Tag Archives: babies

4 Months

It is hard to believe that my little Ellie is already 4 months old.

She went in for her 4 month check today and weighed in at 12lbs. 3.5ozs which is almost double her 6lb. 2oz birth weight! She is also 23.5 inches long which means she has grown an inch for each month she is old since birth.

Overall the good Dr. J. was very happy with her progress, strength and loved her smiles!

After 2 shots, some crying and lunch she is now taking  the rest of the afternoon off to nap!

Baby Bean’s First Celebrity Meeting

As I mentioned in a previous post, this past weekend, the Alex (AKA @TheSciFiDaddy), baby Ellie and I made our way to Chicago for the 2012 International Home & Housewares Show.

We had a blast!

I had received an email earlier in the week inviting us to stop by the SodaStream booth to check out their new line in addition to see their special celebrity guest, Jillian Michaels.

We had already planned on stopping by the booth because I was dying to try a SodaStream (yes, up until Saturday, we were SodaStream virgins!).

So, we made our way to the booth, learned how to make a soda using the SodaStream and some other cool stuff before taking a seat to wait for Jillian.

A few minutes later Jillian came out to face the crowd around the booth, pose for pictures and shoot some promos.  We couldn’t see much of her (other than her backside which

the Alex didn’t mind) and then we were asked to move to another seat because we were in every shot.  Of course, this was not a problem, so we moved.  We continued to wait for

a bit as she did more promos until the Alex said he wanted to get moving and check out more stuff.  We made our way around to the front of the booth in an attempt to take a picture or two
I no more than snapped this picture, not even knowing what I had actually taken a picture of when I look at Jillian, yes, THE JILLIAN MICHAELS, and here her say I want to see the baby! of Jillian and just as I snapped this picture, everything changed!

Jillian Michaels was requesting to meet see our little Baby Ellie all snug and wrapped in her Moby strapped to me.
I of course obliged and made my way over to show off our precious little girl.
I mean seriously…..Jillian Michaels!

I walked over to her, I showed off little Miss Ellie.

Thank goodness the Alex was there with me and was paying attention otherwise we wouldn’t have these awesome pictures in which you can see Jillian swoon over the cuteness that is Baby Ellie and one of her and I talking about Ellie.

She couldn’t believe that Ellie was closing in on 3 months, she thought for sure she was just 2 days old.  She went on to tell me about her niece who had just had a baby who was already 10lbs which is what our 3 month old Ellie is.


Now, remember that part when I mentioned that Jillian was shooting photos and promos right before this happened?

Well, she did this in the middle of shooting a promo and they had to start over.

I thought that was pretty awesome.  She didn’t care if she had to do it again, she just really wanted to see our baby and meet Ellie.

As for the Alex and I, we are still in shock that this happened and think it is pretty damn sweet!

Thank you @JillianMichaels for being awesome and for being the first celebrity our little Ellie got to meet!!

She’s Here!!! She’s Here!!!

The Alex, Zack, Libby, Alexander and I are all pleased to announce that Baby Ellie has arrived!!!

Born December 17th, 2011 at 1:48 am (CST) at 36 weeks gestation, weighing 6 pounds, 2 ounces and 18.5 inches long.

She is doing great and so is mom!!!

We are looking forward to leaving the hospital soon and heading home.

Watch for a post including her complete and interesting birth story!!

Growing A Human

You would think that by now, you know after already having grown 3 other human beings, that this pregnancy deal would be a walk in the park.
It’s not.
I absolutely HATE being pregnant this time around.
That is probably because I am overweight and emotional, but this time is not fun.
Every part of me hurts.
And I mean, every. single. part.
I have absolutely zero desire to have sex.
My poor hubby.
I feel sorry for him, I really do.
I’m to the point where I am actually considering getting him a stand in wife to bang for the duration of this pregnancy.

Oh did I mention that this time around I am actually tired too?
Yeah, me.
The night owl.
All. The. Time.
I’ve slept more during this pregnancy than I have in the last 4 years combined.

It definitely gets harder to grow a human as you age.
I will attest to this.
Being pregnant in my 20’s was way easier.
The only comparison between past pregnancies and this one is the fact that I’m breaking out like a teenage girl just hitting puberty.
It’s bad!

Oh and why is it that in this pregnancy I pee more then I did with the others.
Seriously, we are talking a roll of T.P. a day just for me!

And to think I have AT LEAST 20 more weeks to go.

The only bonus this time around is that I’ve actually been keeping my weight gain to a minimum.
Here’s hoping it stays that way!!

Next Baby Ellie check-up is this Friday. Looking forward to discussing my swelling issues with the doc and hoping we get to see the little one again!

Until then!