Tag Archives: WalMart

Hidden Valley Roasted Garlic Ranch Meatballs

I know I have said it before but I figured it was only right that I mention once again that around here, we like to eat. Since meeting Alex back in 2006, I have developed a new love for food, trying new things and even getting creative in the kitchen and coming up with our own dishes.

Most of the time when we are eating a meal, I have to have my Hidden Valley Ranch in a small bowl next to my plate for dipping. Seriously, I love to dip everything in ranch dressing and no, it’s not a Wisconsin thing. It started back when I was pregnant with Zack. Back then I used to only dip french fries in it but now I have graduated to sandwiches, burgers, onion rings, chicken nuggest, mozzarella sticks, veggies, and more!

Yes, it is very possible that I may have a problem.

Now that I am trying to eat better and lose weight, we have been creating new meals and of course, I’m still trying to get my ranch fix in there somehow.

Hidden Valley Ranch recently launched a line of new flavored ranch dressings, so we picked up a few bottles on our latest trip to Walmart.

I snagged a bottle of Avocado, Sweet Chili and Roasted Garlic because I figured I could find a way to incorporate each of them into a meal.

Our latest creation is Hidden Valley Roasted Garlic Ranch Meatballs and they were absolutely delicious!

I loved being able to satisfy my craving for ranch as well as coming up with a meal the whole family enjoyed.

You can recreate our Hidden Valley Roasted Garlic Ranch Meatballs in just a few simple steps.

First, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1lb lean ground beef
  • 1/2 cup of plain breadcrumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of Hidden Valley Garlic Roasted Ranch Dressing
  • Pinch of salt

(We also made Spicy Sweet Chili Ranch Meatballs using the same recipe but just added 1/4 tsp. ground cayenne pepper and 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes).

To get started, measure out all of your ingredients in a mixing bowl.

After you have everything in the bowl, mix it together really well. Once it is all mixed together it should be nice and sticky.

Next, using a spoon, grab clumps of the mixture to roll into meatballs using your hands and place them on a broiler pan.

When you have all of your meatballs rolled set oven to broil (high if you have the option) and cook for 5 minutes and then flip and put them back in for another 5 minutes.

Before removing them from the oven, use a meat thermometer to make sure your internal temperature is at least 160°.

If the internal temp is correct, remove the meatballs from the oven and let cool for a few minutes.

Once  they are done, drizzle with a little Hidden Valley Roasted Garlic Ranch and enjoy!

I’m already looking forward to making them again!

You can find all 5 of the new Hidden Valley Ranch flavors at Walmart.

Which flavor do you want to try?


Attack Your Allergies with FLONASE®

As someone who suffers from a variety of allergies, I am always on the hunt for something that offers me fast relief right when I need it. For years I could be found popping an allergy pill or two for relief but of course, the wait for them to kick in was excruciating.

After Joey was born, my allergies kicked into high gear and have not been very enjoyable since. I have learned that pills just don’t cut it for me anymore and I made the switch to FLONASE®, an over-the-counter, non-prescription allergy relief nasal spray.

Having FLONASE® on hand has saved me quite a few times. Last summer when we took the kids to breakfast on the farm, my allergies were out of control. With all of the hay, animals and who knows what else, my eyes were watery, my nose was icky and I was itchy. Thankfully, I had FLONASE® on hand and was able to get some much needed relief.

As a FLONASE® user, it makes me happy that it works at the source and helps block 6* allergens, including histamine, prostaglandins, cytokines, tryptases, chemokines and leukotrines.


You can find FLONASE® Allergy Relief OTC Spray at your local Walmart, just look for the display!


Fairy Tales Reinvented with Ever After High

If there is one thing we enjoy in this house, it’s fairytales. I love the classic stories of Cinderella, Snow White, Rupunzel and more.  Ellie has become a huge fan of fairytales as well and recently she has been hooked on watching Ever After High on Netflix. It’s become a regular Saturday morning show for her now. In case, you’re like me, and new to Ever After High let me give you the scoop. Ever After High shares the tales of the daughters of your favorite fairytale princesses. The Ever After High characters are:

  • Briar Beauty™ – Daughter of Sleeping Beauty
  • Raven Queen™ – Daughter of the Evil Queen
  • Apple White™ – Daughter of Snow White
  • Blondie Lockes™ – Daughter of Goldie Locks
  • C.A. Cupid™ – Daughter of Eros
  • Cedar Wood™ – Daughter of Pinocchio
  • Prince Charming™ – Son of Prince Charming
  • Poppy O’Hair™ and Holly O’Hair™ – Twin sisters and daughters of Rapunzel
  • Lizzie Hearts™ – Daughter of the Queen of Hearts

My favorite princess has always been Snow White which is great because Ellie’s favorite Ever After High character is Apple White, daughter of Snow. You can learn all about Apple White and the rest of her friends at your one-stop Ever After High shop, Walmart.

Which Ever After High character do you want to know more about?



Leave Those Embarrasing Moments Behind with DrySpray Antiperspirants

You know what is totally embarrassing?

Taking your jacket off in a public place and discovering that you have white streaks or antiperspirant all over your clothes.

Yes, this has happened to me and unfortuntately more than once.

Thankfully, as I have gotten older, I’ve become wiser and have learned that stick antiperspirant is just not for me and it’s time to ditch the ick.

I’ve tried a variety of sprays over the years but have had a hard time finding something that was a good fit for me. I didn’t want something that left that uncomfortable wet feeling behind but I also wanted something that offered the protection I would need when chasing around a bunch of little kids.

Of course, I wasn’t the only person facing this problem, Alex (as usual) was right by my side!

Thankfully we have both found new products that work for each of us and as an added bonus, they smell really good!

Allow me to introduce you to DrySpray from Axe and Degree.

I’m not going to lie, I’m hooked on the scent of both of these.  The Degree DrySpray Fresh Energy reminds me of the cucumber melon scent and  Alex happens to love the cucumber melon scent so, of course, he loves that I have been using this.

As for the Axe, he’s been using it for a good two weeks now and I cannot get enough of it.  It has a scent that reminds me of something from the 90’s but I can’t quite put my finger on what.

You can protect yourself from those embarassing moments by picking up some DrySpray Antiperspirant today!

It’s time for your to ditch the ick and try dry!

The NEW Dry Spray Antiperspirants from Degree Men, Degree Women, Dove, Dove Men+Care and Axe, available at Walmart.

Affordable Phones Plans with T-Mobile at Walmart

The holidays are just around the corner and I’m sure there are plenty of other parents out there, just like me, that need to finish up their holiday shopping.  

After seeing a lot of other parents post about what there kids wanted for Christmas this year, I noticed that quite a few wanted a new phone or in a lot of cases, their first phone.

I remember when we made that step with Zack and Libby and got them their first phones. Back then (almost 8 years ago) we decided to start them off with prepaid flip-phones because that was what was available and affordable.

These days, when parents are making the decision to get their children or even themselves a phone, there are so many different options available. 

T-Mobile, the nation’s fastest 4G LTE Network, available at Walmart, offers the  Nokia Lumia 530 phone for only $49.88. 

The Nokia Lumia 530 is a 4″ touchscreen phone that is 4G capable with a 5MP camera and a 1.2 GHz Processor. This phone is the perfect starter phone for your child and with a plan that only cost $50 a month that includes UNLIMITED talk, text and data along with music streaming without using data, your kid will be set.

Talk about a budget friendly phone plan!

There is still time to head to Walmart to grab the Nokia Lumia 530 and a phone plan and get it wrapped and ready for the holidays without breaking the bank.

Really, who doesn’t love an afforable gift and phone plan?