Hand and arm splint

F is for Fallen

I’m pretty sure if I wanted to, I could right an alphabet theme post like this almost daily. Now I know I don’t post a lot about me lately, but I figured since Zack had his appendectomy last week it was only fair that I share a little tale about me.

On Friday afternoon, in a complete state of chaos (which is our house on a regular basis) I slipped on a toy in our living room. Thanks to our lovely hardwood floors, I went down in the splits and came crashing down on my knee and hand/wrist.

When I first hit the ground I was in sooooo much pain and I was more worried about my knee then anything else. My knee is basically junk to begin with and it hurt so bad I was afraid to move. 

To my surprise, when I did go to move, it wasn’t my knee that hurt. It was my wrist and hand.

This constant throbbing, shooting, OMG I just want it to go away pain.

I tried to sit and ice it for a bit and see if it would help the pain….but it didn’t.

So, I drove to the ER and had it checked out.

According to the X-rays, it’s not broken but the doctor said it could still be fractured and just not showing up on X-ray so in a splint my hand went.

So, this is my life this week. Trying to type and being basically useless around the house since it’s my left hand and I’m left-handed.

Now here I sit. 

It still hurts, a lot and it is really hard to type but I am hopeful that it will be better very soon!

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