All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

Seasonal Shopping at Gordmans

As the leaves hit the ground here in Wisconsin, we are getting ready for all of the cooler weather that is headed our way before we hit winter. We still have days when it is extremely warm but then we have the days where you want to bundle up with a blanket and slippers and drink hot cocoa. This is Wisconsin, the land where the seasons change, sometimes all 4 in one day.

Since things are cooling off, Zack and I went through his fall and winter wardrobe, only to discover that he has outgrown most of his clothes. Teenagers….they just keep growing. Of course, since he needed a few things I thought it would be a great idea for him to head out and do some shopping, so off to Gordmans he went.

Gordmans is still a fairly new store to my kids as we have only had one in Green Bay for 2 years now. Since Zack and Libby are both teenagers now, I like to give them a little more freedom when it comes to shopping and often let them go off together and get the job done and Gordmans was the perfect place to send them.

At Gordmans, new merchandise arrives daily offering an incredible selection of today’s latest brands, fashions and styles in apparel and home décor, big savings of up to 60% off department and specialty store prices every day, and outstanding guest service.

Thanks to Gordmans and their low prices, it has quickly become one of the kids favorite stores to shop at and of course, with their low prices, I’m totally okay with that!

Of course, when you unleash teenagers in a store to do some shopping for themselves, you know they are going to have some fun with it because – no adult supervision. The best thing about sending them off on their own, aside from the fact that I didn’t have to go with, is having a teenage daughter who takes video so you can put it on the internet to laugh at.

At least they had fun shopping, that makes me happy.

In the end, Zack walked away with 2 new pairs of joggers, a hooded sweatshirt, and a fancy new watch and Libby picked up a funky jersey. Overall, they spent just over $70 which means they did some smart shopping.

Gordmans Turns 100!

This year, Gordmans is celebrating being in business for a century. President and CEO Jeff Gordman has positioned the Company for continued success. Founded in 1915 as a family-owned business, Jeff’s grandfather, Dan Gordman, was innovative in leading the Company – he helped pioneer the idea of the racetrack-shopping configuration, making it easy to navigate a big-box store. He also introduced centralized checkouts, shopping carts and self-service shoes through his growing retail chain.

In addition to turning 100, guests can now conveniently shop online at, providing 24/7 savings of up to 60% off department store prices, anytime, anywhere AND get free shipping on orders over $75!


Sharing the Bread by Pat Zietlow Miller

Even though it is October, I am one of those people who starts to get eager about the holidays the minute October 1st hits. I love fall and everything that comes with it, even books for the kids to enjoy together.

Now, I know Thanksgiving is over a month away but I wanted to share this book with you in time for you to pick it up before the holiday because Sharing The Bread (ages 4-8) is the perfect read-aloud book to celebrate the Thanksgiving tradition.

In this beautiful ode to Thanksgiving, set at the turn of the century, a large family works together to make their special meal. Mama prepares the turkey; Daddy tends the fire; Sister kneads the bread dough; and Brother bastes the bird as it roasts. Everyone—from Grandma and Grandpa to the littlest baby—has a special job to do.

I haven’t shared this book with the kids yet as I want to wait until we get closer to Thanksgiving but I have read through it myself and think it is a great book. From beautiful illustrations to a great story, I know this is a book that my kids will truly enjoy when we do read it.

If you are looking for a book to share with your children this Thanksgiving, definitely give Sharing The Bread a try.

Unlimited Access to Your Favorite Magazines with Texture

For as long as I can remember I have been a magazine junkie. I love gossip magazines, family focused, cooking, and I’ll admit it I was into all of the teeny-bopper magazines as well. As much as I loved all of those magazines as a kid and as much as I love the magazines I do read now, I am not a fan of the hefty price tag that comes along with all of them or the stack of magazines I end up with in the end.

Thanks to a crazy new app called Texture by Next Issue, you can now get your magazines delivered to you electronically. One app, one price, all you can read for just $14.99 a month AND you get your first month for free!

Say goodbye to subscriptions and clutter and say hello to Texture.

Texture brings you the world’s best magazines, reimagined. You can choose any issue from a catalog that includes all the top titles in each category: Time, Vogue, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, People, National Geographic and more.

With Texture you can:

  • Get unlimited access the most current premium content from trusted sources/brands/publishers.
  • Find content you care about faster through personal recommendations and curated collections.
  • Organize and save your content for easy access when you want to read (great for recipe clippers, like me).
  • Bring extra dimension to your reads through bonus digital content (including audio and video content).
  • Download content for great reading anytime—even when offline.
  • Easily search across all (current and back) issues for the best writing on any interest.

