Tag Archives: vision

Help OneSight #HelpTheWorldSee

I will never forget the day in 3rd grade when I had to go to the eye doctor with my mom. I knew that I had issues with my eyes before that day because I was already struggling with seeing the blackboard from across the classroom. Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised when I returned to school the next day sporting some fresh pink glasses.

4th Grade Glasses

That’s me, a few months later as a 4th grader at my birthday party rocking my sweet pink glasses.

Now that I have kids, I am not at all surprised that one of them has awful vision just like me and I’m sure out of the 3 youngest, at least 1 of them will as well. These days we are fortunate to be able to wear contacts (even though I wear my glasses most days).

Unfortunately, there are others, around the globe, who aren’t fortunate enough to have access to vision care and OneSight.org wants to help change that.

OneSight is an independent nonprofit committed to eradicating the global vision care crisis. Their promise is simple: they will not stop until the world can see.  Their mission is to provide access to eye exams and glasses to underserved communities around the world. This is done this through quality short-term care and long-term sustainable solutions. OneSight provides charitable and sustainable solutions to meet both the immediate and long-term vision care needs of underserved communities, both internationally and domestically. They believe that through permanent access and sustainable practices, vision care can become readily available to every community, country and continent in our lifetime. 

Help OneSight

You can help OneSight today by making a donation. Even $1 makes a difference for the 1.1 billion without access to vision care.

Spread the Word

You can help spread the word and show your support for OneSight by posting a photo on social media showing off your “hand glasses” with the hashtag #HelpTheWorldSee to bring attention to OneSight’s mission.


You can connect with OneSight on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Teach Your Teen to Properly Care for Their Contacts

*I wrote this review while participating in an Influencer campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. and received a promotional item from Mom Central to thank me for participating.*

Prior to Zack starting 7th grade I caved and took him to the eye doctor for an exam and a fitting for contact lenses. Yes, he was young but he was going to be playing football and we decided that contacts were his best option.  He wore contacts for the duration of the football season and then he went back to his glasses.  

Now that Zack is a sophomore in high school he is back in contacts full time however it wasn’t an easy road back. When we went in for a new exam and then back to pick up his new contacts, we had to go through the education of caring for his contacts and his eyes again.

Zack’s current contacts are Acuvue Oasys which he wears for two weeks at a time and tosses.  In the beginning, I tried to get him on a schedule so he would get in the routine of taking them out every night, cleaning his case regularly and throw them away every two weeks.

For the most part, he’s done pretty well at caring for both his contacts and his eyes but I have had to remind him a few times to toss them after 2 weeks of use as well as cleaning his case on a regular basis.

To ensure he is taking care of things in a timely fashion I recently registered him with ACUMINDER, a free service that will send him a reminder via text and email when it is time to replace his contacts, order new ones or when to schedule an exam.


You can get friendly reminders emailed or texted to you or your child by signing up with ACUMINDER.

For those who need a little refresher on caring for your eyes, vision and contacts, check out this great guide for Healthy Vision & Contact Lenses.

Is your teen properly caring for their vision and contacts?

As Far As The Eye Can See

Half of the people in our home wear glasses.
This group includes myself, the Alex and my oldest son, Zack.
I have worn glasses since the 3rd grade and finally graduated into contacts my freshman year of high school. The Alex allegedly wore glasses before we met and then misplaced them and struggled with his vision until I forced him to go to the eye doctor and get new glasses in 2006.
I couldn’t have him squinting at the TV while he was playing video games with Zack.
This past fall, I caved and purchased contacts for Zack as well since he was playing football.
In January, Zack returned to the eye doctor to discover that his sight has declined and he now needed to have bi-focals at the age of 12.
For the past month we have been looking into getting him contacts as well and have been investigating what type of contacts he will need now that he requires bi-focals. One option I have found is biofinity toric contacts and I am thinking they might just do the trick.

After browsing around the net for the right fit for my boy, I decided to look into some new contacts for myself as well.  For years I have wanted colored contacts to help enhance my blue eyes.  I have dark blue eyes so I would need to find colored contacts for dark eyes.  I stumbled across the brand that I currently use and found that they have a product that would meet my needs and they offer enhancers in a variety of blues such as ocean blue, aquamarine, sapphire blue and deep blue.

Now that I have found what I was looking for I just have to decide what color I want and then place an order for both myself and Zack.

Fingers crossed everything works out for us!

(Maybe I will finally convince the Alex to get contacts too!)