Tag Archives: graduation

I did it.

On May 11th, 2009 I began a new journey.
One that once I completed it, I would be able to call myself a college graduate.
I have reached that time.
As of this past Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 I have completed the 60 required credits to receive my Associate of Arts in Information Technology and Web Design.

My file is currently under review with the university and I am waiting for one grade to be finalized ( it will be a B+ in Abnormal Psych ) and then I will be eligible to receive my diploma.
That is a day that I CANNOT wait for.
Did I mention that I already have a pretty frame to put it in?
Cuz, I totally do.
Did I also mention that I completed my degree with a 3.4 GPA?
Cuz I totally did that too!
Which for me….IS HUGE!
I never applied myself in high school so I never knew that I had such potential.
From here, I plan on relaxing for the next few months while the hubby works hard to finish his degree as well.
However, in the Fall, I will become a student once again.
My next goal…..a BS in Digital Design and Animation!
Wish me luck!
P.S. Did I mention how unbelievably proud I am of myself????