Category Archives: Health

What to Do When Your Child Needs to Undergo Wisdom Teeth Removal

Can you still remember how it was like when your wisdom teeth were pulled out? Of course. Who can forget the “chipmunk” face and teasing siblings? That’s not all, you’re not allowed to eat normal food for several days, and you should stick with soft diet. This can be pretty stressful for a kid, and as a parent, it’s your job to make things a little more tolerable and here’s how.

Before we move on to the tips, aside from choosing the best Brisbane orthodontics and fully preparing your kid, you’d probably want to bring a video camera or make sure that your phone is fully charged. Since your kid would probably be under anesthesia, the post-surgery experience could be a little hilarious. Better record this one for your kid to see later on.

1. Prepare Yourself As a Parent
A lot of parents usually focus on preparing their child to have his wisdom teeth extracted. However, aside from that, as a parent, you should also ensure that you’re fully prepared. That means you have to schedule appointments with the dentist, schedule school absence, take time off from work, and talk to your child. See if he feels anxious and scared about the procedure and reassure him that everything will be fine. Don’t stress yourself. Instead, do some research and if possible, journal the whole ordeal.

2. Introduce Your Child to the Dentist Before the Procedure

Another way to prepare your child is to introduce him to a wisdom teeth removal Brisbane dentist who will do the procedure. By doing so, you’ll empower your child as you’ll make him feel familiar with the dentist who will perform the surgery.

3. Stock Up on Soft Food

You don’t want to aggravate the treated area so that it can properly heal and prevent infection. That means you should be conscious of your food choices and stock up on soft food items such as soup and applesauce. In times like this, you should try your cooking skills and prepare some dishes that are delicious, yet easy to eat.

4. Discuss the Procedure with Your Child

There are instances where explaining how wisdom teeth extraction takes place can help your child feel that the procedure won’t be as bad as he thought it to be. To help you with this, you should probably use some brochures or pictorial materials that could help you explain to your kid what would exactly happen during wisdom tooth extraction. By doing so, you could prevent your child from being sharp and horrified during the actual thing.

5. Prepare Something Special

Your child would definitely feel anxious about the thought of having their teeth pulled out, and it can be worse if they have to undergo surgery. To make them feel a little better, offering a prize, gift or something afterward is a great idea. They’ll have something to look forward to, and believe it or not, this could actually lessen the pain brought by the procedure. You can get him his favorite toy or something else that they would surely love.

Take note of these tips to ensure that wisdom teeth removal will not be a stressful experience for your child.




Worth Every Penny: Do Your Gut a Favor and Try a Probiotic Supplement

Bacteria in the gut. Who needs more of that, right? Even if it’s so-called ‘good’ bacteria. After all, it’s bacteria that’s responsible for infections and giving us stomach complaints and food poisoning, right…? So goes the train of thinking that accompanies the unease and suspicion among many of the uninitiated when it comes to probiotics – and especially probiotic supplements.

But what they’re not aware of is that, should their digestive systems be healthy and they don’t suffer from issues like bloating, excess gas, constipation, diarrhoea or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), they have millions upon millions of bacteria in their gut already and have had them there since birth. And the majority of those bacteria are the ‘good’ kind; in fact, the fact it’s the ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ kind outnumbering the ‘bad’ infecting kind is what keeps their intestinal tracts healthy and free from stomach and digestive complaints.

Probiotics – and, by extension, the supplements that contain them – fit into all this in a very positive, very beneficial way because, as ‘friendly’ live bacteria and yeasts themselves, they’re specifically designed to be consumed to boost the levels of intestinal ‘good’ bacteria and restore the important gut flora balance. No wonder then that so many medical studies can be found online testifying of their health benefits  and why in excess of 60% of UK households regularly buy them – whether in the form of drinks, yogurts or specific supplements.

Crowding out the bad bacteria

To say then there’s convincing evidence that taking the right probiotic products (especially in targeted supplements) will do you good is putting it mildly. And it’s not just about putting your gut right after travelling abroad, having been left with an icky tummy due to a bug that’s upset your system. The reality is that taking the right probiotics should also aid you if you’re taking antibiotics for a particular ailment, yet have found (or been informed, say, by a medical professional) that the drugs are killing off those all-important ‘good’ gut bacteria as well as the bad ones.

And because probiotics are all about crowding out the bad bacteria, they’re all about prevention too. Not only will they ease IBS-related symptoms and thus minimise the effects of gut infections, but by diminishing the numbers of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract they can help prevent you developing infections and experiencing unpleasant complaints. Moreover, there are signs that certain probiotics go even further. The latest medical evidence seems to suggest that some can contribute to the stimulation of cells for gut immunity; that’s to say, they encourage the secretion of molecules and the transportation of them into the bloodstream to improve the body’s immune response.

