Category Archives: Dental

6 Important Ways to Keep Your Children Healthy

This post is in partnership with Nalturnal and The Megalomaniac Mommy blog.

Being a parent is the most difficult and the most rewarding job you will ever have. A very significant part of your job is to do everything you can to keep your children healthy and happy.

Although there is nothing you can do to prevent them from ever getting sick, you can take steps to minimize the number of times and the severity of any illnesses. Remember, when visiting any health care professional, be sure you maintain copies of any medical records for your own reference. You can request a copy of the doctors notes during the visit or record them on your mobile device.

Make Sure They Get Enough Sleep

  • As an adult, you know how important it is to get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can cause children to gain weight
  • The growth hormone is primarily secreted when your children sleep
  • Cytokines (proteins) that the body uses to fight stress, infection, and illness are produced during sleep
  • Increases attention span
  • Children need sleep as much as you do for the following reasons:  They will have brain fog, become agitated easily, and have trouble making decisions if they don’t have enough.

Protect Their Skin

Playing outside or in the water during the warm summer months is fun for your children. Long-term skin damage, early aging of the skin, and cancer are the results of too much exposure to the sun.

As a parent, you must be sure to apply and re-apply sunscreen and dress them in sun-protective clothing.

Keep in mind that your children aren’t only exposed to the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays when they are on vacation or at a beach or a pool. Whenever they are outdoors and the sun is out, they can get a sun-burn. Protect their skin whenever and wherever they are exposed to the sun.

Healthy Teeth Make Healthy Children

Taking care of your children’s teeth will keep them healthier. Many medical problems are caused by poor oral hygiene. It’s better to take your child to the dentist early, usually when they get their first tooth, to keep their mouths healthier throughout their lives.

Even though baby teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth, they are important. Not only do they help your child chew and speak, baby teeth hold space in the jaw for the adult teeth.

If you child’s baby tooth gets a cavity, be sure to see a dentist for a filling. “Filling baby teeth will prevent the cavity from growing larger and leading to more severe problems and infections“.

Minimize the Amount of Sugar They Consume

It isn’t easy, but you should do your best to limit how much sugar your children eat. Too much sugar can cause health problems, weaken immune systems, and alter the balance between bad and good bacteria in the body.

You can help your children develop healthy eating habits. It isn’t reasonable or even smart to try to eliminate all sweets from your child’s diet. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will understand why forbidding yourself from ever eating something that tastes really good, makes you want it even more.

Everything in moderation is a good rule to follow especially when dealing with high-sugar foods and treats. Below are some reasons that may help you decide to limit your children’s consumption of sugar:

  • Causes energy dips and mood swings
  • Doesn’t provide the nourishment the body need
  • Makes you fat
  • Spikes blood sugar levels and causes cravings
  • Ruins your teeth by causing cavities
  • High-glycemic starches and processed sugars cause inflammation
  • You are eating sugar even though you might not realize There are many names on food labels that are sugar such as corn sweetener, corn syrup, and fructose

Encourage Exercise

Exercise and physical activity are important for both children and adults. Some of the reasons for getting enough exercise are:

  • Alleviates stress
  • Creates positive emotions
  • Essential for muscle and bone health
  • Prevents diseases later in life

Your children should get a minimum of one hour of exercise every day.

Regular Annual Physicals

Take your children to the doctor once a year for a basic check-up. Find a pediatrician that you trust and with whom you have a good rapport.

During these visits, the doctor will track your child’s height and weight and give them vaccinations for protection against serious illnesses like polio and pertussis.

Use this opportunity to ask your doctor any questions you have about your child’s emotional, physical, or mental development.

While there is no way to protect your children from ever getting sick, there are steps you can take to keep them as healthy as possible.



When should a child have their first dental visit?

People usually think of a newborn baby as having no teeth.  But the 20 primary (baby) teeth will erupt in the next two and a half years are already present in the baby’s jaw at birth.  Baby teeth are just as important as permanent teeth — for chewing, speaking, and appearance.  They also hold space in the jaw for permanent teeth.

Thus, proper oral hygiene is one of the most vital concerns for children.  Along with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we recommend that a child go to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts.  The pediatric dentists at First Impressions Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics encourage parents to schedule their children’s first appointment during this time — and here are a few reasons why:

“We recommend that a child go to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts.”

Avoid Early Tooth Decay

As soon as teeth appear in the mouth, decay can occur. While children ultimately end up losing their first set of teeth, the health of those teeth is crucial for general health and proper speech development. Furthermore, early tooth decay can significantly complicate the development of healthy adult teeth and causes other problems.  Sometimes if a primary tooth is lost too early, nearby teeth can tip or shift into the vacant space causing the new tooth to emerge in an abnormal position.

Promote Good Dental Care Habits Early On 

Fostering a routine for children is the best way to set them up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and confidence. If they learn they need to brush and floss regularly and the importance of dental visits, it won’t be a struggle later in life when they start to take more responsibility for their own health.

