Category Archives: Exercise

Baby and You: Simple Fitness Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Finding out how to work out when you have a new baby to take care of can be one of the toughest challenges that you face as a new mom. There are ways the problem can be hacked, however.

Think of something fun, rather than something challenging

Having to handle demanding baby and work schedules is enough of a challenge. When it comes to your workout, you want to have fun.  When you genuinely have fun, exercise can simply seem easier, and you’ll find yourself skipping far less often. A great way to get some exercise in while nursing a baby is to use a mini elliptical. A mini elliptical allows you to stay seated while still making your body move.

Keep your energy up

Keeping yourself nutritionally well-supplied is a great way to save time when you exercise. You’ll simply be more energetic and get more done. Stocking up on lots of healthy and easy-to-access snacks is one of the best ways to make sure that your body is able to handle the workouts that you have planned . If these are all you have when you feel peckish, you’ll eat them, and you’ll be raring to go.

There is no scientific evidence to show that moderately intense workouts lower lactation quality or quantity. While the body does need a greater level of nutrient supply to keep up quality lactation, the natural appetite boost that goes with nursing always addresses it. The average nursing mother needs an extra 200 calories and a bump between 30% to 50% in their need for folate, protein and vitamin C. Making sure that you supply your body with the nutrition needed can completely take away any anxiety in this area.

Work out before the day gets to you

When you have a new baby waking you up three times through each night for regular feedings, no time of the day is likely to feel right for a good workout. If you put it off until after work, you’ll be too beat. First thing in the morning is when you’re likely to have as much energy as you’ll ever have. Your kids will be sound asleep too. This is when you should get your workout out of the way.

Color outside the box

What if none of these ideas appeal to you? If it feels like you have no time whatsoever to dedicate to a workout each day, it’s time to get innovative.

Runch: If all the time that you have is at lunch at work, no one says you can’t run as you eat. It’s called a runch, and it’s very popular now.

Include your kids in it: If you don’t have a minute that you don’t have to take care of one or another child, it’s okay to work out with them. Plenty of moms carve out family exercise time where everyone is included. Not only is it great together-time, it’s a good way to start your children young on the importance of fitness.

Some mothers don’t make their children work out with them; instead, they work out with their children. When their children need to run off to the playground, they go with them, and do their moves on the park bench, the monkey bars, the jungle gym or anything else that they can find. Lots of mothers jog with jogging strollers. These are great, stable strollers with large wheels that can take the rough-and-tumble of a run in the park.

Find time where there is none: Some mothers get their workout in every minute that they have. A high-intensity workout when you watch over the kids during their meal, through their music class or as you tell your kid a story at bedtime are all possibilities. You don’t necessarily need to curl up next to your kid when you recite a story.

Make a few basic changes: If driving is your choice when it comes to taking your kids to school or otherwise getting everyone around, you could consider a change. What if you could take the bicycle? If you can possibly do that, you’ll have at least a little exercise, and you won’t be spending a great deal extra time.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

The Starbucks latte has long been the icon of small but wasteful guilty pleasures that ruin budgets. There are pleasurable time sinks that everyone indulges in, too. To some it’s a little TV time, and to others, it’s Facebook. Whatever it is, plugging those drains can net you a surprising amount of time for exercise.

Certainly, there is very little time in a busy new mom’s life for exercise. Nevertheless, it’s always possible to be creative. Doing this can get you places.

Yoga for Weight Loss: Reshaping the Body Through Mindfulness

Does yoga for weight loss work? Many wonder at this question as this seemingly peaceful practice is extremely different from the fat-burning aerobics. However, it turns out that yoga, especially combined with mindfulness practices, can produce amazing results in reshaping and strengthening both your body and mind.

How Effective Yoga for Weight Loss Truly Is?

Before delving into the details of how many calories you can burn in a yoga class you need to understand one very important thing. It has been proven beyond any doubt that exercise alone has no significant effect on weight loss. The reason for that is that in order to burn off a significant number of calories through a workout, you’ll have to exercise extremely hard and long. This energy expenditure will make you hungry and no appetite suppressing drugs will help you. In fact, if you don’t get a hearty meal after a strenuous session in a gym, you’ll damage your health. The intensity of the workout itself will also be extreme and therefore damaging.

