As I mentioned last week, we had our full anatomy scan to check things over with Baby Peanut and see how he is doing. I also shared that they were concernd with his brain and that the cerebral ventrical was enlarged and that we were waiting to hear from the Dr. Well, this morning, I talked to my nurse and my OB asked if I wanted to come in sooner than my next appointment in May and repeat the ultrasound to see if we can get a better look and see if there is any cause for concern. Of course, I told her I definitely wanted to come in sooner and see my little dude and get a better picture. The plan is to repeat my ultrasound next Friday, the 26th, and am hopeful we will be able to get some better pictures and check out his little brain.
Of course, we are praying that everything is okay with our little man and that the last ultrasound was just a fluke. We would appreciate any happy thoughts and prayers you can spare for our little guy that everything is okay!
I will, of course, update after my ultrasound next week and let you know how everything goes.