Taking the right probiotics

A win-win all round then? You better believe it! Indeed, the more probiotics you take the better the gut flora balance you ought to achieve and, frankly, as it’s very difficult to overdose on probiotics, even if you take too many or the ‘wrong’ kind for your particular complaint, they’re not going to harm you. That said; how do you know which to take to tackle a specific ailment? Well, that’s where a bit of research comes in. It means popping online and (by visiting websites like The Finchley Clinic) looking up what’s going to fit what you require best.

For instance, you might check out Biocare probiotics; this company produces a number of different probiotic-based supplements, each of which is focused on benefitting your gut health in a different way. Here are a few examples:

  • MicroFloraGuard – smartly releases friendly bacteria and antiseptic and antifungal garlic and botanical oils to boost ‘good’ bacteria levels, but at distinctly separate times to avoid the effects cancelling each other out
  • Bifidobacterium Bifidum – one of the major friendly bacteria located in the lower intestine, Bifidobacteria are excellent at exerting a controlling influence over the overall balance of gut flora
  • Replete Intensive – offers 130 billion probiotic organisms in each sachet, helping to establish gut flora balance quickly; can be used while or immediately after taking antibiotics.


Tired All the Time: Modern Methods That Can Stop Fatigue in Its Tracks

We all need to sleep. Some of us toss and turn all night long and wake up feeling tired and groggy, while others drift easily into a deep and restful sleep and awake feeling refreshed. Sleep experts have known for some time that sleep, and particularly its dream stages are important for helping the mind and body heal itself and for filtering and incorporating important input from your daily activities into your memory and discarding what isn’t needed. Now, they are beginning to discover that the sleeping mind is much more active that we used to realize; it can even help us solve problems while we are dreaming.

If you are desperate for a good night’s sleep, need to keep bad dreams or nightmares at bay and want to feel great when you wake up in the morning there are modern methods available to help you. Here is a rundown on some of them,

A Gentle Awakening

Alarm Clock For Me is an alarm clock app for android that will wake you gently to the sound of your favorite music. This is much healthier than a jarring alarm that will increase your blood pressure and leave you feeling anxious. The app gives you a choice of waking up to a built-in selection of gentle tunes or music from your own collection. It also has background alarm support so that the alarm will sound even if the app is not running. Its nightstand mode will turn your mobile device into a handsome bedside clock and you can change the screen’s brightness so it won’t glare.

Don’t Feel Blue

One reason you may be feeling tired all day is because of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The problem stems from a lack of bright light in winter. Light makes a significant difference to the functioning of brain chemistry although the exact means of effect are still unknown. It is known that the nerve centers in our brain which control our daily functions are affected by the amount of light entering the eyes. Blue Light Therapy is an app that’s designed to stimulate your brain with blue light, relieving symptoms of SAD such as confusion, fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Bedtime Stories for Grownups

Bedtime Stories: Classic Tales for Sleepy Grownups is a podcast you can listen to on your mobile device while you’re waiting for sleep to draw you in. Narrated by Parker Leventer’s soothing voice, the show plays unabridged stories by favorite authors like Willa Cather, H. P. Lovecraft, Edith Wharton, Jack London, and Edgar Allen Poe. This podcast is perfect for a sendoff into slumber. You can listen to it on your mobile device using the Stitcher Radio app.

Many people nowadays walk around feeling tired all the time, not realizing why or how to fix it but using these methods you no longer have to be one of them. You can sleep peacefully and feel refreshed each day.

Scott Hurst is a life coach who wants to give everyone a burst of energy so that they can focus on creating the best life possible. His articles appear on a range of lifestyle blogs.


Pfizer is Helping Us Fight the Funk, Again!

Here is it, the end of January, and just about everyone in our family has had a cough, cold, or some other funk happening. I kid you not, I have started this post numerous times and someone or myself being sick has gotten in the way every time.

Now that we are all on the road to better health, I wanted to share so of the great products from Pfizer, that have helped us get healthy again, Children’s Dimetapp®, Children’s Robitussin® and Children’s Advil®.

Yes, we have actually used all 3 of these products with our children so far this year.

We have had to use the Children’s Dimetapp® for Alexander (age 8) to help fight off his icky cold that came with a runny nose, congestion, and a cough.

For Ellie (age 5), we’ve depended on Children’s Robitussin® Extended-Release 12 Hour Cough Relief at night to help her get some rest while fighting off a wicked cough. It’s a great product because it helps control and relieve symptoms all-day or all- night. 

