Tag Archives: pregnancy

Things for Expecting Parents to Consider

Now that I have brought 5 kids into this world, I know that if I were to ever do it again there are a few things I would do differently and some that I wouldn’t change at all.

Being a mom of 5, there are plenty of things that have changed over the years, I’ve learned new things and if I could turn back time and put that knowledge to use, I would. Since I have yet to invent a time machine and I’m done having babies, I figured I’d share a few things to think about as you are planning for the arrival of your child.

Home Birth

During all of my pregnancies, I never once considered a home birth but after learning more about it and hearing of other friends experiences,  it is definitely something I would actually consider doing if we were to ever have another child.

Midwife or Doula

Towards the end of my 5th pregnancy, I was seen by a midwife at my Ob-Gyn’s office and my experience with her was great. It really made me wish that I would have gone the route of a midwife or at least hired a doula for not only the delivery portion of my pregnancy but for my post-pregnancy care as well.


Cloth Diapering

Another thing I wish I would have learned more about while pregnant is cloth diapering and invested money into what we would need to use cloth instead of disposable diapers. Although I know if can be more time consuming, I keep thinking of the money we could have saved with cloth diapering. 

If you are considering cloth diapering, I suggest searching for a cloth diapering group in your area on Facebook as they are filled with moms that are willing to share their knowledge and help new moms get started.


Now, my 3 youngest children were all fully breastfed babies until at least 1 year and I am so happy that I made that decision and wish I could go back in time with my first two kids and stick to breastfeeding. When I had Zack and Libby, I was young and didn’t know where to look or how to find the support I needed when it came to breastfeeding so I gave in early and switched to formula.

If you are considering breastfeeding, be aware that there are all kinds of programs and moms out there that are willing to share advice and be there for support should you need it. Honestly, if you want some support, feel free to email me and I am more than happy to help you!


Believe it or not, something a lot of expectant parents don’t think about in the beginning is transportation. With a new baby, you want to make sure you have safe, reliable transportation that can accommodate your new family. There are plenty of dealerships, like Speedway Autogroup, that offer a large selection of both new and used family friendly vehicles.



Frustration is going to the hospital with the Dr’s permission expecting to have your water broken and have a baby then leaving almost 8 hours later with your bag of waters still intact and no baby.

That was my day yesterday.

I woke up yesterday morning and things felt off.  I was still experiencing contractions, as usual, but these contractions were new and stronger.  

After almost 2 hours of no change in them regardless of what I was doing, we called the Dr’s office and they asked me to come in and have things checked out.

First the nurse practitioner made an attempt to check me but since I have this crazy tilted and uncooperative cervix she was havinga difficult time so she asked the other Dr at the practice to check me, since mine was out and in surgery.

The Dr determined me to be dialated 5cm and 90% thinned and felt baby was in a great position.  After talking to my Dr on the phone, it was decided that we would head to the hospital and she would most likely break my water since she was there and we could get things moving.

From there, things just went downhill for us.

We arrived at the hospital excited and ready to get things moving so we could finally meet our little guy.  

When we got up to L&D we were directed to triage because my Dr wanted to check me herself.  My Dr determined that I hadn’t made any change from the previous week and left me in triage to be observed and rechecked in 2 hours.

2 hours came and went and I was checked by a labor nurse who said I was now dialated to 4cm.  Yay, we had made progress, this was a good thing!  Then I was checked again by the same Dr who had checked me at my OBGYN office and she said I was definitely 5cm.  

After a call to my Dr, it was decided that we would stay in triage and see if things progressed and she would be back to check me herself after the office closed.

Shortly after 6pm my Dr arrived at the hospital to check me and she again said that I hadn’t made any change and she was sending me home with some Vicodin so I could get some rest.

Here I am, the day after, pregnant, still contracting, at home, and waiting for baby.  I have an appointment tomorrow (Thursday) for an NST and am hoping we can get some kind of plan in place since I am 39 weeks on Friday.  I have NEVER been this pregnant before and my body is not enjoying it and neither am I.

Here’s hoping our little guy decides to join us soon!


Yes, I’m STILL Pregnant

To the astonishment of myself, my family, my friends, my doctor and the entire staff at my OBGYN’s office, I am still pregnant.

Here I sit, 37 weeks, 4 days pregnant with baby #5.

I have been having contractions EVERY 8-9 minutes for the last 36 hours.

I haven’t been able to sleep in days.

Late Saturday night, after talking with my Dr. we made a trip to L&D at the hospital with the possibility I was leaking amniotic fluid.

I got all situated in a little exam room and learned that I was dialated to 3 cm however since there was no fluid leaking after I was checked, it was ruled out that I was leaking fluid.  

Since I was still dialated and having contractions, I got hooked up to the monitors and was observed.  

My contractions continued for hours and were every 3-5 minutes.

This went on and on and on and on and on…..

Without any change.

By 8:30 in the morning and still no change (or sleep) I had enough and had the lovely nurse let my doctor know that I was making the decision to go home, eat and get some sleep.

And I did.

I ate.

And I slept in between contractions.

Yesterday, the contractions continued (and still are) every 8-9 minutes.

I went in to the Dr office for a previously scheduled NST ( non-stress test).  Everything with baby’s heartbeat was fine and my contractions were documented. 

I came home and have been here since.

Having contractions.

Every 8-9 minutes.

They are not fun.

They are uncomfortable.

The sad thing is that I am getting used to them.

I haven’t slept much since I’m giant and uncomfortable.

I had to kick Alex out of bed about 4:30 this morning so I could take over the bed and try to get comfortable.

And now…..here I sit.


Still pregnant.

And beyond ready to have this baby.

The staff at my OBGYN’s office said they hope to god they do not see me at my next scheduled appointment which is Thursday afternoon.  

I am hoping for the same!


Baby Bump Update: Nearing the end!

I can’t believe the end is near!!!

Before we know it we will be snuggling our new little bundle of joy.

That time cannot come soon enough!

This week has been rough.  I’ve been having some pretty good contractions since Wednesday.  So good, we took a trip to the doctor to have things checked out.  As of Wednesday I haven’t dialated at all but my cervix is softened and things are changing in the nether regions!


While at the office on Wednesday I sat on the monitor for a bit to check out the contractions and they are indeed contractions.  Since then, they have been getting stronger and longer now I just need them to get closer!  I also had an ultrasound just to scope things out and everything looked good too!

Now lets just hope for a baby….soon!

Baby Bump Update: Week 32

Week 32 has arrived (and is almost gone) and it has been a week filled with wonderful news!

On Monday, we met with Dr. S the perinatologist and are happy to report that Baby Joey’s brain is absolutely perfect, his ventricles are measuring within normal limits and according to her they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  Of course, this news made us very, VERY happy and it was definitely a great Monday morning!

Not only did we get great news, we also go some great shots of the little guy and I am so excited to share them, so here he is!

Look at those delicious cheeks!!! I cannot wait to me this little guy and cover those cheeks in kisses!

After I shared these pictures on Facebook, a friend pointed out the resemblence between my father and Joey. Coincidentally, Joey is being named after my dad!

Have a look for yourself and tell me what you think!

The countdown to meet the little dude is on! I think I am even going to make a game of it and have you guess when he will arrive and offer a great prize to the person who gets it right…..watch for an update!