Tag Archives: FLONASE

Attack Your Allergies with FLONASE®

As someone who suffers from a variety of allergies, I am always on the hunt for something that offers me fast relief right when I need it. For years I could be found popping an allergy pill or two for relief but of course, the wait for them to kick in was excruciating.

After Joey was born, my allergies kicked into high gear and have not been very enjoyable since. I have learned that pills just don’t cut it for me anymore and I made the switch to FLONASE®, an over-the-counter, non-prescription allergy relief nasal spray.

Flonase Allergy Nasal Spray

Having FLONASE® on hand has saved me quite a few times. Last summer when we took the kids to breakfast on the farm, my allergies were out of control. With all of the hay, animals and who knows what else, my eyes were watery, my nose was icky and I was itchy. Thankfully, I had FLONASE® on hand and was able to get some much needed relief.

As a FLONASE® user, it makes me happy that it works at the source and helps block 6* allergens, including histamine, prostaglandins, cytokines, tryptases, chemokines and leukotrines.


You can find FLONASE® Allergy Relief OTC Spray at your local Walmart, just look for the display!