Tag Archives: van

Farewell Lola

This past weekend, the Alex and I packed up the minivan and headed West to Eau Claire to see my sister in law graduate from college.
Along the way we had fun signing and chair dancing and just enjoying time together.
Then, about an hour from our destination, the engine in our van blew up.
Blew up as in it decided that it did not want to work anymore.
So, there we sat.
On the side of the highway.
Next to a cross that said R.I.P. Don.
My father in law had to drive the hour from Eau Claire to rescue us.
Lola, my poor van was towed to a dealership and then off to be salvaged.
It was a very sad weekend.

A moment of silence please……

R.I.P Lola
A member of The Megalomaniac Family
June 7th 2009 – May 20th 2011
You will be missed.

So, we have spent the past few days shopping for a van and have found one.
We pick it up tonight!!!
So after today, we will be the proud owners of a 2005 Dodge Caravan and will be making car payments once again.
I am excited and can’t wait to pick up the van because for the past 4 days we have been cramming our family of 5 into our 2003 Kia Spectra which is a very, very tight squeeze and after 5 minutes in the car we want to kill each other.

Watch for pictures of the new van!