Tag Archives: Switched at Birth

Switched At Birth Vol. 1 Now on DVD

One of my favorite new shows this year is ABC Family’s Switched At Birth starring Vanessa Marano and Katie Laclerc. If you have not caught this show yet, you are truly missing out.

Here is a synopsis of the show:
A groundbreaking new drama about the upheaval that two teen
girls experience when they discover that they were accidentally switched at birth.

Bay Kennish, a talented graffiti artist with an edgy streak, grew up in a wealthy family with happily married parents and an older brother. Daphne
Vasquez, an athletic teenager who lost her hearing at an early age, grew up with a single mother in a working class neighborhood. When the girls’
worlds collide, family bonds are tested, new romances are sparked, and they start to learn that it’s who they are inside that matters, not where they
grew up.

When this show first started airing, I was immediately sucked into it. I love the story line and the direction the show is headed.

Here is a quick peek at an episode.

Not only am I hooked on this show but my 11 year old daughter, the Libby is as well.

For those of you who haven’t seen the show, you can pick up Volume 1 of the series on DVD in stores now for right around $30! It also includes “Switched at Birth” exclusive collectible iPod skins.

Definitely a good investment if you ask me.
We are enjoying watching Volume 1 while we wait for the show to hit the air once again.

Disclaimer: I was provided with this collection at no cost to me in exchange for my complete and honest review. All words and thoughts are my own.