As you may recall, earlier this month I shared the news that we were working with Old Spice on their HoliSPRAY Toy Donation Exchange to collect toys in our community for Second Chance Toys.
While we were getting ready for our toy exchange here in Green Bay, Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa and Actor Nolan Gould were busy hosting their own Old Spice HoliSPRAY Toy Donation Exchange at Hollywood High School.
Last weekend, over the course of 2 days, we invited people from our community to bring a gently used, plastic toy to our home and thanks to Old Spice, we were able to send them off with some great Old Spice products.
Thanks to the generous people in our community and even my kids, we were able to collect over 50 gently used toys for Second Chance Toys to distribute.
After inspecting all of the toys, cleaning them up and putting new batteries in them, we packed them up and got them ready to donate.
I was really excited to learn that we would be able to give the toys to the Green Bay Head Start center and that we could drop them off ourselves! This made me very happy as the parent of a former Head Start student and former member of the Head Start policy council.
Of course, the folks at Head Start were extremely grateful for the new-to-them toys and I’m sure they will be enjoyed by a lot of kids for years to come!

Photo courtesy of Green Bay Head Start.
Even though we had a successful toy drive, we were left with quite a bit of Old Spice product, more than any one home needs, so we thought we would help give back to the community more and we made a large donation of body spray and deodorant to one of our local homeless shelters to help them stock back up on supplies.
I’m so happy that we were able to help our community in more than one way thanks to Old Spice.
Thank you to Old Spice for being so generous and letting us be a part of this program and thank you to Second Chance Toys for finding a way to give back and to give to children in need.
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