Category Archives: Weightloss

Tips To Keeping The Pounds Off During Your Beach Holiday

Keeping the pounds off during your summer holiday doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Maintaining healthy habits while lazing on sunny beaches is not easy, but it’s totally doable if you follow a few key concepts. Here are five tips to help you return home without those annoying extra pounds around your waist.


  1. Never Skip Meals. Healthy dietary habits are often neglected during a summer holiday. Maybe you ate too much at the all-you-can-eat buffet, or had too many cocktails on the beach. Yet when you skip a meal, the body triggers a defence mechanism that slows down your metabolism. When eating after a few hours of fasting, the body tends to store the nutrients, expecting future fasts. In simple terms, this means an accumulation of fat. After fasting, you’re also more prone to eat unhealthy foods to gain the energy consumed during the day. So while you may feel bloated in the morning, don’t skip breakfast, just opt for a healthier one with fruits and yogurt, and skip the croissants.


  1. Exercise Regularly. “But I’m on holiday!” That’s true, but you simply need to exercise if you want to stay fit. You don’t have to follow your regular workout plan – a relaxing stroll on the beach is both romantic and healthy. Swim in the hottest hours or play beach volleyball with your friends. If you feel you’re lacking the motivation, integrate nootropics into your diet. This fancy term refers to a class of substances able to enhance brain power and boost energy. Some of the most common natural nootropics are coffee and green tea. Most vitamin supplements and energizers also contain natural or synthetic nootropics.


  1. Cut Down On Desserts. The breeze of the sea and the hot sun create the perfect setting for ice cream and cake cravings. But desserts won’t help you keep the pounds off. After about an hour of eating that delicious sundae, the glycaemic peak caused by the sugar intake will collapse and you’ll get hungry again. Instead of ice cream, refresh yourself with a light snack such as a cup of fresh fruit, a healthy smoothie, or Greek yoghurt.


  1. Drink (Flavoured) Water. When you’re roasting in the sun, drinking water is important. Yet on holiday, it’s often easy to replace water with a refreshing glass of iced wine or a mojito. The only issue is that alcohol causes further dehydration. And, as you already know from the gym, dehydration is not your friend. Since plain water isn’t that inspiring during a holiday, you can try flavoured water. Just drop a few slices of fresh fruit, a dash of aromatic herbs, or a pinch of spices into a bottle of water, leave it to marinate for a couple of hours and voilà… your delicious and healthy holiday drink is served!
  2. Set Rules. Jokes aside, if you want to keep the pounds off during your beach holiday, just set rules for yourself before temptation sets in. Don’t substitute water with carbonated drinks and alcohol and don’t exchange healthy food for tempting appetizers. Write this all down in a notebook to affirm these rules – before you head on your holiday. If you just can’t resist temptation, eat junk food with moderation and have one cocktail less at that awesome beach party. You’ll still have loads of fun and your body will no doubt thank you later!

Yoga for Weight Loss: Reshaping the Body Through Mindfulness

Does yoga for weight loss work? Many wonder at this question as this seemingly peaceful practice is extremely different from the fat-burning aerobics. However, it turns out that yoga, especially combined with mindfulness practices, can produce amazing results in reshaping and strengthening both your body and mind.

How Effective Yoga for Weight Loss Truly Is?

Before delving into the details of how many calories you can burn in a yoga class you need to understand one very important thing. It has been proven beyond any doubt that exercise alone has no significant effect on weight loss. The reason for that is that in order to burn off a significant number of calories through a workout, you’ll have to exercise extremely hard and long. This energy expenditure will make you hungry and no appetite suppressing drugs will help you. In fact, if you don’t get a hearty meal after a strenuous session in a gym, you’ll damage your health. The intensity of the workout itself will also be extreme and therefore damaging.

When you consider this, your perspective on the benefits of yoga for weight loss changes. It’s true that you’ll lose only about half the calories in a minute of yoga practice (3-6) than you do through an intense cardio session (12-13). However, this means that you only need to have an hour of peaceful yoga instead of a 30-minute (recommended length) aerobics session to achieve the same results.

You also need to remember that not all types of yoga are about peaceful flows and gentle stretches. There are very dynamic practices, like vinyasa and kundalini. They can have as much of a fat-burning effect as a cardio workout. You’ll only need to complement those practices with a well-balanced weight loss diet and extra aids such as foods or supplements that produce the effect of appetite suppression. This will create an amazing weight loss program that can be much more effective and fulfilling than regular workouts in the gym.

