Weekend Recap: Chicago Style

This past weekend, Zack, Ellie and I made our way to Chicago so I could attend the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms kickoff event along with the 2012 Brands & Bloggers Summit.

Let me start by saying I was absolutely, 100% terrified to drive not just to Chicago with 2 kids by myself but to downtown Chicago at that. You see, I hate to drive in big cities that play host to lots and lots of traffic.2012 GMC Yukon, Eco-Friendly SUV I prefer to be able to hope in my car and make it from one side of town to the other in less than 15 minutes, not 2 hours. However, this trip seemed to go off better than I had planned. Thanks to the beautiful 2012 GMC Yukon with a sweet navigation system, I was always prepared for what was ahead. I knew when we would hit construction, when there was a delay and just how much longer we would be until we arrived. It was also really nice that little Miss Ellie slept for all but the first 20 minutes of the ride.

When we arrived in Chicago, Zack couldn’t believe the amount of people everywhere. (The only time he had ever seen the city was from the highway on a trip to Indiana). We sat on the off ramp for over 45 minutes, spent the next 45 making our way too & finding the parking garage and then unloaded and lugged everything over to the hotel.

We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel on the 29th floor. Once we were settled in, I made my way to the Prudential Building for the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms Kickoff! Unfortunately, I was late to the party because of traffic but I arrived just in time to receive my shiny and new Samsung Galaxy S3 from Verizon. As you may know, a few weeks ago I upgraded my current cell phone to a Samsung Galaxy S3 (on a different network) so I already had some experience with the phone. Now that I have 2 Samsung Galaxy S3 phones on two different networks I have been comparing both the phone and the service, so be sure to watch for posts from me all about my comparisons and thoughts! After spending the last 4 days with both of these phones in my hands I have already conducted a lot of research, so be on the lookout!

After the Verizon meeting, I met Zack and Ellie back at the hotel and we made our plans for dinner and placed an order for a World Famous Chicago Stuffed Pizza from Giordano’s. This was also Zack’s first Chicago pizza experience!
Of course, he loved every.last.bite. We were even lucky enough to bring some leftovers home with us for the rest of the family to try.

After we stuffed our bellies with pizza, we sat around for a bit while Zack showed me the awesome trick he learned while I was away at my meeting. Let’s just say the trick involves a window sill, a big fluffy bed and a somersault in the air.

Before we settled in for the night, we made a quick trip out to the neighboring Walgreens for a few supplies before crawling into our big comfy beds for the night.

Even Miss Ellie approved of the bed!

Watch for more about our exciting weekend in Chicago and the Brands & Bloggers Summit tomorrow!
Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms program and have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product. Verizon also covered my hotel, expenses and conference pass as part of the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms program.  Also, thank you again to GM for providing us with transportation to Chicago.

Riding in Style

In 8 hours, Zack, Ellie and I will be departing Green Bay and making our way to Chicago for the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms kickoff event followed by the Brands & Bloggers Summit on Saturday.

Although we will be leaving in the wee hours of the morning to assure that we will arrive on time, one thing that we do know is that we will be riding in style!

Thanks to GM, we will be traveling in a Quicksilver Metallic 2012 Yukon XL 1/2 Ton – 4 wheel drive SLT!

Yes, that is our mode of transportation for the next week and I can tell you this, I am in love! If I ever win the lottery I can promise you that this will be the car I am driving after!

The Yukon XL is a smooth ride that offers so much comfort for everyone!
Front heat bucket leather seats, air conditioning, adjustable pedals, heated second row seats, dual tv screens, DVD technology, navigation, back up cameras….the list goes on and on and on and on.

I am loving it and cannot wait to hop into it in the morning and make our way to Chicago!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Disclaimer: GM was kind to lend us a vehicle to travel to Chicago and home, however they do NOT expect or require me to write this post. All thoughts and opinions about the 2012 GMC Yukon are my own and seriously, if I win the lottery, I am soooo buying one!

Chicago….Here I Come!