Eliminate Fear of the Dentist 

Like a pediatrician, pediatric dentists specialize in the oral health care of children from infancy through adolescence. Pediatric dentists also attend 2-3 additional years of specialized training in children’s behavior, growth, and development but not every child has an easy time visiting the pediatric dentist, especially for the first time. But if a “Dental Home” and trust can be established early on; the transition will be much easier.  Talk about the visit in a positive, informative manner, as you would any new experience.  Explain that the dentist is a friendly doctor who helps them take good care of their teeth.

To help with their children’s anxiety, First Impressions’ pediatric dental offices are filled with primary colors and incorporate large play areas, popular TV programs, permanent Xbox or Playstation videogame stations, iPads and areas where families can sit together and read.

If it’s time to schedule your child’s first dental appointment, First Impressions Pediatric Dentistry invites you to see why they’re one of the top pediatric dental offices in the Green Bay and Appleton area. They have offices in Suamico, Bellevue (Opening Spring 2017) and Appleton.  Call (844)-FID-KIDS (343-5437) for questions, or visit them online at for more information or to request an appointment online.

4 Effective Ways To Maintaining Healthy Teeth

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums often require extra effort than most of us care to give. Proper maintenance of healthy teeth and gums go beyond the regular twice a day brushing routine most of us do. For anyone looking to have functional and healthy teeth throughout their lifetime, they must be committed to giving oral hygiene and dental care the necessary attention. Below, we have listed a few tips on effective and easy ways of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. 

Make proper oral hygiene a habit from an early childhood stage.
Creating and instilling the daily habit of brushing twice and flossing everyday in your young child could go a long way into helping them maintain the habit even during their adult life. Dental care for your young one should commence as early as the child starts teething and the first tooth pops out. You could apply a small soft brush or a damp cloth to clean your child’s teeth. As they grow, it is advisable to supervise them during the first 2 to 5 years, usually giving them directives on how they should go about it. This early training could go a long way in helping them maintain healthy dental lifestyles later on. Make sure to also take them to a reputable dentist Gold Coast residents visit for regular dental checks.

Brushing twice a day and flossing daily
Often sounding cliche, it is known as one the most efficient way of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Daily oral care helps prevent many dental problems that may occur due to teeth neglected. These problems include decayed teeth, bad breath, bleeding gums and even critical issues like oral cancer. To achieve maximum dental hygiene, you should first make sure you invest in a quality toothbrush. Make a point of changing your toothbrush at least twice in three months because toothbrush wears out quickly even when it’s of high quality. Also investing in the right toothpaste is critical as some toothpaste may cause more damage than good. Therefore, knowing the right toothpaste for your teeth and gums may save you unnecessary dental costs while treating a problem brought about by using the wrong toothpaste.

While flossing might be ignored by most people, it is of equal necessity if you are aiming for healthy teeth and gums. Flossing is most useful as it removes food debris and plaque where the toothbrush is unable to reach. Efficiently flossing your teeth cleans the small gaps that usually a toothbrush cannot get on.

Maintaining a healthy diet and drinking water
It does not take much to maintain a healthy diet other than the choice to do so. Eating healthy food, mainly of fruits, vegetables and meat help in the provision of nutrients required for healthy and strong teeth. These nutrients include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and Magnesium. Daily dairy intake also helps strengthen the teeth. More often than not, dentists advise people to avoid a lot of sugar intake as it one of the most harmful things for the teeth and gums. Drinking a lot of water helps wash away the food bacteria left in the mouth and also neutralize the pH level that weakens the teeth.

Avoid or quit smoking.
Most dentists would advise their patients to maintain the above healthy habits and also avoid and quit smoking for the patients who smoke. The tar in the cigarettes causes the teeth to turn yellowish and also gives one lousy breath. Smoking also has adverse effects on your health as it affects the production of saliva and can cause throat and lung cancer. Therefore, avoiding cigarette intake leads to better dental care and general health.]

A healthy smile will boost your self-esteem as you can comfortably interact with people without worrying about bad breath or discoloured teeth.


What to Do When Your Child Needs to Undergo Wisdom Teeth Removal

Can you still remember how it was like when your wisdom teeth were pulled out? Of course. Who can forget the “chipmunk” face and teasing siblings? That’s not all, you’re not allowed to eat normal food for several days, and you should stick with soft diet. This can be pretty stressful for a kid, and as a parent, it’s your job to make things a little more tolerable and here’s how.

Before we move on to the tips, aside from choosing the best Brisbane orthodontics and fully preparing your kid, you’d probably want to bring a video camera or make sure that your phone is fully charged. Since your kid would probably be under anesthesia, the post-surgery experience could be a little hilarious. Better record this one for your kid to see later on.

1. Prepare Yourself As a Parent
A lot of parents usually focus on preparing their child to have his wisdom teeth extracted. However, aside from that, as a parent, you should also ensure that you’re fully prepared. That means you have to schedule appointments with the dentist, schedule school absence, take time off from work, and talk to your child. See if he feels anxious and scared about the procedure and reassure him that everything will be fine. Don’t stress yourself. Instead, do some research and if possible, journal the whole ordeal.

