Tag Archives: Instagram

Easily Set Parental Controls with the OurPact App

Having teenagers who are on social media is exhausting. Although my kids are great when it comes to behaving themselves on these platforms, as well as the internet in general, I’ll admit, my kids spend a lot of time of the internet and at times, it is very distracting for them.

Now that they are required to have a device at school with them at all times to connect to the internet, I tend to monitor them A LOT more to ensure they are staying on task while at school. Setting up parental controls on their computers is a breeze but their phones, that’s another story.

When it comes to iPhones, I can restrict use on things but I don’t like to do that unless they are being punished and honestly, setting restrictions is a pain and can get time consuming. Most of the time, the problem I have is one of them is on their phone at school, checking Facebook or posting to Instagram and once they leave the house, I can’t take apps away without their phone in hand.

And then, I met the OurPact App, the best parental control app out there!


OurPact is an app that gives parents the ability to block apps, the internet, and even schedule device use time for your child.

The app is super easy to install and setup when you have downloaded it from the app store. All you have to do is download the app on your phone and register an account. From there, you log into the server on your teens iOS device and agree to the terms of the service and then follow the on-screen steps to complete the process.

Once you are all registered and setup, go to the app on your phone and you now have full control of your child’s device,

With the simple on-screen controls, I can decide how much time the kids have access to their apps and the internet and I can restrict things during certain times like during school hours and sleep hours.

I love the fact that while they are at school, if I see that they are being active on social media, I can easily restrict them from using it with a quick swipe.

The Power of OurPact

  • Schedule Internet and App use according to your child’s daily routine, and among the weekdays or  weekend.
  • Set the number of hours your children spend on the Internet and within Apps.  
  • Block Internet and Apps at­a­touch.  
  • Allow Website and App access, whenever you feel your child “needs more time”, at­a­touch.  
  • Block all apps (eg. Facebook, SnapChat, Intagram, Twitter, etc.), as you see fit. 

Aside from being an awesome and easy to use app, it’s also FREE and if you know me, I like things even more when they don’t cost me extra money!

Get the OurPact App

You can download the OurPact parental control App by ParentsWare in the App Store for Free.



You can connect with OurPact and stay up to date on new features or future apps by following them on Facebook and Twitter.

15 Months

On Tuesday of this week, Joey turned 15 months.

How is it possible that this happy, sweet, loving and wonderful little boy has already been part of our world for 15 months?

It’s crazy to believe that it’s already been 15 months since Joey became a part of our lives.  Having the opportunity to watch this little guy grow and learn everyday of his life has been an absolute blessing.

Joey is a boy that is so full of life that loves his family, his dog and to laugh.  When I say he loves to laugh, it is an understatement.  Joey thinks it’s laugh your butt off funny to spin in circles, slide down the back of the couch, have someone smell his stinky feet, and so much more. At 15 months old, he has learned to find humor in everything.

Seriously…..what’s not to love with this kid?

And to think….we though we were done after Ellie was born.  I’m beyond words glad that something out there decided we weren’t finished with our family and that we now have Joey. 

It now feel that our family is complete!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for instant updates!