What to Do When Your Child Needs to Undergo Wisdom Teeth Removal

Can you still remember how it was like when your wisdom teeth were pulled out? Of course. Who can forget the “chipmunk” face and teasing siblings? That’s not all, you’re not allowed to eat normal food for several days, and you should stick with soft diet. This can be pretty stressful for a kid, and as a parent, it’s your job to make things a little more tolerable and here’s how.

Before we move on to the tips, aside from choosing the best Brisbane orthodontics and fully preparing your kid, you’d probably want to bring a video camera or make sure that your phone is fully charged. Since your kid would probably be under anesthesia, the post-surgery experience could be a little hilarious. Better record this one for your kid to see later on.

1. Prepare Yourself As a Parent
A lot of parents usually focus on preparing their child to have his wisdom teeth extracted. However, aside from that, as a parent, you should also ensure that you’re fully prepared. That means you have to schedule appointments with the dentist, schedule school absence, take time off from work, and talk to your child. See if he feels anxious and scared about the procedure and reassure him that everything will be fine. Don’t stress yourself. Instead, do some research and if possible, journal the whole ordeal.

2. Introduce Your Child to the Dentist Before the Procedure

Another way to prepare your child is to introduce him to a wisdom teeth removal Brisbane dentist who will do the procedure. By doing so, you’ll empower your child as you’ll make him feel familiar with the dentist who will perform the surgery.

3. Stock Up on Soft Food

You don’t want to aggravate the treated area so that it can properly heal and prevent infection. That means you should be conscious of your food choices and stock up on soft food items such as soup and applesauce. In times like this, you should try your cooking skills and prepare some dishes that are delicious, yet easy to eat.

4. Discuss the Procedure with Your Child

There are instances where explaining how wisdom teeth extraction takes place can help your child feel that the procedure won’t be as bad as he thought it to be. To help you with this, you should probably use some brochures or pictorial materials that could help you explain to your kid what would exactly happen during wisdom tooth extraction. By doing so, you could prevent your child from being sharp and horrified during the actual thing.

5. Prepare Something Special

Your child would definitely feel anxious about the thought of having their teeth pulled out, and it can be worse if they have to undergo surgery. To make them feel a little better, offering a prize, gift or something afterward is a great idea. They’ll have something to look forward to, and believe it or not, this could actually lessen the pain brought by the procedure. You can get him his favorite toy or something else that they would surely love.

Take note of these tips to ensure that wisdom teeth removal will not be a stressful experience for your child.




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