Tag Archives: BookIt Promo Codes

Saving Money on Vacation

airplane, family vacation, travelingEvery year our family likes to get away from the hustle and bustle of our day to day life. Being a family of 6 now, we don’t have a lot of extra cash to take as many adventures as we like, but we do try to squeeze in one special trip before school starts each fall. This year, our vacation plans have been put on hold due to our impending move at the end of August.

We are planning to sneak away to Wisconsin Dell’s for 1 day in August and I have been working hard to take advantage of the Promo Codes 2012 to help lower our costs. Planning a vacation to the Dell’s requires us to have all of our swimming necessities in addition to figuring out how to feed a family of 6 on a budget….a very tight budget!

I have also been looking over the BookIt Promo Code 2012 online to see what is available in savings to help distinguish if we should and if we can afford to extend our trip to more than a day. Fingers crossed that I can find a way to pull this off and keep it cheap!

Thanks to my entering online sweeps, we have already won 4 free passes to one of the waterparks in the Dell’s and I also received another when I got more than 10 gallons of gas at the local gas station.

This will be our first family trip to the Dell’s and my first trip there since I was in middle school. I am looking forward to letting the kids run and have fun while the little Miss Ellie and I cover ourselves in sunscreen and hats while we float along the lazy river and just enjoy our time together.

Zack and the Libby have been planning out which waterslide they want to attack first while Alexander has decided he will be spending the entire day in the kiddie area with Daddy.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens!  No matter what, I am sure we will all have a lot of fun!

What does your family do to help lower the costs of a family vacation?