When you consider this, your perspective on the benefits of yoga for weight loss changes. It’s true that you’ll lose only about half the calories in a minute of yoga practice (3-6) than you do through an intense cardio session (12-13). However, this means that you only need to have an hour of peaceful yoga instead of a 30-minute (recommended length) aerobics session to achieve the same results.

You also need to remember that not all types of yoga are about peaceful flows and gentle stretches. There are very dynamic practices, like vinyasa and kundalini. They can have as much of a fat-burning effect as a cardio workout. You’ll only need to complement those practices with a well-balanced weight loss diet and extra aids such as foods or supplements that produce the effect of appetite suppression. This will create an amazing weight loss program that can be much more effective and fulfilling than regular workouts in the gym.

What Is It with Yoga for Weight Loss and Mindfulness?

Mindfulness, the practice of focusing on the present moment and refocusing every time your attention slips, is an essential part of yoga. The latest studies indicate that it’s this particular mental exercise that’s responsible for many of the benefits associated with the ancient practice.

The most important of them are:

  • Reduction of anxiety and stress levels
  • Depression treatment and prevention
  • Neurodegenerative disorders prevention
  • Enhanced cognitive ability

When it comes to yoga for weight loss, mindfulness becomes your most important ally as it can produce amazing results on its own. A study by the North Carolina State University, vividly described in Daily Mail proves that adding the practice of mindfulness to a weight loss program helps people lose up to 7 times more weight.

You also need to know that mindfulness is a great psychological practice that helps increase one’s satisfaction with their life and body. Therefore, the final result of adding mindfulness to your weight loss program becomes even more satisfying.

Yoga and mindfulness are a perfect combination, especially the slow-flow variations, like yin. Combining the two practices enhances them as you get more focus on your pose, which means you’ll more likely benefit from it. At the meantime, focusing on the body helps you to ‘stay in the moment’ which is the essence of mindfulness practice.

Whether you add mindfulness to the practice itself or have a 10-minute meditation after completing it, the positive effect on your health will be noticeable. When used as a part of a well-balanced weight loss plan, you’ll definitely get to see changes quite soon. The increased level of body awareness that you will develop from these sessions will also be a great help in achieving your body shape goals and setting realistic expectations for your programs.

Thighs, Calves and Knees: Exercise and Equipment Tips for Toning Your Legs

Warm, sunny days are on their way. It’s time to get your legs toned and ready to show off in those shorts and skirts. Interested in getting long, lean leg muscles without the added bulk? Here’s a basic plan to help you reach that goal.

Commit to a regular workout schedule and a healthy diet

The key to any exercise routine is to work it into your regular weekly schedule. You want a plan you can commit to, but you also need it to be effective. The best way to develop your legs is to do a dedicated leg workout, three times a week. On the off-days, you can focus on arms, back and abs. You will also want to do some low-intensity cardio such as biking, walking or dancing, to help boost your metabolism and burn fat. Make sure you are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins: these are essential for building and repairing muscle.

Focus on the legs with targeted exercises

Squats, lunges and leg lifts are excellent exercises that target the leg and butt muscles. You can do them barefoot or in cross-fit shoes and you don’t need any extra equipment, so you can do them anywhere, anytime. Do some calf raises while sitting at your desk or standing at the copy machine. Take the stairs at work two at a time. You will find a number of variations that adapt these exercises to your individual comfort level and ability. One of the most effective ways to exercise your legs without additional strain on your knees and back is with the leg press machine, just be sure you have proper ankle support, you wouldn’t want to end up in an ankle brace for a sprain. The equipment is ergonomically designed to support your body while putting all of the effort on the leg muscles. You can also find equipment to target your calf muscles (the calf raise machine), your hamstrings and your quads (leg curl machine).