The Texture app is available for free on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad mini using iOS 7.0 and up, devices using Android 4.0 and up, and Windows 8 and Windows RT PCs and tablets

I have discovered some great new recipes thanks to Texture and it’s so easy to have the recipe with me on the go when at the store since I can just pull it up on my phone.

Try Texture for Free for 30 Days

With Texture, you can get your first month for free! Your free trial will give you unlimited access to all monthly & weekly magazines, access to all back issues, get access on up to 5 devices per account, and there is no commitment, you can cancel your account at any time.

As an added bonus, anyone who starts a free trial in October will be entered to win amazing prizes all month long, just for signing up for and reading in the app.





5 Movies You Should Watch with Your Girlfriends this Weekend

If you are planning a movie night with your best friends – I just get the best list ever! Today I am going to share a short list of, in my opinion, best five movies that will perfectly embrace this great occasions of best friends gathering. I can bet that all of this movies will give you a lot of great times and make you all a lot closer too. So – are you ready? Here are the best five movies for a girls’ movie night!

Photo Source

Mean Girls (2004)

The ultimate ‘chick flick’ is perfect for a girls’ movie night for sure! And since we probably all know we story we don’t need to tell you the plot. But for those who don’t – it is a movie about a girl who starts going to a new school and tries to become a popular girl while befriending ‘mean girls’. It is a teaching story too. It also shows how exceptional a strong friendship can be. I can’t think of the better movie to watch with your girlfriends!

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Another movie is a real classic one. A movie adaption of Truman Capote’s book with the same name, tells a story about a young man and his new neighbor (portrayed by legendary Audrey Hepburn). They soon meet and start a friendship and need to overcome many problems and obstacles you can’t even imagine. I think that this movie is worth to watch, because it is not only legendary, but some parts of it became a pop culture icons too.

Clueless (1995) 

This movie is a lot funnier, but it also teaches many valuable lessons worth to see with your girlfriends. It tells a story about one rich girl who tries to boost a new girl’s popularity but reckons without affairs of the heart getting in the way. Nevertheless, I love Clueless because of its sophisticated humor and the fact that every one of us can find something of ourselves in it too.

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Knew it or not, but this movie is a modern interpretation of one William Shakespeare novel you probably read in high school. But if you didn’t – well this movie is going to show you the same story this time dress in modern students’ problems. ‘10 Things I Hate about You’ is also one of the first movies in which we can meet late Heath Ledger. So get some tissues and gather your girlfriends, because you are going to cry a lot at the end of this movie for sure!

27 Dresses (2008)

For the end, a film about a girl who has been a bridesmaid for 27 times, but never a bride. But it gets all interesting then the main character in the movie fights with the idea of standing by her sister’s side as her sibling marries the man she is secretly in love with! Follow her story in this movie and have a good laugh with your friends too. At the end of the day – it is always fun to watch a movie with weddings in it. And in this case – 27 ones!

So know you should start looking for these movies to buy or rent, and I can’t think of the better way to do that than buying or renting them from Amazon. 

Help OneSight #HelpTheWorldSee

I will never forget the day in 3rd grade when I had to go to the eye doctor with my mom. I knew that I had issues with my eyes before that day because I was already struggling with seeing the blackboard from across the classroom. Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised when I returned to school the next day sporting some fresh pink glasses.

That’s me, a few months later as a 4th grader at my birthday party rocking my sweet pink glasses.

Now that I have kids, I am not at all surprised that one of them has awful vision just like me and I’m sure out of the 3 youngest, at least 1 of them will as well. These days we are fortunate to be able to wear contacts (even though I wear my glasses most days).

Unfortunately, there are others, around the globe, who aren’t fortunate enough to have access to vision care and wants to help change that.

OneSight is an independent nonprofit committed to eradicating the global vision care crisis. Their promise is simple: they will not stop until the world can see.  Their mission is to provide access to eye exams and glasses to underserved communities around the world. This is done this through quality short-term care and long-term sustainable solutions. OneSight provides charitable and sustainable solutions to meet both the immediate and long-term vision care needs of underserved communities, both internationally and domestically. They believe that through permanent access and sustainable practices, vision care can become readily available to every community, country and continent in our lifetime. 

Help OneSight

You can help OneSight today by making a donation. Even $1 makes a difference for the 1.1 billion without access to vision care.

Spread the Word

You can help spread the word and show your support for OneSight by posting a photo on social media showing off your “hand glasses” with the hashtag #HelpTheWorldSee to bring attention to OneSight’s mission.


You can connect with OneSight on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.