What Is It with Yoga for Weight Loss and Mindfulness?

Mindfulness, the practice of focusing on the present moment and refocusing every time your attention slips, is an essential part of yoga. The latest studies indicate that it’s this particular mental exercise that’s responsible for many of the benefits associated with the ancient practice.

The most important of them are:

  • Reduction of anxiety and stress levels
  • Depression treatment and prevention
  • Neurodegenerative disorders prevention
  • Enhanced cognitive ability

When it comes to yoga for weight loss, mindfulness becomes your most important ally as it can produce amazing results on its own. A study by the North Carolina State University, vividly described in Daily Mail proves that adding the practice of mindfulness to a weight loss program helps people lose up to 7 times more weight.

You also need to know that mindfulness is a great psychological practice that helps increase one’s satisfaction with their life and body. Therefore, the final result of adding mindfulness to your weight loss program becomes even more satisfying.

Yoga and mindfulness are a perfect combination, especially the slow-flow variations, like yin. Combining the two practices enhances them as you get more focus on your pose, which means you’ll more likely benefit from it. At the meantime, focusing on the body helps you to ‘stay in the moment’ which is the essence of mindfulness practice.

Whether you add mindfulness to the practice itself or have a 10-minute meditation after completing it, the positive effect on your health will be noticeable. When used as a part of a well-balanced weight loss plan, you’ll definitely get to see changes quite soon. The increased level of body awareness that you will develop from these sessions will also be a great help in achieving your body shape goals and setting realistic expectations for your programs.

A New Take on Life

I know, you’re probably like me and sick of people making resolutions and that whole new year, new me crap. Yes, I’ve said it a thousand times and never stuck to it.

And then I had an eye-opening moment. I stepped on the scale and saw a number that absolutely terrified me. (A number that I am not comfortable typing out or sharing with the world yet). 

It’s amazing how seeing a number on a scale can totally change your life.

Goodbye fast food.

Goodbye cookies.

Goodbye sitting around and working all day.

Goodbye processed foods.

Hello fresh, healthy dishes.

Hello mall walking.

Hello gym and working out at home every chance I get.

Hello smaller portions.

We didn’t kick things off at the start of the new year, we started on the 4th of January. 

In our first month, I’ve lost 13lbs and Alex has lost 17lbs. I haven’t recorded my measurements yet since I didn’t do my first ones until January 10th, so next week, I will check to see if I’ve lost some inches too.

I haven’t noticed any really change in the way I look but I can tell you this. I feel better.

I walk easier.

I move easier.

When I am standing up, I am not in constant excruciating pain after 30 seconds. 

I’m sleeping better.

I’m more active.

I’m enjoying my kids and my family more.

I’m proud of myself.

I just walked a mile….in my basement. Now, I kid you not, I’m going to go shovel my front walkway. I’m pretty sure if there was more light by my driveway I would shovel that right now too! All of this eating better and losing weight stuff has been great and I’m motivated to be more active every single day. Already down 10.6lbs since January 4th! Adios fat, unhealthy Anne, there’s no room for you anymore! #health #gettinghealthy#weightloss #exercise #getfit #fitbit #megalomommy

(Be sure to follow me on Instagram as @Anne54304 for InstaUpdates!)

I’ve got a lot to lose so the road ahead is long but you can bet I am going to make it, with my husband by my side every step of the way.  I have all kinds of goals to reach on this journey and one I am really looking forward to is hitting the water park with my family this summer.

On January 24th, Alex and I became members of Planet Fitness and had our first official workout date. I’ll admit, it was hard but I pushed through and I’m looking forward to keeping that going.

When we joined Planet Fitness, they gave us each a tshirt with the logo on it. I received a 3X (a very generous 3x) and I decided that this is the shirt I will take regular pictures of myself in and that I plan on making way to big for me on this journey.

Now, I rarely share pictures of myself but this time, I am going to.

Yep. That’s me. Are you in as much shock as I am? Yeah, I’m kinda big these days. 5 pregnancies and delicious food hasn’t been good to me. Oh, make sure you say hi to my 2nd chin and while you are there, say goodbye because I’m sending it packing.

Hope you’ll stick around and follow along for updates along the way.