All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

Halloween Events & Fun

I love this time of year!  October happens to be my very favorite month and it also happens to include Halloween. Here we are, just a few weeks away and the Halloween events around the country are in full swing.  We don’t have a lot on our agenda aside from Trick or Treating next week but I am hoping that we can squeeze in at least on other Halloween event.

Happy Halloween

With such a large family, we like to look for inexpensive and free events to attend and there happen to be all kinds of fun things happening in and around Green Bay leading up to Halloween.

If you are looking for fun Halloween things to do in your town, check your local libray, newspaper and news stations as they are often great resources.

Also, if you have a zoo in your area, check if they host a Zoo Boo event or check local churches for Trunk or Treat events as well. You can also check if your local YMCA hosts a fun Halloween event.

What are your favorite things to do for Halloween?

Trick or Treat Alternatives

Living in Wisconsin, it could be beautiful weather on Halloween, it could be freezing cold and in some cases, it could be snowing.  Snce the weather is another factor to consider when heading out to trick or treat, I like to have a few backup plans in place to ensure the kiddos have fun!

Check your local churches and school groups for Trunk or Treat events.  Trunk or Treat offers a safe, controlled Trick or Treating experience for everyone involved and you also get to see just how creative people can be!

Another alternative is to check your local mall and see if they offer Trick or Treating, ours has since I was a kid and I always enjoyed it.  You can also check zoo’s for Zoo Boo events, and check your local paper and newstations for other safe Trick or Treating alternatives.

Do you live in an area where you need a backup plan?  Have your kids ever had to wear snow pants and winter jackets under their costumes like mine have?

Share your Trick or Treat and Halloween plans with us in the comments below!

Personalized Gifts from Anything Engraving

With Christmas right around the corner and various family weddings and celebrations to attend, I am always on the hunt for a company that can product unique, personalized gifts. I love giving gifts that I know people are going to enjoy for many years to come.

I was recently introduced to Anything Engraving, a company that offers laser engraved products as well sandblasting, vinyl decals, hand carved, hand painted and CNC routed signs. They also do everything from panel production to finishing. From laser etched pictures and paintings and business cards on wood to deep sand blasting engraving in wood, stone, tiles and more, they are able to accommodate your needs, whatever they are and they will do anything from one small personal item all the way to huge production runs!

Since we have another family wedding coming up, I thought it would be great to gift a piece of work from Anything Engraving. After going through the different items offered, and there are a lot, I settled on an engraved 3-D cross.

I did blur out the family names as it is not my place to share them.

This piece is absolutely beautiful in person, I tried to capture that beauty as much as possible in pictures but they really don’t do it justice.

This beautiful two-toned cherry cross combines two elegant wood finishes, skillfully carved and lacquered, as well as a lovely three-dimensional appeal and I love this stacked look.

If I were the spiritual type, I would love one of these in our home but since I am not, I am happy that we do get to gift it to a newlywed couple who is and that I know will cherish it for many, many years to come.

Buy It

You can order your own personalized 3-D cross or gift one to a friend from Anything Engraving for just $54.99 plus shipping and handling.


Be sure to connect with Anything Engraving on Facebook and Twitter.


The eneloop 10th Anniversary Giveaway

Here we are, the beginning of October and fall is in full swing here in Wisconsin. Before we know it, the leaves will all be on the ground, Halloween and Thanksgiving will have come and gone and we will be getting ready for Christmas. It’s crazy to think about it, but my reality as a mom of 5 who is preparing for holiday shopping has to look at it this way.

When you are shopping for kids and buying toys, there is always something else you need to stock up on and that is batteries. In our house, we can never have enough batteries on hand and over the years, we’ve gotten smarter and started purchasing rechargeable batteries like eneloop from Panasonic.

Celebrating 10 Years for a Good Reason

According to (February 20, 2015), eneloop has the ‘Best Rechargeable Batteries and Chargers of 2015’. eneloop batteries were launched in 2005 with a very simple idea in mind; provide people with a battery that could be recharged over and over again (actually up to 2,100 times) and to make it really easy to use for work, play and everything in between. Check out eneloop in action over on YouTube.

Get the Facts

When you buy eneloop you can bet that you will get the following:

  • Powerful: can maintain a 70% charge for up to 10 years*
  • Cost Efficient: can be recharged up to 2100 times*
  • Environmental: pre-charged using solar power at the factory*
  • Winter Power: perform at temperatures as low as -4oF*

10 for 10 Tenth Anniversary Giveaway

To celebrate eneloop’s tenth anniversary, they are hosting the “10 for 10 Tenth Anniversary Giveaway” to help you get charged-up for the holiday! The sweepstakes features 10 days of giveaways, plus a chance to win a grand prize 5-night stay at a luxurious, all-inclusive resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The sweepstakes entry period begins on Monday, October 5, 2015 and ends on Friday, November 6, 2015. To enter the sweepstakes all you have to do is visit Panasonic on Facebook and “Like” or comment on the eneloop sweepstakes post. Winners will be drawn randomly from each sweepstakes during the promotion period.



Help Brands Grow with C Space – Earn Rewards

Have you ever had a great idea for one of your favorite brands? C Space is a company that helps brands grow by connecting them with their customers, who in turn create impactful insights for their brand.

You’re invited to join their new, private online community where you can interact with other members like yourself, and impact a variety of brands like Hallmark, Twitter, Nestle, or Samsung (to name a few) who work with C Space. Whether you’re interested in retail, CPG, technology brands, etc, there’s a large assortment of activities to interact with.

In addition to your impact on these companies’ products and services, members will earn Amazon gift codes for their participation in the community.

Have a say in what comes next by signing up today: