Tag Archives: siblings

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is an ugly, ugly thing.
I see it in my house everyday.
The Libby and Zack are CONSTANTLY at each others throats.
I don’t know if it’s because they are brother and little sister or if it’s because they are so close in age (only 17 months apart) or if it’s because the dislike each other most days.
What I do know is that I am getting real sick of it and now,
now it’s getting VERY expensive!

Yes, that’s my Zack in a wheelchair….AGAIN.

Needless to say, they had a little “misunderstanding” and we ended up in the ER once again.
This was in April.
I was hoping that things would get better over the past 3 months but they haven’t.
Now with school out they are at each others throats even more.

Don’t get me wrong, they have their moments throughout the day when they are freakishly nice to each other.
Take yesterday for example.
The day started with them yelling and screaming at each other.
Then they hit each other a few times.
Then I separated them and handed them their chores to keep them apart.
Then 2 hours later, they are sitting at the table together giggling and talking and being the best of friends.
Fast forward a few hours later when I hear how much they each hate the other one.

My latest threat to help them learn to get along is that I am going to move them into the smallest bedroom in the house together with bunk beds until they learn to get along and appreciate one another.

How do you deal with fights between your children??