Focusing on Women’s Wellness – Being the Best Me I Can Be

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As we get closer to the end of 2016, and I approach my 38th birthday, I have come to the realization that one thing I need to do is start focusing more on me. Focusing more on my health and taking better care of myself because I deserve it.

For years, my life has focused on my family, my kids, and I have always put myself last and now, I am slowly learning to put myself first.

One thing I have been doing to focus more on my health and wellness is by using products that focus on women’s wellness and helping me be the best me I can be.

Here are some of the items that I am currently using to help me be a better me!

Focusing on Skincare

It has taken me almost 38 years to make caring for my skin a priority. I have struggled with a variety of skin conditions over the years and throughout my pregnancies that I have never taken the time to find products that actually work for me.

I’ve been on the hunt for a night cream that didn’t irritate my sensitive but would nourish and moisturize. I have now been using Lancer’s Intensive Night Treatment from Beverly Hills-based and globally renowned dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer for almost 2 weeks and I have been very pleased with how it is tackling my dry skin and reducing the flakiness.

This luxurious anti-aging cream is formulated with skin beneficial hydrating agents including Hylaplex® and marula oil which provide a moisture barrier, helping skin retain healthy hydration for a smoother, plumper appearance and renewed radiance.

Features & Benefits:

  • Hylaplex™ – combines a novel, crosslinked form of hyaluronic acid with peptides and phytocompounds; helping to plump skin’s appearance and providing longlasting moisturization
  • Marula Oil – nourishes skin with high levels of essential fatty acids
  • Bio-engineered Soybean Extract – reduces skin flakiness by bolstering moisture

Save 10%

New customers can save 10% off their 1st order using code: BESTSKIN at Lancer Skincare.

Unlock Your DNA

One thing I am really looking forward to learning about is what my DNA says about me. Thanks to this easy to use at home saliva collection kit from 23andMe, I will soon be able to understand what my DNA says about my wellness, traits and ancestry

All it took to collect my saliva was to spit a few times into the vial provided, pack it up, and ship it off. Since then, I have been keeping tabs on where my DNA analysis is in the process.

I am really looking forward to receiving my results and am anxious to see what the reports have to say. With the 23andMe DNA analysis, you get  65+ personalized genetic reports in four key areas:

  1. Ancestry reports: Your DNA can tell you about your family history. 3 Reports: Ancestry Composition, Maternal & Paternal Lineage, Neanderthal.
  2. Wellness reports. Your genetics can help you make more informed choices about your diet and exercise. 5+ Reports: Caffeine Consumption, Lactose Intolerance, Muscle Composition, Alcohol Flush Reaction, Deep Sleep and Sleep Movement
  3. Traits Reports. Explore what makes you unique, from food preferences to physical features. 19+ Reports. Example reports: Hair Loss, Sweet vs. Salty Preference, Unibrow
  4. Carrier Status: If you are planning to start a family, find out if you are a carrier for an inherited condition. 

I’m pretty sure that when I receive my results, I will most likely be blogging about it so be sure to check back.

Feminine Hygiene

Let’s face it, there aren’t many women that like to discuss feminine hygiene, but it is still important to your overall health and well-being, as a women.

Summer’s Eve®, a leader in feminine hygiene products, has developed Cleansing Cloths, a way to

provide an easy and discreet way to feel confidently fresh.

No one likes that “not so fresh” feeling and Summer’s Eve Cleansing Cloths are perfect to toss in your purse, gym bag or pocket – whenever you’re on the go to help you to stay fresh throughout all of life’s moments – wherever and whenever!

Promote Digestive Health

Having a good balance among all of the diverse microbes in your gut is key to well-being. I have listened to my mom talk about the benefits of probiotics for years but it wasn’t until I started using Ultimate Flora™ Extra Care Probiotic from Renew Life that it all made sense.

To keep your complex system thriving, Renew Life’s highpotency formulas, formulated with billions of live cultures, work hard to replenish the good bacteria that occur in a naturally healthy gut.* Ultimate Flora probiotics provide up to 200 billion live probiotic cultures per serving and up to 40 scientifically studied probiotic strains to promote digestive balance and support immune health.*

These once daily, delayed-release vegetable capsules help ensure more friendly probiotics reach your intestinal tract and they are a great way to support digestive balance and immune health everyday.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Hair Care

Yes, I have even managed to slack on my own hair care over the years. I don’t know what it is about being a mom but I just prefer to toss my hair up into a pony or a bun and just forget about it. I also am awful at getting regular haircuts and even……washing my hair. I have a very sensitive scalp so I am extra careful about what I use and how often I use it.

The illumai Biome Care System for Hair uses a revolutionary new approach that helps your hair to become and stay vibrant from the inside out.

Women are increasingly aware of potentially harmful ingredients in their personal care products. Hair care is at the top of the list, as hair visibly reflects our health and changing environmental stress. Now, there is a healthy, sustainable way to bring hair to its beautiful best, regardless of the environmental stressors, or your hair type.

For me, I have enjoyed using illumai because it doesn’t contain sulfates, silicones, parabens, preservatives, plasticizers, and it is gluten-free, nut-free, 100% vegan and cruelty-free (PETA certified) which makes it a great match for my sensitive scalp. This innovative system gently cleanses, nurtures and protects your biome, the living ecosystem of scalp, follicles, hair, peptides, proteins, moisturizing oils and related microbiota and leaves me with a happy head!

Save 40%

You can save 40% off  your order of the full or trial size when you use code: 87-MEGALOMANIACMOMMY at check out.

Get On Top of Your Wellness

As women, we often put our families before ourselves and it is time we all get on top of our own wellness. What products do you use to promote your health and well being? I would love to hear from you in the comments section below.


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