Tag Archives: parenting

Pregnancy now versus the last 3 times

I was 19 when I was pregnant with my first child, 20 at delivery.
My second pregnancy occurred while I was 20 and I delivered 7 months after turning 21.
With Alexander, I became pregnant at 28 and delivered him at 29.
This time around….I’m 32. By the time the baby arrives I will be 33.
Pregnancy in my 20’s was a cake walk compared to pregnancy in my 30’s.

My first 2 pregnancies I was booming with energy and was always on the go.
With Alexander I had spurts of energy and was active.
This pregnancy…..this one is kicking my ass!

I have been in bed before midnight for the last few weeks, which if you know me, you know how odd that type of behavior is.
I have also experienced more sickness this time as well.
I feel like I spend way to much time praying to the porcelain god.
Oh, and the food and smell aversions are unbelievable.
I can’t stand the small of BBQ sauce right now or rotisserie chicken.
These are 2 things I usually enjoy…..A LOT!
And sloppy joes…..they are off limits too.

And did I mention the part that if I do not make a mad dash to the bathroom first thing every morning I have been known to pee myself??

I go in next Thursday the 26th for my first Dr. appointment and ultrasound and am super excited.
It’s time to put an end to everyone saying I’m having twins!
More to come next week!

Woe is me

We are potty training.
This is the 3rd time I have gone through this since becoming a mom.
One would think it would get easier with every child.
Oh how I wish!
My little Alexander is by far the hardest trainee I’ve had.
Don’t get me wrong, he will go on the potty every time you take him BUT
He will also pee in his Pull-Up and come running to tell you instead of telling you he has to go potty first AND
I’m at a loss.
I don’t know what else to do.
He’s 3 and starts Preschool in September.
Preschool that we have already started paying for.
Preschool that he HAS TO be potty trained to attend.
I have really tried everything with this kiddo.
I’ve bribed him with toys, stickers, candy, Buzz Lightyear and Cars Pull-Ups and even all kinds of cool underwear with all of his favorite characters on them.
Not to mention the AWESOME Buzz Lightyear and Elmo potty seats and the nice comfy potty chair.
My oldest, Zack, was by far the easiest to potty train and was wearing the big boy undies by the time he was 2 and the Libby was all set before she turned 3 and now this little man is just giving me a run for my money!
I just don’t know what else to do but am open to any and all suggestions from all of my other bloggy friends.

Enough Mommy! Enough!

These are the things my toddler says to me.

Sure, he looks so sweet and innocent because he is unbelievably adorable

But please,


This adorable boy child of mine is FAR from innocent.
His latest BAD habit is that he absolutely does NOT want to nap.
The minute you put him in his bed, the guilt trip begins…
“NO! Mommy, don’t weave me! Please mommy, no go.”
He says this to me and his bottom lip is quivering and the tears are streaming down his face.

Apparently, he doesn’t know who he is dealing with.
I’ve been down this rode with 2 other kids.
I am not mush.

So, I give him a book and tell him to lay down.
And then, then I lie to him.

Me: “Can you lay down and read this for Mommy while Mommy goes potty? When Mommy is done in the bathroom I’ll come back to see you.”
Toddler: “Otay Mommy, I read, you go pee. Come back see me after?”
Me: “Yes. Mommy will be back.”

I lied to my 2 year old.
The best part, he actually believed me that I was coming back and laid there reading his book until he fell asleep!

Then there are the moments that he’s being so sweet and innocent.
For example, after his nap today he wanted to help me work.
He came into our office/den area with me, grabbed the Alex’s chair, put it right next to mine at my desk, climbed up in it and turned to me and said, “Mommy, I help you work. I help you.”
His idea of work…..play with everything on my desk and then ask to watch Bobby (AKA: Spongebob) on my computer.
So, thanks to the help of Windows 7, I did the smart thing.
I moved the stuff I was working on to the right side of my screen and open up an episode of Spongebob on the left side.
As the show started, I began to sing the theme song.
That’s when the toddler planted his hand across my mouth, look at me and said,
“Enough mommy! ENOUGH!”

Yes, this is my life with my sweet and innocent toddler.


Last night, the toddler woke up shortly before 4am in agony.
I entered his room to find him in pain.
A new molar is establishing residence within his adorable little mouth.
As I went to get him out of bed, he said
“Mommy…..owie! Mommy…..I peed. My bed wet.”
I scooped up that little man of mine and we made our way to the bathroom for a nice relaxing, calming, cooling bath.
After he climbed into the tub, he looked up at me and said
“Mommy……my bubbles? Where my bubbles go?”
I kindly honored his request and added some bubbles to the bath.
As he sat there playing, I kept wondering to myself, where my baby went.
When did he go from being a baby to a little man.
After another 5 minutes in the water, he turned to me and said
“Mommy….I all done.”
Together, we let the water out of the tub and I watched as he climbed over the side of the tub and stood on the bath mat waiting for me to wrap him in a towel.
As he climbed out he looked at me and said
“Mommy….where my towel?”
I grabbed his towel and wrapped him up.
He looked at me and said
“Mommy…..I brush teeth now?”
He climbed up on his stool, I gave him his toothbrush and away he went.
Scrubbing at his teeth, rinsing off his toothbrush and taking a drink of water and spitting it in the sink.
Again, I realized, my baby is no longer a baby.
We went in my room, climbed up on my bed and got him ready for bed.
He looked at me and said
“Mommy…..I sleep in daddy’s spot?”
I of course honored this request.
As we snuggled in bed and watched TV, he was filled will a million questions.
“Mommy…..where daddy go?”
“Mommy…..daddy at work?”
“Mommy…..daddy come home soon?”
And then, after 20 minutes of questions and answers he turned to me, gave me a big ol’ kiss and said
“Mommy…..I love you. G’night!”
Mommy loves you too Monkey!