids to get involved in more clubs and school events and so far, they have been doing a great job.  Now, if only I could go back and take that same advice!

If you could go back and do it all over again, would you?  What would you do differently?