Follow the formula for a shapely leg

If you are running on a daily basis and lifting heavy weights with low repetitions, you will find yourself building a bulkier muscle in the leg. This might not be the look you are going for. To develop a lean, toned leg, you need to lower the weight and increase repetition. Use a weight where you feel the muscle working without strain. You can use a leg press machine, add ankle weights or just use your own body weight without additional equipment. Repeat twelve to fifteen times, then rest for thirty seconds. Do three sets of each exercise. Make sure you rest a day in between leg workouts so that your muscles have a chance to recover.

If you want to add some variety to your leg workout, take a look at some athletes known for their awesome legs. They spend a lot of time in the gym but they also get their shape through sports. Try adding some tennis, swimming or even horseback riding to your routine to mix things up a bit.

Sculpt and Shape: No Sweat Workouts for a Beach-Ready Body

Being fit is a lifestyle.  However, working out becomes a fad for many because they can’t stick with the routine.  Unfortunately, some are at a disadvantage before they even get to the gym.  When they think of working out, they envision hours of sweating and aching.  Some are smart about working out.  They’re able to attain a beach-ready body with minimal sweating and hard work.  Here’s how to sculpt and shape your body without needing to work really hard for it. They used supplements like protein powders from Myfitnesshub to increase resilience and build muscle faster, so with each workout, you can extend the usual workout time without much pain.–

Roll It Out

You may be thinking there is little to do with a piece of foam.  However, many have faith in its ability to provide a great stretch while aiding in building muscle.  Firstly, myofascial massages are beneficial in relaxing the muscle.  However, a deep tissue massage can be pricey, especially if you desire one often.  Users position themselves on top of the foam tool and roll body parts over the upper surface.  Rather than using your arms to support your weight, put pressure on the roller to get its full benefits.  The roller does a lot more, such as serving as a yoga prop and push-up aid.

Go Isometric

It seems counter-intuitive; how can your body benefit from a stationary position?  Yet, staying in place while putting stress on the muscle is highly beneficial.  Holding a position helps the body learn better form versus doing repetitive motions.  Also, the routine is convenient; you’re using your own body weight, so there’s no need to use those at the gym or buy them to use at home.  There are plenty of positions to strengthen muscles and promote flexibility.

Try Yoga

A lot of men and women don’t go to the gym because they don’t want to use weights or particular equipment.  It’s intimidating and confusing.  However, yoga requires little to no equipment.  Yoga requires strength, balance, and poise.  It’s great for beginners because you’re only using your own body weight and only need to stretch as far as your tolerance allows.  Also, you don’t have to spend hours doing it.  A ten minute routine performed several times a week can do wonders.  If you plan on buying a video series, it’s best to research.

Plan Pilates

Pilates creates longer, leaner muscle.  The movements are easy on the body yet yield fantastic effects.  Start doing a few maneuvers and gradually attempt more advanced poses.  Try holding a towel while on your back.  Bend the knees to the chest and lift your head and shoulders off the mat.  Keep the knees pressed together and the toes pointed.  Inhale and extend the arms and legs out into a large V shape.  Exhale and draw your knees back into your chest and reach the towel over the legs to the toes.

Iron Out the Abs

Unfortunately, you can’t get a super six pack by doing abdominal workouts alone.  A cut form requires bodybuilding, a good diet, and cardiovascular activity.  However, you can burn calories and strengthen your core by devoting five to ten minutes toward an abdominal workout.  Conveniently, there is a number of ways you can target your abs.  You can do traditional sit ups, get on your forearms and do a plank, or get on your back and slowly raise and lower straightened legs.

Lift Slowly

You don’t have to adopt the “no pain, no gain” slogan at the gym.  Actually, there are several ways to go about getting a workout while using weights.  Rather than go for broke and lift as much as your muscles can handle, use light weights, yet lift in a slow and deliberate motion.  Do a high number of repetitions.  The routine will not make you sweat like interval training, but you will definitely break down and sculpt the muscles.

