Tag Archives: halloween

Halloween Fun at Home

At the end of the week, thousands of kids across the country will put on their costumes and go door-to-door with family and friends to enjoy the fun of Trick or Treating. 

Trick or Treat has always been a family favorite for us and of course, the kids cannot wait for Friday to get here.  To keep them entertained until then, I’ve put together a few fun things for them to do this week in preparation for the big day.

First, we are going to decorate pumpkins!  We opted out of carving pumpkins this year because they are usually filled with mold by Halloween, get eaten by an animal or worse, someone smashes them all over the street.  So, instead of carving, we are planning on decorating them using some of these great No-Carve ideas.

No Carve Pumpkins


On top of pumpkin decorating, we will also be doing some fun crafts to decorate the main windown and door of our home.  These are some of our favorite crafts on the agenda.


In addition to decorating and crafting, we will also be watching some of our favorite Halloween movies on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime . Some of our favorite family friendly flicks are:

  • Curious George – A Halloween Boofest
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
  • Simpson’s Tree House of Terror episodes
  • Much, MUCH MORE!

What are plans for this week, other than Trick or Treating?




Halloween Cobweb Cookie {Recipe}

For me, October is the beginning of the crazy holiday season.  First comes Halloween, then Thanksgiving and then December is just jam packed with holiday celebrations.  This time of year is when I love to craft and create with the kids and also entertain guests.  With Halloween fast approaching, I felt it was only appropriate to create a fun Halloween treat for us to enjoy.


To create this delicious masterpiece, you will need:

– 1 tube of sugar cookie dough
– 1 apple diced
– 1/3 c creamy peanut butter
– 15-20 pretzel twists
– 1 bag of M&M’s
– 1 bag of candy corn
– 1 cup of white chocolate chips
– 3 tbsp orange frosting
– 3 tbsp black frosting


1. Roll out cookie dough on a pizza pan, pizza stone or other pan of choice. (I used a greased pizza stone).

2. Bake cookie dough at 350* for 12-15 minutes and remove from over.

3. While cookie is baking, mix the diced apples with the peanut butter until it is mixed well.

4. After removing cookie from oven, spread apple peanut butter mixture onto cookie allowing it to melt and spread easier this becomes the glue for the goodies!).

5. Once apple peanut butter mixture is on, place pretzels, candy corn and M&M’s however you would like on the cookie.

6. Take your 3 tbsp of orange frosting and place it in a ziploc bag, cut a small hole in the corner and pipe frosting on in desired pattern. Repeat this step with the black frosting.

7. After frosting is on, melt the white chocolate chips in the microwave following instructions on the back of the package. Once melted, place white chocolate in a ziploc bag, cut a small hole in the corner and pipe chocolate on in the desired pattern.

8. Allow the cookie to cool and frosting/chocolate to harden and then cut and serve!


Everyone in our house really enjoyed this treat and the kids are already asking me to make it again!



13 Toddler Friendly Halloween Crafts

Now that Ellie is at the age where she enjoys crafting, coloring and really, anything she can make a mess with, I’ve been trying to dig deep into my ex-childcare teacher bag of tricks for more things for her to do.  Thankfully we have the internet these days and finding ideas is a million times easier than it was back when I was working as a toddler and preschool teacher.

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought we would focus on some toddler friendly crafts that Ellie and I can do together as well as a few that allow Joey to join in the fun too!

Here are 13 Toddler Friendly Halloween Crafts from around the web that we are hoping to find the time to create between now and October 31st!

1. Frankenstein Handprints Crafted from MomDot.

2. Egg Carton and Tissue Paper Ghost by Chrysa at Jinxy Kids.



3. Paper Plate Pumpkins by Danielle at Simmworks Family Blog.


4. Build a Jack-o-Lantern from Sara at Mom Endeavors


5. Halloween Ghost Foot Print Crafts from Danyelle at Real Moms of Vegas.


6. Halloween Monster Cups from Mariah at Formula Mom.


7. Pumpkin Votive Holder by Annemarie from Celeb Baby Laundy.

8. Spider Handprint Halloween Craft by Arena at The Nerds Wife.

9. Yarn Wrap Mummies by Laura from Lalymom.

10.  Monster Mobiles from Jackie at Happy Hooligans

11. Halloween Painted Pumpkins from Danielle at Simmworks Family Blog/Formula Mom.


12.  Candy Corn Banner from Bonnie at The Pin Junkie.

13. Pumpkin Halloween Decorations from Rebecca at Here Come The Girls.


There you have it, 13 Toddle Friendly Halloween Crafts for you and your kiddos to work on from now until Halloween!  

Do you have a toddler friendly craft that you would like us to check out?  Please, leave a link below!

Halloween Events & Fun

I love this time of year!  October happens to be my very favorite month and it also happens to include Halloween. Here we are, just a few weeks away and the Halloween events around the country are in full swing.  We don’t have a lot on our agenda aside from Trick or Treating next week but I am hoping that we can squeeze in at least on other Halloween event.

With such a large family, we like to look for inexpensive and free events to attend and there happen to be all kinds of fun things happening in and around Green Bay leading up to Halloween.

If you are looking for fun Halloween things to do in your town, check your local libray, newspaper and news stations as they are often great resources.

Also, if you have a zoo in your area, check if they host a Zoo Boo event or check local churches for Trunk or Treat events as well. You can also check if your local YMCA hosts a fun Halloween event.

What are your favorite things to do for Halloween?

Don’t Leave the Pups Beggin’ for Purina this Halloween, Be Prepared

*This is a sponsored post brought to you by Lunchbox on behalf of Purina and Walmart.  All thoughts and opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.*

Halloween is right around the corner and we are busy getting ready.  We’ve been doing a few little decorative things around the house, watching some movies with the kids, trying on costumes and the only person who seems to be struggling with what to be this year is Bubba.

Should he be a Viking?

Should he be a hotdog?

Should he be a shark?

Although he is confused as to which costume he’s going to wear, the one thing he does know is that he is looking forward to enjoing some more Beggin’ Strips, the Official Dog Treat of Halloween.


Be sure to pick up some Beggin’ Strips from your local Walmart and share some with your furry friends this Halloween!  Bubba’s favorite are the bacon cheese flavored Beggin’ Strips.

You can celebrate Halloween with your furry friends this year with Beggin’, the Official Dog Treat of Halloween.  Bubba loves his Beggin’ Strips soooo much that we thought we should share the Treat Seeker game at the Purina Pet Park, where you can win one of 25,000 treat samples for your pet.

Win It

In addition to strutting around the Purina Pet Park, you can also enter for your chance to win 1 of 5 $50 Walmart gift cards!

Purina Halloween 2014