Tag Archives: food aversions

Pregnancy now versus the last 3 times

I was 19 when I was pregnant with my first child, 20 at delivery.
My second pregnancy occurred while I was 20 and I delivered 7 months after turning 21.
With Alexander, I became pregnant at 28 and delivered him at 29.
This time around….I’m 32. By the time the baby arrives I will be 33.
Pregnancy in my 20’s was a cake walk compared to pregnancy in my 30’s.

My first 2 pregnancies I was booming with energy and was always on the go.
With Alexander I had spurts of energy and was active.
This pregnancy…..this one is kicking my ass!

I have been in bed before midnight for the last few weeks, which if you know me, you know how odd that type of behavior is.
I have also experienced more sickness this time as well.
I feel like I spend way to much time praying to the porcelain god.
Oh, and the food and smell aversions are unbelievable.
I can’t stand the small of BBQ sauce right now or rotisserie chicken.
These are 2 things I usually enjoy…..A LOT!
And sloppy joes…..they are off limits too.

And did I mention the part that if I do not make a mad dash to the bathroom first thing every morning I have been known to pee myself??

I go in next Thursday the 26th for my first Dr. appointment and ultrasound and am super excited.
It’s time to put an end to everyone saying I’m having twins!
More to come next week!