Tag Archives: cooking

Kids Can Cook with Handstand Kitchen + Giveaway – Ends 11/7

My kids have always enjoyed helping in the kitchen. I think it is our deep love of food that keeps them curious and wanting to learn how to do things and help out.

Over the years, I have tried to find kid friendly items for the kitchen but honestly, I haven’t had a lot of luck aside from cookie and sandwich cutters. Thanks to the folks at Handstand Kitchen, we now have all the tools necessary for the kids to create their own pizza!

What is Handstand Kitchen?

Handstand Kitchen is the perfect place for kids to learn to love food, through a hands-on cooking experience. Created in 2007 by a recent law school graduate, Yvette Garfield, Handstand Kitchen provides children their own domain in the kitchen that empowers them to eat healthy and delicious foods. It is Yvette’s hope that children will be inspired to use their new cooking skills to give back to their own communities.

Cooking with Our Handstand Kitchen Pizza Making Set

All of my kids love pizza and they love to create their own. Whenever we do homemade pizzas, we always end up making way to much for the kids. Last weekend, we let the kids use their new pizza making set from Handstand Kitchen and they had a blast. The great thing with using a set created with kids in mind is that everything is the perfect kid size!

The pizza making kit comes with everything you need to make the perfect kid size pizza including recipe cards for your own dough and sauces.  

For the kids pizza, we didn’t venture into dough and sauce making this time around but I did let them create the entire pizza themselves.

Alexander, Ellie and Joey all had so much fun making their pizza together. They each took a turn adding to it each step. I love that in the end it ended up with a smiley face on it.

I was quite impressed with the entire set. I was worried that it would take longer to cook the pizza crust through and that it wouldn’t be crispy like the kids like it, but I was wrong. The crust was done and nice and crispy in less than 10 minutes. The great thing, the kids really enjoyed it and were beyond thrilled that they had made it themselves!


The Fall 2016 Collection from Handstand Kitchen

Their Fall 2016 collection is brimming with birthday present and holiday gift giving ideas. Or perhaps a back-to-school or good report card present is warranted. Look for these three fabulous kits—all gender neutral, let’s get boys cooking too!–online and in specialty stores now.

I just love products like these that get the kids in the kitchen and teach them cooking skills from a young age. I think we are going to have to check out the other sets as well and really get cooking here!

Shop & Save in Time for the Holidays

You can use code “HSK20” to save 20% off anything on the entire Handstand Kitchen site now through December 24. In addition to these great sets you will also find some cute aprons, cookbooks, and more!

Win It

Thanks to Handstand Kitchen, you can enter for your chance to win one of the 3 sets featured in this post! Enter for your chance to win using the form below.

This giveaway will end on 11/07/2016 at 11:59pm CST. Winner’s will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to respond with their mailing information to claim their prize. The Megalomaniac Mommy is not responsible for prize. Any questions, please contact us.

*The Megalomaniac Mommy policies on giveaways can be found here.

Handstand Kitchen

5 Baking Substitutions for Healthier Desserts

There are few things as delicious as fresh-baked pastries and desserts, but if you are trying to get your family to eat healthy, you may wonder if you should ban these treats. While cookies, brownies, and cakes are all delicious, their ingredients call for fats and different types of sugar and according to statistics released by the American Heart Association, children in the United States already eat three times as much sugar on a daily basis than is recommended. However, there are several surprising substitutions to add into your recipes to help make them as healthy as they are tasty.

1. Beets

One the main attractions of any baked good is their sweetness, and if you have a sweet tooth, they can be difficult to resist. However, there are ways to give sugar the boot while making brownies or cookies, and one of the most surprising is by using grated beets in place of sugar. Beets have a sweet taste and when finely grated, they have almost the same texture as granulated sugar and give your baked goods the moistness that makes most pastries so desirable.

To cut the sugar from brownies or cookies using beets, use a blender to finely grate two thirds of a cup of the root and replace the brown or white sugar in the recipe with it. Be sure to take the time to grate your beets properly to avoid clumping.

2. Beans

Many cookie recipes call for shortening or salted butter, which can greatly increase their fat content. Many shortenings contain trans fats, which are unsaturated fats that have been proven to cause high cholesterol and heart disease, which is currently the leading cause of death among adults in the United States. If you want to make a tray of brownies but want to cut back on the shortening, consider replacing it with beans.

There are a number of different types of beans you can use that will not alter the taste of your brownies, such as lentils, black beans, or cannellini beans. Puree them in your blender with a few tablespoons of water, note how much shortening your recipe calls for, then replace half its amount with the beans. This will cut back on the fat content of your brownies but not on the flavor.

3. Whole Wheat Flour

While white flour may look pure and powdery, it is not the healthiest option for baking because it has usually been heavily processed and may contain additives such as artificial preservatives and high fructose corn syrup. This can result in your family ingesting much more sugar than is necessary. To avoid this, substitute whole wheat flour for white flour when you bake. Whole wheat flour contains fiber, which supports healthy digestion and may give your baked goods a less heavy texture.

