Eating Right with the Pick ‘n Save Health Key System + Chicken Veggie Slaw Recipe

#cbias #shop

As I mentioned earlier this week, we, as a family, are dedicating 2014 to getting healthy.  Planning meals and shopping for the neccessary items and ingredients can be a very daunting task when trying new things.  For me, I have always had a hard time trying to dechipher which product was better than the other among the varieties sitting on the shelf in the grocery store.  Thanks to Pick ‘n Save and their new Health Key System, our shopping trips are much easier and we are able to make better food choices.

The Pick ‘n Save Health Key System makes it easier for you to find what you are looking for and make better food choices by clearly labeling items throughout the store so you know if they are Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free and more including products marked as Low Sodium, No Lactose and the list goes on.  

I really like the new labeling system and find that it not only helps me make better choices when shopping but it also saves me a lot of time when picking and choosing products that are right for our family.

In addition to the Health Key System, Pick ‘n Save has also made shopping easier for us with their Fresh Every Day initiative. Knowing that we can get fresh produce every day from our local grocery store makes this mom very happy and I’m even happier when some of it is locally grown!

On our most recent shopping trip, we picked up some fresh produce along with some Roundy’s Fresh All Natural Hand Trimmed Chicken Thin Sliced Breast Cutlets and some bottles of vinaigrette to whip up a fresh and healthy dinner for the family.

Our dinner started with dicing up a red onion, cucumber, 2 roma tomatoes and 2 avocados. From their, we tossed all of the fresh diced veggies in a bowl while grilling up our thin sliced breast cutlets on our George Foreman grill.  Once the chicken was done, we diced that up as well, laid out a bed of fresh greens, sprinkled on some of our Chicken Veggie Slaw along with a drizzle of vinaigrette and our dinner was born!

This meal was easy to make and there was more than enough for our entire family.  I love that it is such a versatile dish that it can be eaten on a bed of greens, in a tortilla or pita or you can even eat it as a dip and use crakers or chips.


You can now connect with Pick ‘n Save on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest.

Grab the recipe below to make this delicious dish for your family!

[yumprint-recipe id=’31’] 

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