Lastly, there is Joey (age 3), who has had fevers along with earaches, infections, and pain. For the little guy, we use Children’s Advil®, because it works quickly and helps make him comfortable until the infection or fever clears.

Really, we have been hit with a lot already this winter and we are only a month in!

Now that everyone is healthy again, they are back to school and back to playing. I am thankful we always have these great products from Pfizer on-hand to help combat the ick.

Helping Keep Kids Healthy

Since the beginning of the school year, I have really appreciated our school nurses lettings us parents know when something icky is going around the school. I think the memos she sends has really helped us stay on top of things and stop a lot of illnesses before they start.

The great folks at Pfizer want to take the time and put the school nurses in the spotlight and are asking you to participate in the America’s Greatest School Nurse contest by nominating your school nurse.

Does your school nurse go above and beyond in educating and comforting their students? Pfizer wants to hear about them! Nominations will be accepted nationwide from anyone who would like to honor their exemplary school nurse.

One nurse from each state plus Washington D.C. will win a prize valued at $500 and will be entered to win the grand prize: the title of America’s Greatest School nurse and a trip for a getaway from school sickness.

For more information and to read the full contest rules and submit a nomination, visit Nominations will be accepted from January 9 to February 23.

Voting will be open from April 3 to April 16 and the winners will be announced in early May. 




Get the Hairapy You Need with Women’s Rogaine®

Thinning hair, it’s definitely not something that women like to talk about. The truth is, it happens. I have family members who have struggled with this issue for most of their teen and adult life and I know how it makes them feel.

Hair Thinning is Not Uncommon

In women, Hereditary Hair Loss is the most common cause of hair loss, accounting for 90% of cases. It is a genetic condition stemming from either the mother or father’s side of the family and is commonly recognized by women in their 30s as a “diffuse” thinning over the top of the head and along the part.

Know the early signs:

  • Thinning Hair – hair loses volume and density over time
  • Hair Shedding – increased hair accumulation in shower, pillow, and hair brush.  Most people lose between 50-100 hairs a day, which is considered normal hair loss; a consistent loss of 150 hairs a day is considered significant hair loss.  If hair loss is sudden or patchy, consult a medical professional.
  • Widening part or visible scalp – increased scalp visibility is a definite sign of hair loss

Hereditary Hair Loss is Treatable

The great news is that hereditary hair loss is treatable when you use Women’s Rogaine®

Women’s Rogaine® 5% Minoxidil Foam is the first and only FDA-approved, once daily application hair regrowth treatment for the scalp exclusively for women experiencing hereditary hair loss. The treatment contains 5% minoxidil, the ONLY ingredient FDA-approved to regrow hair in women.

Women’s Rogaine® 5% Minoxidil Foam is easy to use. Apply once daily in the morning or evening; simply dispense the product onto a non-porous surface, part hair to help maximize scalp exposure and massage it directly onto the scalp. Allow to dry before styling.

With continued use once a day every day, Women’s Rogaine® 5% Minoxidil Foam is clinically proven to regrow up to 25% more hair in 3 months. Make sure to stick with it to maintain results!

Great Styling Tips 

Not quite sure how to style your hair, here are some tips from from Celebrity Stylist Jill Crosby!

Talk about thinning hair with your stylist

Jill Crosby: “Don’t be afraid to bring up any hair concerns with your stylist! We’ve heard it all – especially when it comes to thinning hair – and we’ll help you navigate the journey to hair regrowth. I personally recommend Women’s Rogaine® 5% Minoxidil Foam to my clients as an easy, over-the-counter product that works.”

Embrace styling tools!

Jill Crosby: “You can use all of the same tools and techniques, just with less heat and less tension. The key here is gentle. Ask your salon stylist to ease up on the heat and tension, and use a light touch with towels and hairbrushes at home.”

Grab the curling iron and add some bouncy curls, or even add some holiday ribbon for some added color, depth and style!

Switch up your part

Jill Crosby: “Experiment with flipping your part to the opposite side. By adding a little texture spray to the roots you can get a new voluminous flip started. Or try a look without a defined part – sometimes with fine hair parts can expose too much scalp.”

LOB it off

Jill Crosby: “For most people shorter haircuts will create the illusion of volume, whereas the longer hair gets the more it weighs itself down and looks even thinner.” An example of this would be the super on-trend “Lob” which is a longer version of the bob cut. 

Buy Women’s Rogaine® at Walgreens

You can find Women’s Rogaine® at a Walgreens near you; $29.99 for a two-month supply, $49.99 for a four-month supply.

Visit SheSpeaks for your chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a bottle of Women’s Rogaine®

Click here to go enter now!