4. All-Natural Cookie Dough

Many commercial doughs that you find in your local grocery store’s dairy section may be convenient when it comes to whipping up a quick batch of cookies, but they also may contain artificial ingredients and added sugar that makes them a questionable option when it comes to healthy eating. If you need a batch of cookies for a bake sale and are pressed for time, consider shopping for an all-natural cookie dough for your fridge or pantry instead.

If you are looking for a dairy free, low-sugar cookie dough that is also free of preservatives, consider using Hampton Creek Just Cookie Dough, which contains only eight grams of sugar per servings. This mixture also contains unsweetened chocolate chips and wheat flour, not white, which helps cut down the fat and sugar content, not on the taste.

5. Low-Fat Milk

If you are making a homemade pie crust, you can cut back on butter by substituting it with a few tablespoons of low-fat milk instead. This will result in a crust that has fewer calories and less fat overall. The moistness of the milk will help the crumbs stick together, eliminating the need for butter.

To make this pie crust, grate six ounces of honey graham crackers in a blender and then add two tablespoons of low-fat milk and blend them until the crumbs have a paste-like texture and you can press them into the pie tin. Add the milk gradually so the mixture does not become too runny.

Cookies, cakes, brownies, and pies made with these ingredients can help you achieve that balance between healthy eating and indulgence that the whole family will be able to appreciate.

Crock-Pot Cheeseburger Soup {Recipe}

It’s no secret how much we love to use our Crock-Pot around here.  We find that it is much easier to feed our large family this way. We can make big enough batches of food and it’s also great to be able to prep and make something in the morning, toss it in the crock-pot and leave it to cook during the day while we do other things.  Crock-pot cooking definitely makes things a lot easier around here.

Mother Nature was evil to us once again today……yesterday was wearing flip flops and had grass and today I woke up to this.

Since Mother Nature decided to deliver snow to us today, we thought today was the perfect day for soup so Alex got to work this morning prepping all the ingredients and throwing them in the crock-pot for Cheeseburger Soup!

This soup was soooo good, the entire family loved it!  All of the kids ate it and didn’t even know they were eating all kinds of vegetables…..vegetables they never want to eat!!!!

Continue reading Crock-Pot Cheeseburger Soup {Recipe}

Children’s Apron from BuyCuteAprons.com Review

It’s no secret that our little Alexander, like the rest of our kids, likes to help out in the kitchen. He loves to help when we are cooking or baking and will jump at every chance he gets.

My only problem with him helping in the kitchen is he is not the most graceful little dude ( he gets it from his dad) and he likes to make a mess. When he is helping I’m always worried that he will get something on his clothes and ruin them or worse, something hot will splatter and burn him.

We recently received an awesome truck apron for the boy to wear when helping out in the kitchen or even when participating in a messy art activity from BuyCuteAprons.com.

This apron is great. It has the perfect design for him, keeps his clothes clean and dry and protects him. Another bonus about this apron is that it is super durable and easy to clean.

He absolutely loves it and has made it a permanent fixture on the doorknob in the kitchen when it is not in use. We have used it to protect him while cooking, painting, playing with play dough, coloring with markers and even while eating ice cream.

This apron is a very versatile item and we are glad to have it in our home. Now it is my mission to find an apron that I love just as much as he loves his and one for Ellie when she gets bigger!

BuyCuteAprons.com carries a variety of designs of aprons and smocks and is based in the UK but kindly ships to the US as well. Be sure to check them out for all of your children’s cooking apron needs!

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


Every now and then we like to play dress up in our house.
No….not in the dirty way.
We have a 3.5 year old with a very active imagination who loves to play dress up and every now and then we like to catch him off guard by dressing up too.
Lately, the little dude has been referring to the Alex as Chef since he has been the one taking care of our meals lately.
It started one night while we were eating dinner and Alexander turned to Alex and said,
“Chef, what did you make for us tonight?”
Seriously, the kid is that cute!
A week later, AdultCostumes.com reached out to me and asked if we would like to review a costume from their site and they just happened to have a Chef costume.
This was perfect.
We ordered the costume and it arrived just in time for the Alex to wear while preparing a feast for the family to enjoy on New Years Eve.
So, right before he started cooking the Alex pulled a quick change on the preschooler and put on his Chef jacket and hat.
When Alexander saw his dad donning that Chef jacket and hat his eyes were huge! And then he looked at his dad and said,
“See, I told you you were a Chef daddy!”
Since that night, every time the Alex begins prepping for a meal Alexander grabs him his Chef jacket and hat so he is properly dressed to cook!
I personally think the costume suits him just fine, I’ve always had a thing for a guy in uniform, even more when there is food involved!
I was also very happy with the quality of this costume. In all honesty I was expecting a cheap Chef jacket and hat to arrive and that I would have to sew buttons back on before he could actually wear it. I am happy that I was wrong and the costume is durable!

I also think the costume helped make dinner even better.  Look at these NY strips!

Disclaimer: I received a free product in exchange for my complete and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.