All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

Always Have a Backup Plan!

During our recent move, I managed to misplace a few items that I will need in the next few months.  You know, various items such as important paperwork that the kids will need for school, tax records, birth certificates, etc.

Although I misplaced the hard copies of these items, I am happy that I always make a digital copy of important information and that not only do I save it to my computer, but I always make sure to use my online backup program as well.

After reading a variety of reviews of online backup programs, I am happy that my internet service provider includes one for free with our service.  Having this type of program always ensures that I will not lose anything important!

Do you keep digital copies of your important documents?

Goodbye E.A.R.L!

It’s official….after just over 5 years, we have said goodbye and moved from the place that kept a roof over our heads and have finally escaped the E.A.R.L.  Just after midnight, on the morning of August 5th, Alex, the kids and I met my parents at our new home to finally show it to the kids.

Since we moved, we have been busy making the house beautiful.  The first night we came in, we immediately pulled out the filthy white carpet to find this:

Beautiful hardwood floors under arpet

After some serious TLC of removing staples and tack strip, sweeping, vacuuming, AND oiling, the final result was wonderful!

Once we were finished with the living room floor, we moved on to removing carpet in the hallways and in Libby’s bedroom. Under one hallway we found a pretty decent 1970’s poured floor. In the other hallway, we uncovered peel and stick tile on top of another 1970’s poured floor. After removing the tiles, adhesive and years of dirt, we ended up with a pretty decent floor that will suffice until we lay the new floor.

Now that those few projects are done, we are busy unpacking the rest of the house and getting settled in before the next project begins.
The next project is taking our 1973 kitchen that currently looks like this (no, that is not our stuff, that is the previous owners).

And we are turning it into this!

It is going to look beautiful and I cannot wait to get it done and share pictures! I will be blogging through the whole process of demoing the current kitchen and installing the new one!
Until then, I have A LOT of unpacking to do! The cabinets have been ordered and now we just wait.

Home Depot Kids Workshop

On August 4th, before we began the big move into our new home, we decided to venture out to our local Home Depot and have the kids participate in The Lorax Kids Workshop.  This was our first time participating in one of the workshops for kids at Home Depot and I am really glad that we went.  Zack, Libby and Alexander all had the chance to make a bulletin board and paint it.

The kids are already looking forward to attending the September workshop so they can make their paper football goal posts just in time for Packer season!

The Lorax is now available on Blu-ray and DVD.


EXPIRED: $25 Fandango Moviecash Giveaway

Since we will be spending the weekend moving followed by cleaning out our rental and unpacking at the new house, I thought I would do a little giveaway for a $25 Fandango Bucker!! There are soooo many movies in the theater right now that I would love to see but just won’t have the time to go.

So since I can’t go, I want to send you!

This giveaway is for a $25 Fandango Bucker Code that can be used towards the purchase of movie tickets on


**I was not compensated for this post. I am just a really nice person who wants to send someone to the movies.**

Hey Arnold!: Season 2 Part 2 on DVD July 24th

Come hang out with Arnold, Gerald and the gang for more adventure-filled fun in the big city! Season Two, Part 2 delivers some of the best moments yet when Arnold enters an eating contest, Rhonda gets glasses, Phoebe becomes a power-hungry hall monitor, Helga uses Stinky to make Arnold jealous and more!

Once again, the gang is back in our home and I am reliving Hey Arnold!  Zack & Libby have really enjoyed sharing Arnold and his friends with the 4-year-old Alexander.  My only complaint is now Alexander refers to everyone as Football head!

Hey Arnold!: Season Two Part 2 features 10 original episodes from the second season of Nickelodeon’s Hit Animated Series on DVD from Shout! Factory.

Be sure to pick up your copy today!

Disclaimer:  I received a promotional copy of this film to facilitate this review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.