Tag Archives: preparing

Preparing for a new arrival

As the family and I prepare in every way possible for the arrival of Little Miss Ellie I thought now would be a good time to start jotting things down that we need to do, what we’ve done and start planning for the big day.  I also thought that while I am in the process of recording these things here it would be pretty cool if I looked back and shared my first 3 birth stories.  I’ve always had the intention to write them down for each of the kids so they would have them when they were older but the birth story is kind of like the baby book….one of those things that is forgotten over time.

So, first things first.
We have finally started getting things ready around the house.
We haven’t done a lot yet but we definitely made one big improvement.

Yes, Little Miss Ellie officially has a place to sleep once she arrives.
The Alex was kind enough to assemble the new crib we purchased last week.
I am quite pleased with our purchase since Ellie will have a bed that can grow with her.
We have also picked up a few clothing items here and there in addition to a nice supply of diapers.
And that, that is where our prepping ends.
We have yet to….
Get a car seat
Get a stroller
Get a bouncy seat
Get a swing
Buy crib bedding
Buy Wipes
Buy onesies
Pick up breastfeeding supplies
And the list goes on and on and ON!

Oh, but she does have a tutu already!