Tag Archives: hospitals

Live from my hospital bed….

That’s right folks.
I’m coming to you live from room 154 where I am currently sitting in bed, wearing my standard hospital issued gown and hooked up to my IV delivering me fluids, antibiotics, pain killers and other meds.

Lovely, no?

When I said I needed a vacation, this was NOT what I had in mind!

Remember that little trip I took earlier in the month?

Well, I’m pretty sure that was just the precursor to all of this.

For the last week, I’ve been having abdominal pain.
The only way I can describe it is that it feels like a contraction that hits its peak and never starts to descend. It’s just constantly there.
And for those of you out there who have experienced child birth, you know what I mean.
It’s so uncomfortable.
It hurts to yawn.
It hurts to eat.
It hurts to move around.
It just hurts.

So, for most of the week….I dealt with the pain.
I fed it a variety of over the counter pain meds in hopes of making it go away.

That didn’t happen.

Friday night, the pain got so unbearable, I told the Alex I had enough and that I needed to go to the ER.

He obliged.

I was immediately given an IV and some AMAZING narcotics that made the pain go away. For the first time in days, I felt like myself except I was really, really high.
Seriously, I’m not high in my real life.

After some blood work, peeing in a cup, 93 ultra sound pictures of my insides, a bunch of x-rays and a chest CT to rule out a blood clot in my lung since my blood work showed that I do have a blood clot somewhere.
I was sent home with some meds and a prescription to poop.
Yes, the ER doc said my pain was the cause of being constipated.

So, I went home, took my drugs and a stool softener and took advantage of the narcotics and got some much needed sleep.

When I woke up 5 hours later, I was still feeling pretty good and was getting ready to head out to do some errands and prep for Alexander’s 3rd birthday party.

The Alex and I went to the store, gathered the items we needed and headed home.

As we were making our way home…..the pain was slowly making it’s appearance. Apparently the narcotics and 800mg of Ibuprofen had decided it was time to stop hiding the pain.

Within an hour, I was doubled over in pain and dry heaving.

Needless to say, we quickly made our way back to the hospital.

That was Saturday at 2:30pm.
I’m still at the hospital and it is now Sunday at 11:40pm.

Since I arrived a lot has happened and it hasn’t been fun.
They still don’t know what is wrong with me, I haven’t had any food since 6am Friday morning other than a piece of toast I tried to eat today, I’ve had a hida scan to see if my gall bladder is the issue….it’s not and now tomorrow morning, I am having an endoscopy.

On the plus side……I’m no longer constipated!