2. Introduce Your Child to the Dentist Before the Procedure

Another way to prepare your child is to introduce him to a wisdom teeth removal Brisbane dentist who will do the procedure. By doing so, you’ll empower your child as you’ll make him feel familiar with the dentist who will perform the surgery.

3. Stock Up on Soft Food

You don’t want to aggravate the treated area so that it can properly heal and prevent infection. That means you should be conscious of your food choices and stock up on soft food items such as soup and applesauce. In times like this, you should try your cooking skills and prepare some dishes that are delicious, yet easy to eat.

4. Discuss the Procedure with Your Child

There are instances where explaining how wisdom teeth extraction takes place can help your child feel that the procedure won’t be as bad as he thought it to be. To help you with this, you should probably use some brochures or pictorial materials that could help you explain to your kid what would exactly happen during wisdom tooth extraction. By doing so, you could prevent your child from being sharp and horrified during the actual thing.

5. Prepare Something Special

Your child would definitely feel anxious about the thought of having their teeth pulled out, and it can be worse if they have to undergo surgery. To make them feel a little better, offering a prize, gift or something afterward is a great idea. They’ll have something to look forward to, and believe it or not, this could actually lessen the pain brought by the procedure. You can get him his favorite toy or something else that they would surely love.

Take note of these tips to ensure that wisdom teeth removal will not be a stressful experience for your child.




Mouthguard Smarts: What Parents Need to Know to Provide Their Kids with an Extra Dose of Protection

Does your child wear a mouthguard whilst they’re cycling? Did you know that they should be wearing mouthguards when playing any type of sport? Getting your child to wear a mouthguard may be something you thought about for contact sports but you may not have thought it necessary for day-to-day activities. Equally, if your child is of a young age, you may not have known that mouthguards are available for children of all ages.

However, protecting their teeth by using a mouthguard could help to prevent them from suffering a dental trauma, which is particularly important for the longevity and health of their adult teeth. A variety of mouthguards are available at a walk in dentist near you, or you may find that your local chemist or sports center has a variety available too.

Sports That Require Mouthguards

Cycling: Mouthguards are a must for children who are going out on their bikes. Even the most experienced or careful rider could hit a rock and find themselves being thrown forward face first to the ground. From BMX riders to mountain bikers on a trail, mouthguards will help to make sure your child’s teeth are as accident-proof as possible.

Skateboarding: Just like cycling, something unexpected can happen at any time in skateboarding, which is why a mouthguard is required to help prepare your child’s teeth for any eventuality. If you can, kit your child out with a mouthguard whenever they’re on their skateboard, regardless of whether they’re playing on your driveway or they’re down at the park with their friends.

Volleyball: You’d like to think that you’ll get your hands to the ball in volleyball, especially if you’re going to win the game. But, there may be times when the ball gets to your face before you’ve had chance to put your hands in front of it. So, make sure your child wears a mouthguard to protect their smile during this sport.

Softball / Baseball: These sports involve far less contact than the others but you’d be surprised at how much chance there is that a stray ball or face-plant could occur during this sport.

Surfing: Even though this is a sport that involves no contact, it’s the contact of the waves or surfboard that you should be wary of here. One big wave or wrong turn and your child could have a tooth knocked out, so have them wear a mouthguard to protect them from this.

What Traumas Mouthguards Protect Your Children From

There are a number of different oral traumas that your child can suffer from if they’re not wearing a mouthguard. These include having teeth knocked out, fracturing their tooth or having a tooth pushed into a gum. These can be incredibly painful and may lead to your child losing their tooth altogether, which is even worse if they’ve started to develop their adult teeth.

If any of these traumas occur, you should contact your dentist immediately and seek professional advice. However, if you can just get your child to wear their mouthguard whenever there’s a potential risk of sustaining such injuries, you could avoid a trip to the emergency room or your dentist!

Getting Your Child to Wear a Mouthguard

You’ve probably been reading the above thinking, “How on earth am I going to get my child to wear a mouthguard, especially when they’re playing with their friends?” Well, thankfully, dentists have thought of these scenarios and have developed a number of cool features that will help to encourage your child to wear a mouthguard.

Fun mouthguards include colorful ones that can be matched to their favorite team or color, with some dentists even offering branding on the guard. With this, your child can customize their guard to suit their favorite things so they can’t wait to pop it in their mouth and show it off to their friends. Some have even gone as far as creating mouthguards in a number of flavors, from strawberry to bubblegum. With the taste lasting quite a long time, this provides a sugary sweet way to get your child to wear their mouthguard whilst they’re playing their favorite sports.

Looking after mouthguards is easy too. Once they’ve been worn they just need to be rinsed out and cleaned like you would a set of dentures. A lot will come in hard cases too so they can just be popped away until your child needs them next.

Mike Plambeck is a dental marketing professional who writes about the world of online dental marketing as well as educational dental health topics. He lives in Lincoln, NE and raises 2 kids, Noah and Dani, along with his wife Marissa.