Dive In

Swimming is one of the best exercises.  It’s totally low impact yet it’s an intense cardio workout.  Even better, unlike running and working up a tremendous sweat, the pool water will keep you cool.  Moreover, you can swim comfortably all year.  Yes, you can run outside all year, but you may have to deal with cold seasons depending on where you live.


Buy a pair of rollerblades and stroll along at your own leisurely pace.  It’s a fun yet effective way to tone your legs and get a cardiovascular workout.  Even better, ask friends and family members to join you.  Go rollerblading in the park, in your neighborhood, and at designated skateparks.

Amber Pearson is a Mom who changed her attitude to exercise after the birth of her daughter. She is now encouraging other women to get in shape and has even started an evening fitness group in her home town.

Burning Fat Fast: Top High Intensity Interval Workouts for Your Elliptical Trainer

Exercising at home is an easy way to stay in shape. You can get in a nice workout anytime you can find a half hour or so to spare without having to worry about going to the gym. And while there are many pieces of home exercise equipment you can choose from, and elliptical machine is a great choice.

Many people may see an elliptical as a low-intensity way to get warmed up before moving on to more challenging routines, but you can get a high-intensity workout on the machine without using any other equipment. If you are interested in buying a machine, check out the best elliptical reviews. Once you are ready, here are some pointers on a what makes a great interval workout.

What is an Interval Workout?

Interval training involves a series of low-intensity movement followed by high-intensity movements at regular intervals that feature short rest periods between. Think: fast, slow, fast, rest. Not only are interval workouts great for people who have a limited amount of time — most routines take no longer than a half hour — but science shows that interval training can be just as effective as traditional exercise.

Interval routines work because you push yourself very hard for short burst of time. During the high-intensity portions of the routine, you may find yourself going at 95-100% effort in order to maximize the benefits of exercise in a short period of time. The rest periods are generally short, sometimes even as short as 10 seconds, so that you can give yourself a break but not allow your heart rate to drop, so once you begin again, your body will be ready for the next interval.

The best part is that you don’t even have to exercise every day. Just a couple of days per week of interval training can show the same results as a five-day routine of some other type.

Target Zones

High-intensity interval training on an elliptical machine can target nearly any area of your body that you want to focus on, including a full-body workout. This is because along with the tracks that you move with your feet, there are arm bars that you can use for the upper body, similar to skiing poles. And, by adjusting the resistance, you can really burn fat all over.

Core training is important, so when you exercise, you want to make sure that you keep your belly firm and tight to activate your abdominals. Your glutes can get a killer workout as well, especially when you set the resistance high and really plow through the routine. And, naturally, every routine can help with your cardiovascular health by getting your heartrate up and keeping it up.

24-Minute Explosive Workout

No that you know the basics of elliptical exercise, here are two great workouts to get your heart pumping. Remember, make sure that you are healthy enough for strenuous exercise before trying these. If you are new, start slowly and work yourself up to these after several weeks.


For this workout, there are four different intervals, with the resistance set to something you’re comfortable with.  Interval 1: at medium effort, run for one minute using the handle bars, one minute without, and then three minutes with the bars again; recover for one minute with a walking pace. Interval 2: sprint for one minute, recover for one minute. Interval three: sprint for one minute, recover for one minute. Interval four: backward sprint for one minute, backward recover for one minute. Repeat to complete the 24-minute cycle.

That’s it. If you do this three times a week, you should see results.

The Crazy Routine

This routine is two minutes shorter than the other workout, but it’s much more intense and you are going to feel the burn. Make sure you are prepared before you attempt this routine.

Interval one: warm up with a five minute jog at a comfortable pace, then alternate between 40 seconds of sprinting and 20 seconds of jogging for four minutes, then a one minute recover. Interval two: Five minute jog with one minute recovery. Interval three: six minute sprint, all out. Recover however you need to afterward.

This routine will target every muscle in your body and you should feel it when you are finished. As with the other routine, a few times a week will show results quickly.

If you’re thinking about buying an elliptical, these are just some of the high-intensity workouts that you can do to stay fit.

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