This coming weekend, I will be in Chicago as part of the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms program!  Not only am I going to Chicago to attend an awesome Verizon event, but they are also sending me to the 2012 SocialRevUp Brands & Bloggers Summit!

I am so happy and excited to be given the opportunity to be part of this program and cannot wait to get my hands on some new technology and share it with all of you. I know as a mom of 4, I rely on my techy gadgets to keep track of which kid needs to be where on what days, all of our family appointments, bills and more. Really, if I did have my gadgets, our life would be even more chaotic than it already is!

I am also thrilled that I will be attending the Brands & Bloggers Summit once again.  I attended this conference last year and it was my the first blog conference that I went to and it was awesome!  I learned so much, met some great people and made wonderful contacts.

I am looking forward to seeing some old friends, meeting more new people and introducing Ellie to everyone as well.  On this trip, both Zack and Ellie will be joining me.  I would have loved to bring the entire family along but my little Alexander has his first t-ball tournament over the weekend and I didn’t want him to miss out.  Needless to say, we will be leaving Chicago bright and early Sunday morning to get home in time for his final game and watch him get his participation award.

Since it will be Zack, Ellie and I, we couldn’t take the family minivan to Chicago and leave the Alex and Alexander without a car.  Once I came to this realization, I turned to the good folks at GM and am happy to announce that we will be riding in style in a GMC Yukon XLT!

I can’t wait to share all the excitement when we return from our weekend in Chicago!

If you will be attending the #BBSummit12 please let me know, I would love to meet you!

Words of Encouragement – Can You Please Help?

Over the years, you have read things about my crazy best friend Natalie. Natalie and I have been friends for as long as we both remember. When my mom was younger, she babysat Natalie’s older brothers. As I grew up, Natalie became like a sister to me and her family is what I refer to as my second family, her parents are my other parents. To me, they are part of my family.

So….why am I seeking words of encouragement?
Natalie’s mom, Linda, the woman who has always been like another mom to me, the woman my kids call Grandma Linda….was diagnosed with cancer just over 2 weeks ago.
Last Monday she underwent major surgery to remove as much of the cancer as they could. After hearing everything the doctors did during her surgery, Linda has not been herself.
This cancer diagnosis is killing her before she has even had the chance to fight.
As of right now, we don’t know exactly how bad things are. What we do know is the cancer started as ovarian cancer and has spread to other organs but we are all hopeful she will beat this!

Now I have seen the power of prayer work in circumstances like these and I also know that words of encouragement from people in her life and complete strangers will help put her in the positive attitude that she needs.



Saving Money on Vacation

Every year our family likes to get away from the hustle and bustle of our day to day life. Being a family of 6 now, we don’t have a lot of extra cash to take as many adventures as we like, but we do try to squeeze in one special trip before school starts each fall. This year, our vacation plans have been put on hold due to our impending move at the end of August.

We are planning to sneak away to Wisconsin Dell’s for 1 day in August and I have been working hard to take advantage of the Promo Codes 2012 to help lower our costs. Planning a vacation to the Dell’s requires us to have all of our swimming necessities in addition to figuring out how to feed a family of 6 on a budget….a very tight budget!

I have also been looking over the BookIt Promo Code 2012 online to see what is available in savings to help distinguish if we should and if we can afford to extend our trip to more than a day. Fingers crossed that I can find a way to pull this off and keep it cheap!

Thanks to my entering online sweeps, we have already won 4 free passes to one of the waterparks in the Dell’s and I also received another when I got more than 10 gallons of gas at the local gas station.

This will be our first family trip to the Dell’s and my first trip there since I was in middle school. I am looking forward to letting the kids run and have fun while the little Miss Ellie and I cover ourselves in sunscreen and hats while we float along the lazy river and just enjoy our time together.

Zack and the Libby have been planning out which waterslide they want to attack first while Alexander has decided he will be spending the entire day in the kiddie area with Daddy.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens!  No matter what, I am sure we will all have a lot of fun!

What does your family do to help lower the costs of a family vacation?

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