Tag Archives: dinner

Crockpot Chicken Tacos

We tend to eat A LOT of chicken around here and I am always trying to find new things to do with it.  Sunday, we tried out a new recipe I stumbled on quite some time ago and it is something we will now be doing on a regular basis because everyone in the family LOVED it! 

Crockpot Chicken Tacos


7 boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 packet taco seasoning

16 oz. salsa


Throw all ingredients in a crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 4-6 hours. Shred chicken and serve on tortillas with all of your favorite taco toppings!


We had so much left over after feeding 5 of us that we put some in the fridge for leftovers and still managed to put enough away in a freezer bag and freeze for another time!


Every now and then we like to play dress up in our house.
No….not in the dirty way.
We have a 3.5 year old with a very active imagination who loves to play dress up and every now and then we like to catch him off guard by dressing up too.
Lately, the little dude has been referring to the Alex as Chef since he has been the one taking care of our meals lately.
It started one night while we were eating dinner and Alexander turned to Alex and said,
“Chef, what did you make for us tonight?”
Seriously, the kid is that cute!
A week later, AdultCostumes.com reached out to me and asked if we would like to review a costume from their site and they just happened to have a Chef costume.
This was perfect.
We ordered the costume and it arrived just in time for the Alex to wear while preparing a feast for the family to enjoy on New Years Eve.
So, right before he started cooking the Alex pulled a quick change on the preschooler and put on his Chef jacket and hat.
When Alexander saw his dad donning that Chef jacket and hat his eyes were huge! And then he looked at his dad and said,
“See, I told you you were a Chef daddy!”
Since that night, every time the Alex begins prepping for a meal Alexander grabs him his Chef jacket and hat so he is properly dressed to cook!
I personally think the costume suits him just fine, I’ve always had a thing for a guy in uniform, even more when there is food involved!
I was also very happy with the quality of this costume. In all honesty I was expecting a cheap Chef jacket and hat to arrive and that I would have to sew buttons back on before he could actually wear it. I am happy that I was wrong and the costume is durable!

I also think the costume helped make dinner even better.  Look at these NY strips!

Disclaimer: I received a free product in exchange for my complete and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.