Tag Archives: privacy

Thoughts at 5 am

Last night I fell asleep at 11pm, which for me, is a very rare occurrence. Being someone who doesn’t sleep for long periods of time, I found myself wide awake in bed at 3am.
I tried to go back to sleep but was unsuccessful.
And then I did something I very rarely get to do.
I took a shower without being interrupted by any children.
I forgot what it was like to not have a kid in the bathroom asking questions, standing between the shower curtains talking to me as my 3 year old likes to do.
No, this morning I took a shower in absolute peace and quiet.
I stayed in that shower for 30 minutes.
I think it may be the best past of my entire week.
Not only did I shower without any kids busting in on my me time, I also watched The Switch which I have been dying to see and am currently watching Due Date and waiting for the Alex to get home from work.
I’m pretty sure I am going to take further advantage of this rare occasion and eat without the worry of having someone sample some of my food too.
Happy Saturday!