Tag Archives: MyFitnessPal

Getting Fit in 2011

The Alex and I have made it our goal this year to get fit and shed the extra pounds.
His goal is to lose 60lbs.
For me, the goal is more then double his.
My goal is to lose 169lbs.
I am THAT overweight.
And yes, I am disgusted by that.
So far, we have started on the right path.
I will be posting my progress on my blog and you will be able to follow it by navigating to the Getting Fit tab in the menu bar.
I’ve also posted a really cool ticker at the top of the Getting Fit page that will show you my current weight loss and it will update regularly.
My weight is something I have struggled with for a very long time.
I’ve tried diet after diet after diet and have had little success.
I am now at a point in my life when I am sick of being the fat girl and want to be healthy.
I want to be there for my kids and be able to participate in activities with them.
I am not on this journey just for me, but for my family as well.

Now, we haven’t joined a weight loss program, had any type of surgery or found some new fad celebrity diet.
We are simply tracking what we eat based on calories.
Right now, we both consume WAY TO MANY calories a day.
We’ve both cut out the bad foods in our diet and have started to measure what we are eating in order to control our portion sizes.
Have you ever actually measured out the serving sizes on a bowl of cereal?
It’s actually A LOT!

We have both installed the MyFitnessPal App on our Android phones and are using both the mobile app and computer based version to track the foods we are eating, our weight loss, exercise etc.

For now, I am outta here. Time to head into the other room and break out my new Biggest Loser game for the Wii and get some exercise in!

(***DISCLOSURE*** Dear FCC, MyFitnessPal is in no way associated with this blog site, has not compensated me in any way, shape or form for writing this post. We chose MyFitnessPal because it was the program that best suited our needs.)