My poor little Baby Ellie has her first ear infection.
It makes me very, very sad.
She is in a lot of pain and is tugging at her ear constantly.
She will only sleep if she is laying on someone, preferably mommy, or if she is upright in her swing.
She has had 3 doses of antibiotics and is taking some Advil for the pain as well.
I hate seeing her in pain and not being able to really do anything to comfort her.
Since she hasn’t been sleeping much, neither have I.
Needless to say, my lack of sleep is causing me to snap at every one about every little thing.
Other than the ear infection, Ellie is doing great. Her umbilical hernia is almost gone and looks much better than it did a month ago. She is also getting big! According to the scale when they weighed her in the ER she is just over 11 pounds but I will have an official update on weight and height when she goes in for her 4 month check on the 17th.
She is also full of smiles and loves to talk and play.
Oh and she is totally enamored with the television and cannot take her eyes off of it!
Other than that, I’m really hoping we start to see some improvement in the next 24-48 hours because we could all use some rest before the busy holiday weekend arrives.
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