It was a good run. We made it just over 8 months without going to the ER and then…..this happened. On the evening of July 26th, we found ourselves back in the ER for the first time in 8 months. Alexander had been outside, playing at the park across the street from our house. He was climbing on the outside of the tube slide, that he had just been told NOT to climb on, when he fell about 6 feet to the ground and landed on his shoulder. He banged up his face pretty bad when he hit the wood chips too.
Of course, I made sure I was prepared to keep him entertained in the ER….it’s the little things that make kids smile!
After seeing the doctor and a few xrays, the diagnosis was a fractured clavicle and a separated shoulder. You can expect to see him looking like this for 4-6 weeks.
From the time he fell until we got home from the ER he apologized for not listening to us and climbing on the outside of the slide and promised he would never do it again. During his recovery you can find him walking around the ‘hood, watching movies, playing on the iPad and playing with Legos….LOTS and LOTS of Legos.
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