Tag Archives: The Three Musketeers

THE THREE MUSKETEERS – on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray & DVD 3/13/12

Things have been crazy around our house lately, crazy as in super busy! I have barely had a moment to myself let alone the time to watch a movie so I enlisted the help of 13 year old Zack to conduct a review for The Three Musketeers, a movie he had been dying to see!
Here are his thoughts on the film!

Overall I found this movie to be funny and entertaining all at the same time.  It was an exciting film filled with some awesome special effects like flying pirate ships attached to giant balloons.  This movie had a great star filled cast including Loan Perman from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Orlando Bloom from Pirates of the Caribbean and I can’t forget the beautiful Milla Jovovich (shhhh…..don’t tell my mom I said that!)

Both my sister, the 11 year old Libby and my little brother, 4 year old Alexander popped in a few times while I was watching it and started to get sucked in as well ( I of course made them leave because, HELLO……it’s rated PG-13!!!!)

This movie also had some cool special features like deleted and extended scenes that were cool to watch, stories from the cast and crew and more!


To sum things up, I enjoyed the movie and I hope you do to!

Here is a clip for you to check it out while I head off to bed before my mom makes me do more work!

Disclaimer:  We received a promotional copy of this film for review purposes, all thoughts and opinions are our own.